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Anonymous May 26th, 2006 04:11 AM

Where's the Best Fourth of July in the Midwest?
I'll be leaving Cheyenne, WY, on July 1, taking about a week to get to Boston in my RV. I haven't planned the route yet, so I figured I'd plan around where I want to be on July 4. Somewhere in the big Mid-America square bounded by SD, Michigan, TN, and OK, but where? Looking for great fireworks and local color like folksy celebrations with special local foods, maybe something like a fair or fleamarket.

missypie May 26th, 2006 05:30 AM

St. Louis!!!!! Unless things have changed recently, there is a huge fair (the VP) by the arch, and they shoot off fireworks from barges off the Missippi River.

A small point of trivia. In 1976, the largest 4th of July crowd was in NYC. The second largest? St. Louis!!!

tcreath May 26th, 2006 05:55 AM

I agree with Missy! Come here! St. Louis has a great fair and the fireworks are shot out from a barge on the Mississippi. Everyone sits on the hills along the riverfront to watch, and its an amazing show. There are also lots of free concerts, and great food. One word of caution though: it will probably be very hot and very humid. Be sure to drink lots of water or you can quickly become dehydrated. The city often turns on some of their fire hydrants to help cool people off.


abram May 30th, 2006 01:18 PM

In Milwaukee, we have fabulous fireworks at the lakefront July 3, and Summerfest, a large music and food festival is going on.

xxxx May 31st, 2006 04:15 AM

Another vote for Milwaukee. And if you are in the area for the weekend, Madison has a great Farmers' Market around the Capitol Square each Saturday morning.

stokebailey Jun 22nd, 2006 07:20 AM

Speaking as a St.Louisan, I encourage the northern route. The Fourth here is big, hot, and loud. Lots of fun, but hot. Humid. Someone used to Cheyenne might find it a tad on the oppressive side. I urge everyone to visit St.Louis in the spring and fall, when it just can't be beat. (Winter also quite nice.)

No_name Jun 22nd, 2006 07:34 AM

VP Fair in St. Louis! Its lots of fun with good food, drink, and concerts. The firworks are beautiful the way they play off the shine of the Arch and the Mississippi. Just stunning!

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