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janisj Sep 27th, 2014 02:56 PM

You may need to discount a lot of what myer posted. He had a very bad experience in YNP and does post about it frequently. I have been to Yosemite more than 15 times over the years and have never experienced the problems he faced. Plus he is talking about Yosemite Lodge at the Falls, not 'Yosemite View Falls'.

I have stayed at Yosemite lodge at the Falls at least 7 times and have never np been unable to find a parking place.

Lets just say he must have been very unlucky.

Myer Sep 27th, 2014 07:24 PM

I wouldn't discount anything I wrote if I were you. Everything is absolutely true and happened exactly the way I explained.

I also wrote that things may have changed. I also wrote that these are things you should inquire about in the event they haven't changed.

Correct janisj. The name is Yosemite Lodge at the Falls. The one in the park in an excellent location.

The Lodge spreads on either side of the office. Each side has a parking lot in front of it. The largest parking lot by far of the three is the one opposite the office. That's the one that you were not permitted to use between 8AM and at least 8PM. We were also told that rangers would ticket any cars in that lot.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. Yosemite is the most commercial park I have ever visited. Every building you go into has a ticket counter with some event to sell.

Is the park beautiful? Yes. Is it the most beautiful? I don't know as many other are beautiful as well without all of the negatives.

And you may want to discount what janisj wrote. I didn't have a very bad experience. Just many annoying things that I have never experienced at any other park.

I also didn't suggest you don't go there. I just gave you some tips about things you may want to check out in advance of your visit.

indy_dad Sep 28th, 2014 06:56 AM

Appreciate all the input.

Interesting that we can get a "taste" of the redwoods in Mariposa Grove. That would certainly simplify things. (dbdurand's counterpoint duly noted -- we'll continue to research)

As stated earlier, Yosemite Lodge at the Falls is booked and trying to accommodate 2 families with cancellations seems a little dicey.

The Curry Village tents are not an option for this crew.

Currently researching the Scenic Wonders options. Most seem to be $500-600/nt (split between 2 families). Cancellation fee is not insignificant though so if we go that way, we go that way.

2 rooms at the Yosemite View Lodge would be about $400/nt (for a lot less space) but less upfront commitment.

still searching . . .

rjasnumberonefan Sep 28th, 2014 08:39 PM

"Yosemite is the most commercial park I have ever visited."...Myer.

I have to comment that this was the thing that stood out during my visit to Yosemite. The price of ice was $10. I took pictures of the sign to prove it to my friends when I got home. I just kept thinking, "It's water people!" Same size ice in Yellowstone was around $3-4.

janisj Sep 28th, 2014 10:52 PM

The price of water doesn't make a place 'commercial'. It is just the cost differences in different places. And sorry, water is not just 'water, people' . . . Not when we are in the middle if a 4 year drought and many Californians are facing water rationing.

indy_dad Sep 29th, 2014 03:59 AM

Rats -- it looks like Mariposa Grove won't be a substitute option while we are there:
The Mariposa Grove Road will be temporarily closed to vehicle and foot traffic, and the Lower Mariposa Grove will be temporarily closed to all use, tentatively beginning May or June 2015. During this time, trails to the Upper Mariposa Grove may also close periodically, depending on construction or restoration work. The Big Trees Tram Tour will cease operation permanently in November 2014. Shuttle service from Wawona to Mariposa Grove will not operate in 2015 or 2016. The entire Mariposa Grove will tentatively reopen in November 2016.</i>

emalloy Sep 29th, 2014 05:10 AM

My experience of Yosemite was also that it was the most commercial NP that I've been to, and I've been to a lot of them. In its defense, we were there in late April, so the waterfalls were beautiful, but not any more than some in Hawaii, or Niagra, I guess if you live in drought prone areas you find all waterfalls wonderful. We could not go up to the higher parts of the park, so missed some of what people say is fantastic about it. The crowds were horrible, parking a challenge, busses slow.

mlgb Sep 29th, 2014 02:01 PM

I think Grand Canyon South Rim is worse, personally.

Although Camp Curry is "not an option" we prefer it to staying outside the park. There are actually a few ensuite rooms there although nearly impossible to book.

rjasnumberonefan Sep 29th, 2014 02:35 PM

We were not there during your drought, janisj. Several years ago during the spring and the waterfalls were spectacular.

I am not believing the "cost differences in different places" explanation. It is just water, but they have you in their commercial world where you have to buy it from Yosemite or drive way out of your way back to a town where the water is 'cheaper' or so we're to believe. It is why Yosemite lodging is more than the ones that hour outside of the park. It's because they can, so they do. If you don't see that as commercial then their marketing department is doing a great job.

They want to sell you gas, food, and lodging at every opportunity at a premium. That $10 ice profit is going into the pockets of concessionaires, not the NPS.

It is just my opinion, but I feel less gouged at every other park I've visited than I do at Yosemite.

Maybe it just California. I expect to pay more for that part of the country, but that doesn't change the way I feel about the price of ice.

janisj Sep 29th, 2014 02:53 PM

>>It is why Yosemite lodging is more than the ones that hour outside of the park. <<

And hotels an hour outside San Francisco cost 50% less. And an hour outside manhattan cost 75% less. And places in salinas cost pennies compared to Carmel. And hotels an hour from any desirable place are discounted. Because they are less desirable places.

All you Yosemite haters . . . Please stay away, and leave it for those of us who appreciate /love it.

rjasnumberonefan Sep 30th, 2014 01:10 PM

HAHAHA Yeah...we're all haters. That's why we visit.

Everyone vacations differently. Some find time at a premium and will pay for close and convenient. Others love a good deal and don't mind the extra time spent to save money. I fall into the latter.

I would rather spend $75 on a hotel in an adjacent town with a fast food joint where I can pick up a cheap breakfast and then spend 45 minutes driving to the park.
Others would rather spend $200 for lodging and pay high dollar for breakfast in a park restaurant just to be able to have an early start. It just depends on your vacation wants.

I'm young enough to handle the extra 1 1/2 in my day for travel. I can wake up early, stay out late and not tire. Some might want to sleep in, return to their room midday for rest/peace and go back for more sightseeing in the evening.

My view is always the minority when it comes to in-park lodging, but I understand why some choose it. I can't understand why people feel it is the only option. You MUST stay in-park or what kind of vacation will you have??

The OP mentions his budget is depending on the going rates. We are just trying to give our opinions about those rates. I imagine a trip for 8 people will require more planning than one might think to run like a well-oiled machine.

I loved my visit to Yosemite...but I only had to plan for 2. Good luck and enjoy the planning phase. It's rough but it's my favorite part of traveling.

Myer Sep 30th, 2014 05:42 PM

Just to give you an idea of why you'd want to stay inpark.

If you were in a park that had some wildlife and if viewing wildlife was one of your priorities you have a choice to get up very early, drive in the dark and risk hitting animals or get up an hour or two later and drive a bit when the sun is beginning to light the landscape.

Same for the evening.

rjasnumberonefan Oct 1st, 2014 02:08 PM

Yes. That's what I'm talking about. In Yellowstone I would stay in park for all the animals or Ranger Porch Talks or Campfire Programs. I would in the Utah Parks if I wanted to split my day and return for a sunset or sunrise. Go see the sun rise and come back for breakfast...hike, nap and see the sun set. In Yosemite, it's the views. No amazing colors like Utah nor wildlife like Montana. (oops better not say no or I'll be labeled a hater. There are some, but not as much as in other parks.) Views can wait an hour to me. They'll still be there at 8 or 9 am. I stayed outside of Glacier and saw so many moose and such on the drive in. Also, I always stay in Jackson Hole Village because I like the Moose Road drive up to Teton in the morning. I was there one year when the balloons lifted from that area. Glorious morning.

I guess it all comes down to options and letting the OP know what's out there, so they have an informed choice. Sometimes I just get frustrated with the 'you must stay in park, you must go during this month, and you must stay one week at each place' kind of mentality. I would be what most here call a drive-by, checklist, been there got the t-shirt vacationeer. hahaha And I wouldn't have it any other way. I do a cross country about every other year and whatever I miss I catch another year. Some here only get to go to these places one in a lifetime, therefore, I understand a slower pace. I just like that we have choices.

indy_dad Jun 21st, 2015 03:24 PM

Scenic Wonders in Yosemite West worked out great for us. We enjoyed the "self catering" aspect and the location was fine. Sure the Valley would have been a little closer but considerable more hectic.

With 2 families, it's hard to beat a house in Yosemite West.

FYI, we spent our first night in Fresno, 5 nights in Yosemite West and 3 nights in Sequoia (Wuksachi Lodge). Great trip. Thanks for the input.

janisj Jun 21st, 2015 03:47 PM

Glad it worked out. Yes -- for folks who need the space of a condo/house you really can't beat Yosemite West. Other than the Valley floor, the ONLY places I'd ever consider would be El Portal or Yosemite West. No place else is w/i a reasonable drive of the Valley.

Too bad about the Fresno bit though ;)


indy_dad Jun 21st, 2015 03:59 PM

We arrived around 8:30 PDT (11:30 for our body clocks) so it would have been tough to find our way to the house at night.

It was much cheaper to stay in Fresno and the logistics (i.e. groceries that morning w/ the ability to drop them off) worked out a lot better.

So, roughing for 1 night in Fresno wasn't too bad. :)

Thanks again for the Yosemite West reco.

janisj Jun 21st, 2015 04:22 PM

At least it was dark so you didn't have to 'see' Fresno . . .

EJinPa Jun 23rd, 2015 04:08 PM

we stayed in a lovely, privately owned cabin IN Yosemite. yes, I said IN Yosemite.There were two cabins adjacent to each other. Modern. Great hot tub in the back :)

janisj Jun 23rd, 2015 04:24 PM

Yes -- there are many privately owned properties inside the park boundaries.

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