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Santa_Claus Dec 17th, 2004 12:45 AM

Your Least-Liked Christmas Gift? - by Santa

((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G))

HO! - HO! - HO!

It's crunch time, boys and girls of the world! I have one week to go!

Wellllllll, Santa's made his list and he's checked it twice.
I'm simply searching for feedback on a gift that's not nice.
If you received it once, even twice, I'll ensure not thrice!!

Let me know which gift you received that was your least-liked so that we can all have a Merrrrrrrrry Christmas!!


((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G))

ellen_griswold Dec 17th, 2004 03:00 AM

Good morning, santa! So nice of you to ask! You rock!

Please don't leave anything with an electrical cord - a big no-no in this house!

And by the way, i've been veddy veddy good this year! ;) And as always, look for your little treat on the mantle, just for you big guy! ;)

love always,

jersey Dec 17th, 2004 03:32 AM

A angora sweater from a family member who knows I'm allergic to the stuff. Not very subtle....or was it the long brown wool coat when I was 12. Who gives a 12 yo a wool coat? Now I'd love it, but then I wanted record albums or bell bottoms.

And Santa, what I'd really like is a year full of health, joy, and no one dying in my family. It's been a rough year and I really really need some good stuff to happen.

PS-I've been a good girl all year, would you hold it against me if I kicked up my heels a bit when I go to Florida?

swalter518 Dec 17th, 2004 05:57 AM

Hmm, it would have to have been the cast iron frying pan my brother gave me the first year I moved out after college. It's a nice pan but really, the last thing a 24 yr. old wanted was a frying pan for Christmas, from my brother no less!

RandyK Dec 17th, 2004 08:43 AM

Hands down, it was the former girlfriend's family fruitcake. About 25 years ago I got a bizzare gift from my-then girlfriend's family---a fruitcake. Girlfriend and I were having some awkward times (I caught her playing around on me with a "mutual" friend) and we were at the break up point. I agreed to attend her family Christmas gathering to put on a good face but we both knew we were at an end. During gift time, I received a fruitcake from her family. No explanation, just an old looking fruit cake. Girlfriend and I leave the party, going our separate ways to our respective homes. Her family still is none the wiser.

Two days later, the soon-to-be-ex girlfriend calls me to say that the fruitcake is a "family heirloom" and has been in the family over 100 years. Apparently it has been handed down to every person who has married into the family. By giving me this gift, I am apparently being welcomed to the family. I am also obligated to pass it along to the next person who marries into the family. She wanted it back for those reasons.

That's when I told her that it had gone in the trash the day before and that the garbage truck had hauled it from my curb earlier that day.

The ex-girlfriend told the family what I'd done with the fruitcake. They were furious with me and blamed this as the reason why we broke up. Her father even called to give me grief. I never told the real reason for our break up and did feel badly about tossing their "heirloom". I didn't regret dumping the girlfriend.

So, I've never looked at a fruitcake the same since!

RandyK Dec 17th, 2004 08:44 AM


nytraveler Dec 17th, 2004 09:03 AM

Underwear - when I was a child. My parents had little money so everything you needed was wrapped and put under the tree as a present. There were a couple of toys too - but mostly things we kids didn;t think were presents.

Now, the black silk lace undies from Paris that my beau gave me last year - those I'll take anytime.

girlonthego Dec 17th, 2004 09:42 AM

A fuzzy sweater my husband bought me probably on our first Christmas. It was too small and had these little fly away things that kept getting caught in my eyelashes. I looked cheap and had weepy eyes. I wore it just that once...LOL Now he just buys jewelry. Safe and easy.

Alisa Dec 17th, 2004 11:26 AM

I would have to be the white sweatshirt with the Indian motif-like ribbon hand-sewn on the front in a diamond pattern with a long white fringe across the front festooned with multi-colored beading.

Or the one-piece pink pajamas with attached footies I got a couple years ago. Thanks, Grams, but I am in my mid-thirties!

chepar Dec 17th, 2004 11:34 AM

>Or the one-piece pink pajamas with attached footies I got a couple years ago.<

OMG - I thought I was the only person who has been gifted with that! It was from my ex-husband's aunt (while we were still married) during my first year in North Carolina. Being from Hawaii, I guess she thought it was a cute gift for someone not used to the cold.

I distinctly recall pulling it out of the box - an adult sized pair of jammies with feet - and a back flap that unbuttoned so that you could use the toilet without undressing completely. I was initially speechless.

I thanked her for her thoughtfulness - and those jammies never saw the light of day again.

canuckuphereathome Dec 17th, 2004 11:53 AM

wool sweaters that I get every year from relatives out of town. I'm allergic and have subtly let them know but they forget every year. I have a dresser full of sweaters I can't wear and can't bear to give away!! New Year's resolution - gather them all up and give to charity!

jor Dec 17th, 2004 12:08 PM

Does my brother count? You brought him a day late but he still ruined everything.

seetheworld Dec 17th, 2004 12:11 PM

LOL - Okay, ellen_griswald, I believe Santa has granted YOUR wish because I ALWAYS get a gift with an electrical cord attached to it! Actually, I don't mind. I'm a "gadget" gal, and love getting them. I'm hoping this year for a photo printer (hear that Santa!) :)

wanderluster Dec 17th, 2004 12:17 PM

Hey Santa, I've loved all your gifts, thanks!
But this year I have a special request similar to many others-
Please help bring our troops home, and soon.
God bless America.

sundowner Dec 17th, 2004 01:45 PM

Hi Santa!

I remember at 14 or 15 or 16 all I wanted from Santa was the Elton John Yellow Brick Road tape. As I opened each present I was disappointed over and over. Finally there was one gift left to open and it was way too big to be "the gift". I opened it and it was a sewing box! I hated to sew! How cruel was Santa! And then my mom told me to look inside. There it was - Elton John. I was so excited!

Guess who still has the sewing box and has sewn off and on for the past 30 years. My mom taught me how to make quilts before she passed away last year and she is with me every time I pull out her old sewing machine and that sewing box.

So my "least-liked" gift turned out to be a treasure.

Santa_Claus Dec 20th, 2004 12:42 PM

((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G))
HO! - HO! - HO!

Thank you dear readers for all of your hints. I just returned from Pennsylvania where I was able to source lumps of coal that are exquisite!
I also made my way over to Antwerp, Belgium from where I am importing the finest diamonds.
I have Chinese silk and spices from Indonesia.
Swiss chocolate and Japanese pears fill my gift sacks.
There's no end to the things I will bring.

See you soon!

~ Santa

((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G)) ((G))

hugglynn Dec 20th, 2004 01:48 PM

Gifts that annoy me are gifts from people that are items they collect, like ceramic Santas or ducks or a huge ceramic pig dressed like a chef that holds one of those stupid scrub brushes for your sink--yea, that really goes with the stainless steel appliances--and YES, that was a gift, except it was for my birthday instead. Thankfully the giver wasn't there when I opened it.

GoTravel Dec 20th, 2004 01:50 PM

Dear Santa:

All I wanted for Christmas was for my beloved Siamese to get over his illness. He didn't. I had to put him down this morning.

My heart is broken.

seetheworld Dec 20th, 2004 01:55 PM

Dear GoTravel, I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved cat :(

pb_and_j Dec 20th, 2004 02:03 PM

Mine is from my brother. He had had a box mailed to the house where our family was celebrating christmas and when it comes time to exchange gifts, he drags in the shipping box, opens it with a knife and proceeds to throw everybody their gifts straight out of the box. All the gifts were exactly identical - 4 lbs of Starbucks coffee (which I don't even like). The gift was merely not great, but the manner of giving - no wrapping, thrown at your head and all identical = no thought, was just awful.

When I went back to work, I was telling my coworker about this and he completely topped me. This guy doesn't eat fruit at all, ever. His parents got him a CRATE of jam. He doesn't eat that, as it's made of fruit. And it was a crate, of the same flavor of jam. I mean, even if you love jam, that's not a good gift!
The year before they got him an enormous fruit basket.

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