
During the fishing season (November 15–April 15, extended to the end of May in certain areas) local guides will take you to their favorite spots on lagos Lácar, Lolog, Villarino, and Falkner and on the ríos Caleufu, Quiquihue, Malleo, and Hermoso, or farther afield to the Chimehuín River and Lakes Huechulafquen and Paimún.

Intendencia de Parque Nacional Lanin. Permits for fishing are available at the Lanín National Park Office or any licensed fishing store along Avenida San Martín. Most stores and tour operators can suggest guides. Emilio Frey 749, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, 8370. 2972/420–664;

Jorge Cardillo. Since opening his small Fly Shop in 1994, this well-known local guide has gained a reputation for his friendly, familial fishing trips to nearby rivers like Meliquina, Filo Hua-Hum, and Caleufu. Villegas 1061, behind the casino, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, 8370. 2972/428–372;