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cio457 Jan 22nd, 2005 03:36 PM

Where to buy Diamonds in NYC
My wife and I are celebrating a 20th anniversary this year and she wants new ear studs for the occaision.

I will be traveling to the city this week on business and thought I might check our the 47th street district during some free time.

Any suggestions for reputable dealers in the district or otherwise would be appreciated.

mclaurie Jan 22nd, 2005 04:50 PM

I may get flamed for saying this, but with fake diamonds being so good/realistic, and the ease of losing diamond studs, I have given up having real studs. I have some great fakes from Saks. I also think plain studs can be purchased anywhere in the country. I don't know where you live, but to me, a pair of earrings from Tiffany is a more memorable anniversary present.;isMenu=1&

If your wife disagrees, short of a reco from someone else on 47 st., I would go to Forunoff's on Fifth & 54 st. for good prices and a good reputation.

smoot60 Jan 22nd, 2005 05:27 PM

Well, here goes the flame!!! Diamonds are a girl's best friend and only real ones will do. As someone who only has "real", authentic jewelry, I value diamond studs. Whether from Tiffany or anyplace else, real diamonds are what is needed. Twenty years of love is real and real diamonds will only fill the bill. In a world where so much is fake and contrived, knowing that something is real is a plus. If you have a lot of jewelry, I don't think it matters a lot, but if you just have a few special pieces, real is the best. I am still grieving over a jade ring my father bought me in Hong Kong in the late seventies. It was real and he thought enough to shop for it. I lost it several years ago and it pains me to this day. I think that the occasion and the thought are the basis of a great gift of jewelry. Good luck to you in finding the perfect anniversary gift!

GoTravel Jan 23rd, 2005 10:57 AM

Mine never come out of my ears.

At least they wont until bigger studs appear.

abram Jan 23rd, 2005 12:15 PM

I'm a real diamonds only kind of girl, too.

I've been happy with jewelry from "Elegant Creations" 55 W. 47, booth 50 (earrings purchased for $600, appraised for $1500 at home), "Fred Feig" 36 W. 47, and "David Marsi" 25 W. 47.

bamakelly Jan 23rd, 2005 12:50 PM

mclaurie, I totally see your point. I have a good pair of fakes in my ears too (but I wear lots of nice big real ones everywhere else :) ). They're just too easy to lose out of my ears. I'd recommend getting a nice diamond necklace or pendant instead, but if CIO's wife says she wants studs, he better get those studs! ;)

GoTravel Jan 23rd, 2005 12:56 PM

mclaurie and bamakelly, girls, we gotta talk.


What if Mr.GoTravel finds these replies and prints them out, and HEAVEN FORBID, uses your replies against me! Then what?

(I can just hear it now, "well mclaurie and bamakelly don't think the diamond earings need to be real, look what they wrote, the fakes are just as good")


Take it back, take it back!

bamakelly Jan 23rd, 2005 02:02 PM

okay, okay...for the record (and especially for Mr. GoTravel...) having diamonds in my ears would be lovely; it's ME that's the problem! (I am prone to losing such things....). And truth be told, insurance is good for such things, so I shouldn't be so paranoid!

There. Hope that helps! :D

wantsomesun Jan 23rd, 2005 02:45 PM

Here'a a great website for jewelry you might want to check out GREAT stuf at even better prices.

mclaurie Jan 23rd, 2005 03:27 PM

Ahem, my point to cio457 is studs are available everywhere from Boise to LA. I agree for a 20th anniversary, REAL is important. I was suggesting something more special than just studs :-d
A design from Tiffany's is a nice idea. ;)

Mr GoTravel, just because I'm a klutz and have lost one too many pairs of studs, doesn't mean my good friend GoTravel should suffer.

jennymary Jan 23rd, 2005 04:47 PM

I'm not sure what your budget is... but I'd recommend Tiffany, Fortunoff, or Mimi-So (located on E. 47th Street right off of 5th Avenue.) I actually ordered a pair from I know the thought of ordering jewelry online seems weird... but they are gorgeous, gia certified (came with the certificate), and the customer service I received was excellent. Also, be sure to get screw-backs.. they won't fall off.

sks Jan 27th, 2005 06:53 PM

I just need to emphasize that real is better! Never gave it much thought 'till my then boyfriend (now husband) gave me my first diamond studs for my 30th bday. I love them and they never leave my ears.
My diamond suggestion - find a place that specializes in estate jewelry(in Portland, Oregon it's Maloy's). My studs are from the 1930's so the platinum setting is a touch different than those made today. It makes them unique. IMHO.

gyppielou Jan 27th, 2005 07:33 PM

I'm with the real matters and size matters. Coming up on lucky 13 years of wedded bliss. I have no jewelry demands for b/day, christmas, ann, valentine......etc. Just keep my 1/2 carrot studs as my fav earings...ccc! and my 1/2 engagement ring. Some wives expect jewelry on any occasion, I expect travel and adventure. I also think when we make it to 20 years, I will take my perfect little diamonds and make a right hand ring with them. Upgrade to carrots!!! Let us know if you find someone in the diamond district!!! We need to keep this thread alive!

wliwl Feb 1st, 2005 04:22 PM

You want to go to the diamond district. If you wanted to shop a "regular" jewlery store (like Tiffany's et al) you could do that at home! (I mean, unless you are in the market for a VERY large stone or something very unusual.) Do a google search on diamond district. It will take a little homework, and some shopping around, but IMO it is the way to go.

OneWanderingJew Feb 1st, 2005 04:36 PM

May your husband and mine never consider fake...I think they would both know better! (My husband has been more than generous--he knows my favorite gift!!)

Cio, JUst one woman's opinion, but I loove any gift that comes from a Tiffany blue box. That said, I would be just as happy if my husband came home w/earrings from somewhere else, assuming they were as nice and less money. Sorry that I'm not able to help you with a jeweler as I've been the recipient of the gemstones, not the buyer...

I wear my grandmother's studs every day. I recently had them reset w/clutchback backs--supposedly more secure then screw-ons but harder to take on/off...

bugswife1 Feb 1st, 2005 06:48 PM

I, too, love the real thing. But it has to be unique and sentimental, otherwise it is just jewelry. This year, my husband took an old pair of diamond earrings that my grandmother left me and had more diamonds added to them and made them into a pendant. They had been sitting in my jewelry box for years because I wasn't crazy about them, but they had sentimental value. The necklace, with extra diamonds bringing the earrings together and diamonds by the yard up the chain is gorgeous. I wear it every day. And it cost him much less than just going out and buying me a diamond necklace.

djkbooks Feb 1st, 2005 08:50 PM

My vote would go to Tiffany. For me, anyway, smaller but exquisite from Tiffany would just be a lot more special...You can't beat their boxes and wrapping! And, to me, anything larger than 1/4 or 1/3 for your earlobes is just excessive. Smaller will do nicely as well. If you've plans to travel a lot some day and she wants to leave them in all the time, better not to be wearing anything too flashy.

The setting counts too! Six prongs are exquisite - as are platinum/white gold prongs (which are more "invisible" around the stone), even if the rest of the setting is yellow gold. And, you want 14k backs (often they aren't - you have to check). You can even get backs that screw on (allegedly for more security), though I've been wearing mine with the ordinary backs for many, many years without a problem.

My husband gave me a diamond pendant recently. He could have gotten a larger stone for the same or less elsewhere, but that it came from our favorite local jeweler where we've made lots of sentimental purchases over the years makes it all the more special.

When my husband gave me diamond studs (and I think they are 1/3 total), I finally got my ears pierced a second time - so I could wear his studs all the time, and still wear my hoops, etc., for variety.

But, you know your wife better than anyone and whether she'd prefer size over anything else.

You've probably already accomplished your mission by now. So do let us know how you made out!

sks Feb 1st, 2005 09:43 PM

I think with Tiffanys you end up overpaying due to their high overhead (store locations, ads, etc). I'm much happier knowing my husband goes to a small, independent shop and still gets great quality for less. My studs didn't come in a Tiffany box but I will never forget receiving them! I think diamonds are quite memorable no matter how they come. Besides, the Tiffany box is nice and all - but it's not like you can go around wearing it with your jewels.

djkbooks - I'm curious about the backs needing to be 14k gold?

GBelle Feb 2nd, 2005 02:49 AM

Cute story about the diamond district.

We were in NYC a few years ago with grandma and the boys. We were walking around the area after the Christmas show at Radio City and went over to the 47th street diamond district to ooo and ahhh the sparklers.

Grandma was looking in the window with the youngest (about 10ish at the time) and one of the employees came out the door. Son asks grandma which one(s) she liked. So she pointed out a few. The employee automatically goes into sell-mode and said, "You like it. Only twenty dollars."

My young son said, "Grandma that's a good deal. I'll buy it for you."

bounty Feb 2nd, 2005 03:29 AM

My husband gave me real studs for our 10th anniversary. After a few years I decided to add them to my engagement ring, as I only wore them at night. That ring gets lots of raves.

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