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Statia May 13th, 2005 03:34 PM

What's Your Poison and What Idiotic Travel Momento Can You Not Part With?
Looks like it's Friday night poison time. My DH is sleeping since he's working nights this weekend, so I'm sipping a Chilean Chardonnay while cooking and going over many, many travel notes I've printed from Fodors for our next European adventure.

I know that most of us have little idiotic travel momentos that we love to find in hidden areas and sometimes it's hard to part with them. There is nothing like putting on a sweater that hasn't been worn in a year, only to find a brochure from the Grand Canyon in the pocket. Or, how about finding a Paris metro ticket stub in an old jacket pocket or hidden compartment of a day bag? When you find these things, do you toss them, or hang on to them?

I recently bought a lovely new leather day bag that I found one sale at half the original price. It's very chic and I am always a sucker for a great deal. It had all the compartments that I love to have in a day bag and when I was transferring items from my old day bag to the new one, I came across three corn kernels that fell into my previous bag while feeding the pigeons in St. Marks Piazza in Venice, Italy two years ago.

Did I toss them? I almost did. Then, I thought of how I am always transported back to that piazza every time I dig in my bag for an item and accidentally come across one of those kernels.

So, yes...I transferred those couple of kernels as well as all my other travel items so that I can continue to be transported back to that wonderful afternoon in Venice. Idiotic....yes. But, hey...they're my memories after all.

So, what's your poison tonight and what idiotic travel momento can you not part with...although you probably should? :)

Grasshopper May 13th, 2005 03:41 PM

Ahhh, Statia, you sentimental thing you! I think I would keep the corn kernels too. I don't know that I have anything like that to share. Maybe my tiny Murano goldfish in a bowl? It's the closest thing I have to a pet. :-)

I'm looking forward to a margarita soon.

tpatricco May 13th, 2005 03:44 PM

Hi Statia! Great minds think alike!

I'm doing laundry tonight & getting ready to pull out summer clothes for my trip to Key West in a few weeks.

Momentos like the kernels are always nice to come across...transports you back to their origin and brings a smile.

I'm usually a little too good at cleaning out everything upon coming home from a trip, but DH and I always have collected small shells & pebbles from beaches walked & places we've gone and always toss them into a mason jar, which over the 13 years we've been together has lovely layers of memories.

I always save ticket stubs & brochures from the areas we visit & use them in compiling photo albums of our trips later on.

Tonight's poison is Raspberry Vodka & Pink favorite summer drink. :)

Hope your pup is feeling better! Trish

Scarlett May 13th, 2005 03:55 PM

Tonight was the same old poison. Lillet rouge with soda.
I just finished a little project with Travel momentos that I could not part with. I took an old wooden chest that my uncle made for me when I was born ( practically an antique!!) and decoupaged the lid with postcards, Metro ticket stubs, Museum ticket stubs (the D'Orsay & Marmatton stubs are so beautiful ) and now when I look at that old box, it immediately brings back memories of many trips..inside the box are more momentos :)

Is this little Digger that has the bad eye? Poor pup!

Fodorite018 May 13th, 2005 04:06 PM

Crystal light again this evening. Not overly exciting, but I like it. I am just relaxing tonight. We had my dad here this week, and we were in Seattle last weekend, so I am looking forward to just hanging out tonight. I do need to go retrieve DD and friends from the movie later tonight though.

Statia--I keep everything I find from trips. I usually add whatever I find and ticket stubs, etc to my photo albums.

Trish--Your post reminded me...when we were in Port-en-Bessin the kids picked up a few shells. We put them in plastic ziploc baggies and they made the trip home. When we got home and I went to rinse them, they stunk so bad. I found out very quickly why...there were little creatures in them that must have died during the trip home!

razzledazzle May 13th, 2005 04:17 PM

Great question Statia !
2 ridiculous things come to mind-
The first is the airline ticket jackets
they give you at the counter with your luggage tags. I use them as bookmarks
for what ever I am reading on the trip. I enjoy being "transported" when I see the top edge peering out from
the den bookshelf. Why look, there's a Caribbean Sun jacket beckoning me back to St.John !
Then there's the occasional plastic shopping bag that I recycle for shoes
off season. Just 10 mins ago I was searching for a pair of slides and they were in a bag from a dive shop on Oahu.
Grasshopper had me considering a margarita until then, now I'm thinking
Mai Tai

Statia May 13th, 2005 04:17 PM

Yes, Grasshopper, I am indeed the sentimental one....idiotic momentos or not. :)

Trish, I am usually pretty good at cleaning things out, too, but somehow missed the corn well as that Paris metro stub from way back when. (sigh). Laundry....ick. I have to admit that I am a bit spoiled. My DH does most of the laundry, but that is because he's home more during the daytime hours with his shift work than I am. (Thank goodness ;) ) As I said on the other thread...have a blast in Key West and thanks for the sympathies for my pup.

Scarlett, your chest sounds fabulous. I keep many things like that, as well, but put them in my albums that I always put together within days of our return home (so as not to forget anything). Yes, it's your so named "Digger Dog" that had the eye surgery. He had a growth removed from just outside his eye. He's healing nicely thus far, doc stiched him up very well, and I hope he continues to improve rapidly. He's such a little trooper.

mms, I'm sure you are overly ready for a nice, relaxing weekend. And, I hope you get such.

dcespedes May 13th, 2005 04:25 PM

Greetings everyone! Statia, what a lovely post--so thoughtful! I loved reading about the corn kernals. Matches, receipts, tickets stubs, euros, rocks--nothing in particular stands out, but whatever it is that I find, long after the luggage is put away, is a small treasure loaded with memories that I hold dear to my heart because I feel so fortunate and grateful to experience anything, everything. Tonight, my husband is in Dallas and I am enjoying a lovely 2003 bottle of Santa Cristina, Toscana. Cheers ((D))

lcuy May 13th, 2005 04:36 PM

I save my shopping bags when I travel, and when I get home, put them on the shelf with all the other recycled bags. Nothing like carrying your potluck dish to school in a bag that says Los Gigantes, Mexico or Kyoto Handicrafts Center! subway tickets seem to always pop up years after the trip and I really enjoy that too!

lcuy May 13th, 2005 04:37 PM

Oops, and its Diet Coke here...still lunchtime in Honolulu.

Statia May 13th, 2005 04:48 PM

razzledazzle, I keep those ticket jackets from travel adventures, too! Wow...I thought I was the only one. I usually have them filed somewhere, but when I see those airport codes on them while looking for something else I just can't bear to part with them and the memory of the trip.

Trish, I meant to comment earlier on your shell collection. I know what you mean, girl. Living on an island you wouldn't even WANT to know about mine. ;) I really need to get rid of some of them, but even momentos from home can be hard to part with.

dcespedes, Euros....yes, Euros. I still have a fifty note tucked away and DH says I should have kept more from the last trip with the falling dollar. I sent some to my sister before they went to Spain last year and now he's chastising me for it. :)

I also like to keep receipts from special dinners, too. I recently found an old scrapbook of my father's travels in Europe for which he had numerous receipts for dinners in Paris and other European cities in the 1950's. I'd never seen this book before and the prices were absolutely shocking! Not to mention the memories I'm sure he had from those dinners.

lcuy, bags are great, too aren't they? Another great idiotic save item. :)

Oh gosh...readingn this thread I'm starting to think that maybe I need to clean out my house this weekend. ;)

tpatricco May 13th, 2005 04:53 PM

Statia, Shell collections can get out of hand. I recently tossed the majority of a bag of shells from a long ago trip to Sanibel Island. We've tried to bring back only baby shells & tiny pebbles...quartz types etc.

We too save matchbooks, those in a big glass apothocary jar which will eventually reside on the bar in our pool room (once we design & build the bar).

I don't mind the laundry...just happy when it's done!

indytravel May 13th, 2005 05:35 PM

I'm so happy to see the poison thread. :-)

It's been an ugly 10 days. Clients like to party after software goes live. When they hit the first month-end the party suddenly stops. As God is my witness I try, I try to warn them of their tomfoolery. They never, ever listen. Sigh... At least I bill by the hour.

Nice posting tonight Statia! I like the extra twist. Hope all is well with you in the Caribbean.

Scarlett there's a Lillet rouge?!?! I don't get out enough.

I'm a minimalist. I keep nothing but the memories that only old age will take from me. I've even slacked off on buying fridge magnets. I do love to let one catch my eye on the icebox, but it's so loaded it's now a blur.

I finally restocked my bar. It's a real VO Manhattan with Martini & Rossi red vermouth. I prefer Noilly-Pratt but have to drive out of my way to find it.

I've blown off the internet quite a bit tonight and actually called friends. It's so refreshing to talk to old friends. Sometimes you have to let the 'net go and actually call people.

dcespedes May 13th, 2005 05:37 PM

Statia, Exposures carries frames made with double paned glass that I've used to "float" wine labels & dinner receipts, as well as 100+- year old post cards. It's been a unique way to display tokens, momentos and they have been quite the conversation pieces ;-)

dcespedes May 13th, 2005 05:44 PM

Oh, dear, if you Google "exposures" all sorts of interesting websites appear...don't be distracted, log-on to :-D

seetheworld May 13th, 2005 06:21 PM

Hi Statia!

Only water tonight -- I must keep my wits about me as I am trying to frantically finish packing.

There is one momento I would like to get rid of but just can't and that's the bottle of sand and water my youngest son brought home from Cancun, Mexico. He thought the water was the most beautiful blue he ever saw in his entire life. My sweet boy. Yuck -- would not dare open that ripe old bottle :D

I have an <b> emergency packing question </b>. Can you pack an ionic flat iron in carryon? I paid a small fortune for this baby and I don't want anything to happen to it.

Anybody in Fodorland able to answer my question, please!

indytravel May 13th, 2005 06:27 PM

&quot;ionic flat iron?&quot;

What the h*ll is that? Do I now watch enough late night info-mercials?

Real men don't iron, never mind the &quot;ionic&quot; bit. :-)

indytravel May 13th, 2005 06:28 PM

OK it should be &quot;not&quot; not &quot;now.&quot;

So much for being clever after 3 Manhattans.

seetheworld May 13th, 2005 06:32 PM

indy, if you don't behave, I'm gonna come after you with that flat iron, lol!

Scarlett May 13th, 2005 06:41 PM

<i>Scarlett, your chest sounds fabulous.</i>
Why thank you Statia, the Yankee says the same thing :D

I am sorry, I could not help it...
yes, and we cannot find it white, only rouge here..((D))

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