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-   -   Who knew?? Canadians are healthier, wealthier, work less, live longer and have more sex than Americans. (

laverendrye Jun 27th, 2008 07:11 PM

Who knew?? Canadians are healthier, wealthier, work less, live longer and have more sex than Americans.
Read about it in the latest Macleans

traveljunkie28 Jun 29th, 2008 05:23 PM

Thanks for posting the article. So true!!!

Dukey Jun 30th, 2008 04:06 AM

Well I really do HATE to throw water on your little self-congratulatory party (what took you so long to figure this out yourselves is beyond some of us down here)...BUT, a LOT of us have known that the "America (the US) is the greatest" myth has been that for some time...a myth..perpetuated and sometimes with rather disastrous results.

Watch it all unfold as the year progresses and be glad you remain "Unarmed Americans with healthcare!"

Liam Aug 26th, 2008 06:42 PM

Hmmm... not sure I know how to respond. Congratulations, I guess. You must be very pleased with yourselves. :^p

NorthwestMale Aug 27th, 2008 11:56 AM

... yes, but Americans still have the right to 'freedom of speech' unlike Canadians and MacLeans in particular!!


tedgale Aug 27th, 2008 05:30 PM

Huh? What?

What limits are there on free speech in Canada?

Huh? Huh? What am I not getting, bro?

Baffled and confused (also kinda bored by all witless "LOL"-themed interventions)I remain


knickerbocker Aug 27th, 2008 06:49 PM

BTW, we're better-looking too. And gosh-darn-it, people like us! ;)

travel2live2 Aug 28th, 2008 08:46 AM

So true - people do like us! In travels to Europe people often assume we are American (more Americans travel) but when they find out we are Canadian they apologize profusely.

Once in Scotland the owner of the B&B in which I was staying mistook me for Amercian. After correcting him he went out and bought me a beautiful book on Scotland and told me it was because he was " happy to have a Canadian and not an American..." and he felt bad for making the wrong assumption. (He was the owner of a B&B I was staying at in St. Andrews.) :) He said in his experience Canadians are more polite and kind and quiet. Just his is difficult for me to be objective in this situation! :) Who knows? He may have had just one negative experience in the past.

Believe me, I have nothing against Americans (I used to work in the US and have many US friends). Sometimes it seems as though our reputation may be a bit better. I realize this is a sweeping generalization but from what others say I think it can be true.

nohomers Aug 28th, 2008 09:49 AM

"He said in his experience Canadians are more polite and kind and quiet."

Compliments from persons expecting a tip are to be taken with a grain of salt.

ontariogirl Aug 29th, 2008 12:35 PM

travel2live2- Watch your back! I said something similar about a trip we took to Ireland and was the subject of much hostility.

SallyCanuck Aug 29th, 2008 12:40 PM

"Believe me, I have nothing against Americans (I used to work in the US and have many US friends). Sometimes it seems as though our reputation may be a bit better. I realize this is a sweeping generalization but from what others say I think it can be true"

Yes, it's a sweeping generalization - I've seen appalling behaviour from Canadians abroad AND besides, when you know many Americans read these posts, it's just plain rude to make these comments here.

knickerbocker Aug 29th, 2008 01:09 PM

Not to put too fine an edge on it but, like any identifiable group, we have our share of dicks. Fortunately, they're in politics so nobody really thinks they're emblematic anyway. ;)

SallyCanuck Aug 29th, 2008 01:15 PM

And it looks like we'll be hearing way too much from them over the next few weeks.

knickerbocker Aug 29th, 2008 01:42 PM

Only if SH stamps his wittle feet. ;)

That Diefenbaker icebreaker thing is nothing short of astonishing. Of course, if our neighbours to the south recognise the name, it's only as a Mountie's© sidekick

LoveItaly Aug 30th, 2008 12:55 AM

Well SallyCanuck thank you. I say that as regarding in all of my travels the rudest person I ever ran into was a Canadian in Vancouver, BC. But I didn't put him in the classification of the typical Canadians. Not at all. I love your beautiful country and your people.

Travel2live2, your post makes me sad. And may I say if I were travelling anywhere and the comment was made to me in reverse I would stand up for you Canadians. I am sorry that I clicked on this thread.

Judyrem Aug 30th, 2008 06:33 AM

I agree with you Loveitaly. Sally you are spot on, IMO and thanks for your support.

Royal Aug 30th, 2008 04:09 PM

As a Canadian may I say that I love our neighbours to the South.

They are friendly, open and hospitable people. We share so much in common that I take it as an insult when others criticize them and always stand up for them.

LoveItaly Aug 30th, 2008 08:31 PM

Thank you Royal. I say that as a granddaughter of a Scot who was born and raised in your Maritime Islands.

As said before, I love your beautiful Canada and you Canadians. Dear Kodi will be here in San Francisco shortly and I am so looking forward to seeing her.

Part of my heart is in your country and please know that everyone I know that has had the pleasure of visiting your Canada has fallen in love with your country. Most of us think of you as our "northern cousins". Best regards.

Royal Aug 31st, 2008 03:52 AM

LoveItaly - glad you stayed around to hear that many of us love our American neighbours.

Our two countries are so closely linked both geographically and culturally it's important that we support each other.

We have the privilege of spending 3 months every year in Florida and love every minute of our time there. It is truly a privilege that we are able to be able to do this.

Judyrem Aug 31st, 2008 08:04 AM

Royal, we will be coming to Canada in 2 weeks. We will be visiting Niagara on the Lake 3 days, Toronto 4 days and Niagara Falls 2 days. We love our Canadian cousins too :-).

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