negril in august - a gross and rainy time of year?!
I am planning a trip to Negril. I was hoping to go the first week of August, but have heard that it is hurricane season. Is it really hurricane season THAT early?! Would I be a fool to go to Negril this time of year? I really want to book something soon - but I want first-hand reports from people who have traveled there in August.<BR><BR>Thanks for your help!
Hurricane season runs from June through November, with the peak of the season running late August through early October. <BR>You run the risk and have to decide if it's worth. I've done it and had good luck but I ALWAYS buy trip insurance.
WE too usually go away to the islands in August and never had any bad weather - usually rains for a spell each afternoon but that is it. <BR><BR>Agree though to get the trip insurance.
July-August are generally hot and lazy days in Jamaica with the far greater likelihood you'll need to jettison your umbrella for sunscreen -- and pack lots of it. Yeah, it's 'official hurricane season' on island, but the patterns lately have been rainy May-June and storm-rainylate Sept/Oct. I'd not fret.
Thanks for the feedback! I guess it's a roll of the dice, eh? But, yeah, I have also heard that August is more hot than rainy in Jamaica. What does the trip insurance guarantee?
We went to Sandals in middle August 2002. Of the seven days we were there, there were small thunder shower five of them and they were always at 5:00 almost to the minute. It didn't hamper things for us at all. When the first sprinkle fell, we went in to our room, took a nap (the thunder sounds sooo great!) and when we awake the storms were always gone. <BR><BR>
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