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denisea Oct 31st, 2014 05:38 PM

Not in years.....but clearly I need to find it on Netflix for a little pre-trip fix!

denisea Jul 4th, 2015 08:52 AM

Well, plans change and I took a new job in Jan 2015. After hiring a team in the first part of the year, I didn't feel like I could afford to be away in May. So we moved our trip to mid-September 2015 (although being away in September will also be challenging, but I'm gonna do it. We also came across a hotel on the AC that I could not turn down, so we tweaked our itinerary a little bit.

We still will fly in and out of Rome. I have Francesco booked to pick us up at FCO and deliver our jet lagged selves to Le Sireneuse. We will spend 6 nights there and then move up the coast to Monastero Santa Rosa for 3 nights. I doubt we will leave the grounds there...Prosecco and infinity pool. A spa day is planned for our last day. We will head to Rome, only for one night. We will stay at Albergo del Senato (Prosecco and Pantheon) as our flight home doesn't depart until noon. Maybe we will take the train from Salerno to Rome...not sure.

We are really looking forward to it.

Dayle Jul 4th, 2015 02:46 PM


Sounds divine! Don't let anything stop you in September.

Buon viaggio

yestravel Jul 4th, 2015 09:04 PM

The hotel looks gorgeous -- have a fabulous trip.

annhig Jul 5th, 2015 02:22 AM

Denise - you know how to travel!

[not my style, but I admire yours]

denisea Jul 5th, 2015 04:39 AM

Dayle - going come hell or high water and I will be calling in favors to get people to handle a big program I will have going on during the trip (so I can "forget" about it while I am gone).

TPAYT Jul 5th, 2015 05:36 AM

New job, Amalfi Coast----you truly will be 50 and fabulous. Congrats!

I'll be following along with a glass of Prosecco in hand.

denisea Jul 5th, 2015 01:47 PM

Thanks TPAYT--- you are most kind.

ekc Jul 6th, 2015 08:01 AM

Congrats Denisea - you deserve it! Can't wait for the TR, if you get around to doing one!

When in September are you going? I just found out I am going to be in Positano (at ISP) the last week in September!

denisea Jul 6th, 2015 09:08 AM

Mid month---arrive Sept 11 and depart Sept 20. Will just miss you.

tomarkot Jul 13th, 2015 12:57 PM

Hi Denisea, so happy that your plans for the AC are all set. Can't imagine your excitement after waiting so long! We'll be in Central Europe at about the same time period, but sending positive vibes down your way. The AC is so beautiful. Know you'll enjoy.

hudsonguz Jul 13th, 2015 02:49 PM

Denisea, I just returned from a 4 night's stay at Albergo del Senato in Rome. It was wonderful! The staff is awesome and the views of the Pantheon are beautiful! Love the roof top bar! Have a great trip!

denisea Jul 13th, 2015 03:34 PM

So ready! Less than 60 days now until we leave...time is dragging now!

TPAYT Jul 14th, 2015 05:25 AM

You can't wait to be on your way and I'm looking forward to your trip report when you return----you travel with such style and describe in excellent detail.

AC has always been on my bucket list. Since it isn't in the cards for us this year, I'm depending on you to take me along! Got my Prosecco chilling!

Speaking of Prosecco----Salute or cin cin!!!

yestravel Jul 14th, 2015 09:52 AM

Lots of interest in Prosecco -- nobody likes limoncello which for me personifies sountehrn Italy. Hope you have a fabulous trip.

denisea Jul 14th, 2015 01:58 PM

I do like limoncello but I have to be careful when consuming it and look forward to sipping a little on the AC....but nothing tops a sparkling wine for me!

TPAYT ! It has taken forever for us to get to the AC...I will do my best on the TR. This is one of those trips that I have not had time to plan very much....may not be the most packed itinerary!

ekc Jul 14th, 2015 02:24 PM

Denisea, it is a GOOD thing that you haven't had time to plan very much. The AC is generally not about "doing" and checking a box, it is about relaxing and taking in the gorgeous scenery, eating the fabulous food and enjoying the local wine. Just one of the reasons it is my favorite spot in Italy.

When I am eating at Tre Sorelle, I always tell the waiter to have Luigi (the owner) choose a local wine for me - I have yet to be disappointed! Tre Sorelle also has a few splits of prosecco, if an entire bottle would be a problem (it never is for me). :-)

If you can find it, try the DUBL Brut sparkling wine by Feudi San Gregorio (just outside of Salerno). I recently read a write-up about it and can't wait to find it when I return!

denisea Jul 14th, 2015 03:05 PM

I am intrigued ekc! Will definitely look for that--we can always finish a bottle so no worries there! Always an interest a sampling a new sparkling wine.

You have definitely caught on to our plan (or lack thereof)! I know there are a few things we want to do but mostly admiring the view is what the plan is. Maybe we will count the glasses of prosecco we consume and make that the trivia question for the TR!!! ��

tomarkot Jul 17th, 2015 12:23 PM

Hi Denisea, thought of you when we rec'd our August issue of Travel & Leisure Mag. It has a nice 8-page spread on the AC. If you subscribe, you may have seen it; but, if not, it seems worth a look.

denisea Jul 18th, 2015 07:40 AM

WHAT?? Am headed to the store and will pick this up or download to my iPad. Thanks, as most of the time these magazine stories come out just after I return from the spot they highlight! For once to see it BEFORE we go is awesome!!


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