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rywith22 Sep 15th, 2014 05:37 PM

18 days - Turkey, Greece and Italy
My wife and I are planning a trip to Turkey, Greece and Italy next April for 18 days. Here's how I have it laid out, give me some feedback please:

Istanbul - 3 days
Ephesus – 1 day day-trip from Istanbul
Cappadocia - 2 days
Santorini - 2 days
Athens – 2 days
Venice - 2 days
Rome - 6 days

While in Rome, I'll be going to Naples for a day or 2. I want to visit Pompeii.

WWK Sep 15th, 2014 05:53 PM

You may have to fly through Athens to get to Santorini, so you might need to reverse that order.

Also, I assume you're flying home from Rome. If that's true, you should consider flying Venice-Naples, then taking the fast train from Naples to Rome.

Sassafrass Sep 15th, 2014 06:11 PM

It does not look like you have allowed any time for getting from place to place. It is going to use up considerable time for all that major travel.

Istanbul to Cappadocia, even flying will use up half a day getting there. How do you plan to get from Cappadocia to Santorini? I see most of a day used up there and from Santorini to Athens, another half day. Another 3/4 day from Athens to Venice and a half day from Venice to Rome. These are minimum times.

In Istanbul, as an example, you have to figure time getting from hotel to airport, going through security, flight time, bus to hotel in Cappadocia, etc.

How many days do you actually have on the ground, how many nights? What time will you actually arrive in Istanbul the first day? If you are coming from the US, allow for jet lag the first day.

With all the travel time I know is involved, I suggest you cut one country. I would cut Greece or Turkey.

Keep 4 days in Rome and spend a couple on the coast since you want to see Pompeii.

denisea Sep 15th, 2014 07:42 PM

I think your are moving around too much. You are essentially changing cities every 2 days....we spent 9 days in Rome and didn't come close to seeing it all. I understand the desire to see as much as possible but you may spend so much time in transit that you will see the inside of train stations and airports. I would trade Naples and Pompeii for Venice, if it is a must for you.

kja Sep 15th, 2014 07:53 PM

This trip sounds very rushed to me. As an example, I would not have wanted less than 6 full days in Istanbul or less than 3 in Cappadocia or Venice. And I don't see any allotment of time for transportation. I recommend that you get some good guidebooks (or spend some time with a few in your local library), identify the things you most want to see in each location, note their opening/closing times, and mark them on a calendar. Then pencil in your transportation, add some time on either side (for getting to/from the train/bus station or whatever, checking in/out, packing/unpacking, getting oriented, etc.). Then see how things fit together. You might end up deciding to cut a destination or two - or more!

sandralist Sep 16th, 2014 01:42 AM

The fast train from Venice to Naples is pretty fast -- just over 5 hours without a train change -- so I am not sure you save all that much time or money going to the Venice airport and flying if you end up keeping both cities in your itinerary.

rywith22 Sep 16th, 2014 04:51 AM

I appreciate all the responses and I knew it would be considered a "packed" itinerary but it's better to have to much on the list when asking for feedback then not, right? :)

I forgot to mention that I've been to Rome twice already so I'm not a "newbie" as far as seeing the sights goes there, it's just my favorite place on earth so I wanted to go again. I know how to get around on the trains there going to Naples and such....

We've come up with a list of the things we want to see in both Istanbul and Cappadocia as well. But, what is the best way to travel between the two places? I know I can do a flight from Istanbul to Ephesus without much issue but what is the best was to visit Cappadocia from Istanbul??

Next, what would be the best way to travel to Greece from Turkey?? I don't mind going to Athens or Santorini first, as WWK mentioned, it might be easier to go to Athens and then Santorini from there but I'm open to sugggestions there...??

Lastly, would it be easier/better to fly from Athens to Rome and hit Venice on the train (it's about 3 1/2 - 4 hours on the fast train) OR go from Athens to Venice??

Thanks for the answers thus far, it's very much appreciated.

Kathie Sep 16th, 2014 07:07 AM

All these places where you say you have two days, I'm guessing you have one night. One night is just that, a night in a hotel in a city - no time to see/do experience anything. It takes three nights in a place to get two days.

I don't think it matters how you get from place to place if you aren't going to spend any time there!

Cut half of your destinations (at least) and choose places in the same general area so you don't lose so much time in transport.

yorkshire Sep 16th, 2014 08:35 AM

Do some digging on kayak or skyscanner or whatever website you like. It is best to do at least some minimal scoping out of transport options before making an itinerary. That way you get instant data instead of waiting to see if some random person happens to know all the flight options for Santorini. I don't think half has to go, but I would eliminate Greece this time--put that time in Turkey, and you will not regret one second!

WWK Sep 16th, 2014 03:19 PM

You can fly to Athens on AEGEAN/Olympic from the airport in Izmir. Izmir is not far from Ephesus. I seem to remember it was under an hour to drive it.

You can also take a hydrofoil from Marmaris to Rhodes, Greece, but Marmaris is at least a few hours drive from Ephesus.

AEGEAN/Olympic flies from Athens-Venice, so I'm not sure why you'd want to spend extra time flying from Athens-Rome, then the train to Venice.

WWK Sep 16th, 2014 03:27 PM

BTW, I do agree that you've got too many destinations. You'll quickly discover how expensive and tiring it is to get place to place in three countries. Something needs to go! If it were me, I'd take out Venice, split the extra days between Santorini and Athens, then end in Rome.

oblivioustraveler Sep 24th, 2014 04:16 AM

I am planning the same tour with different cities:
Here's the link to my post please check and let me know what do you think:

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