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wtggirl May 20th, 2005 06:13 PM

Beachboi, fyi, travel agents don't travel for a song much anymore! There is a space available deal on many cruise lines but it is such a hassle to get (last minute) that it's not worth it. I have been in the business about 14 years and in 17 cruise never done the "stand by". When I was an "agent" I once went at the expense of the agency , but all the other times basically looked for a good deal and back out the commission. What I am getting to is the "travel agents" did not want to reveal their identity for the fact everyone thinks they are traveling free when they aren't and they don't want to "work" answering questions, etc! Once when I was on an 8 hour charter layover in Cancun a group of drunk obnoxious passengers found out I was in the travel industry. They started yelling at me that I should be able to get them another plane to get them home!!! I started keeping my mouth shut after that about my occupation!

Branv May 23rd, 2005 07:56 AM

You know, on that note I'm reminded of something. One time I was trapped at an airport myself and a group of us started chatting to pass the time. I made the mistake of mentioning that I was a recruiter (just thankful the DH wasn't with me since he's the one in IT and half of them had laptops ;) ).

I have to admit that those hours went by swiftly as I fielded resume and "connections" questions. I didn't mind so much, but it was exhausting. Then again, I've never felt so popular in my life ;)

moondoghmb May 27th, 2005 09:12 AM

I am glad to hear that some MD's are courageous enough to leave their jobs behind on the cruises. On one cruise, one of the passengers went on and on and on about his medical history and continually told all of his fellow tablemates that they were making unhealthy choices at dinner - spoiling the experience. Each night, more of his tablemates asked to be moved to another table to the point where this obnoxious guy was by himself at the end of the cruise.

Worldfamous May 27th, 2005 10:54 AM

I did tell a lady I was a proctologist after she insisted on knowing what I did for a living.

jacketwatch May 27th, 2005 01:54 PM

We had a strange duck at our table once. He was quirky and crabby at the same time. The funny thing was his luggage had been lost and the ship gave him a tux to wear which, combined with his Nikes, well you get the picture. :-)

P_M May 27th, 2005 03:06 PM

Worldfamous, it's a good thing she didn't come to you later with a medical problem for you to look at.... :&

ncgrrl May 31st, 2005 11:55 AM


What would be the most boring profession?

Though answering proctologist is good way to end a conversation.

Maybe I'll become an actuary. But then, people might start complaining I cause an increase in insurance rates.

What if the doctors on vacation just said they were 'scientists'

pegoode Jun 10th, 2005 06:27 AM

We find the most relaxing thing to do is live in the 'here and now' when we're on a cruise. We encourage our travel partners and table mates to do the same. We are on vacation and really don't want to be reconnecting with thoughts of work or home until we have to. It's interesting how hard it is for people to give it up and chill out. A friend of ours finally told someone that he was a dry cleaner just to get the guy to stop asking. It worked and no other questions were asked....I still want to know how dry cleaning works but obviously he couldn't tell me!

kswl Jun 10th, 2005 11:09 AM

This is a good question---and the answers run the gamut from funny to thought-provoking. We seem to have the worst of both worlds: when my husband tells people he is a surgeon, they ask him about a friend's nephew's girlfriend's operation. Or worse, their own!

And then when I tell them I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, you wouldn't believe the rolled eyes and (from that point on) assumptions that I am a stupid, fearful, fundamentalist Christian who doesn't have enough to do!

People assume way too much, and that's why we avoid getting into discussions about our occupations whist on holiday. I would love to learn how to do the rug thing, though, so I could legitimately call myself a "hooker." What an absolute scream!

picky Jun 18th, 2005 12:06 PM

After telling people I was from NYC, (now retired & living in FL) that I was a Sheep Herder. Since I was born and lived all my working life in NY and it's suburbs and an obvious NY type individual, saying this with a totally straight face,causes silence at the table and I never choose to clarify it unless someone wants to talk further about it.

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