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Statia Mar 11th, 2005 02:35 PM

What's Your Poison and How's the Travel Weather Where You're At?
Since Indytravel has picked up my slack lately and now he's living it up in France, I guess I'd better start the poison thread, lest he accuse me of being a slacker again. :D

I'm currently in the West Indies enjoying a balmy 80 degree evening on the patio with my DH (after a rather hot day I might add), along with my second glass of chilled Pinot Grigio.

I just returned from Houston last Friday and had room temp Shiraz while there due to the chilly outdoor temps.

Guess I will be back to Shiraz when I arrive the frigid temps of NYC on Sunday night for a week of business, along with some well earned late night chats with my travel buddy/best friend, who it seems I hardly have time to talk with much lately. :( Boy we have a lot of catching up to do.

So, what's your poison and what's the weather like where you are....or where you are traveling to next?

razzledazzle Mar 11th, 2005 02:42 PM

Hi Statia!
It's only 3:45 here, yet with the
temp a balmy 83 I am thinkin'bout
dusting off the blender and buzzing up a batch of margarita's. I mean,
we are not all wine all the time
in the Wine Country!

ElendilPickle Mar 11th, 2005 03:02 PM

It's about 70 degrees here; I finished an iced coffee a little while ago. Nothing stronger since I have to round up the family for our weekly job cleaning dh's workplace. :-)

Lee Ann

Fodorite018 Mar 11th, 2005 03:03 PM

Beautiful weather here in the Portland OR area! Guessing it is mid 70's out. DH flew home this afternoon and we hung out in the backyard for a while. My poison is water tonight though. Trying to get rid of the crud I picked up from either my kids or their friends.

R5--Margaritas are my weakness! Had a great one last weekend for my birthday. The restaurant we went to had a new drink menu and the margarita had fresh lemons, limes and oranges in it...yum!

GoTravel Mar 11th, 2005 03:11 PM

According to the weather channel and my local doppler weather, it is 67 degrees at 7:09PM but the temp is falling rapidly.

Chilly in the morning but mid to upper 70s by Sunday.

Tilting my Pinot Grigio to Statia in the West Indies:-D


iceeu2 Mar 11th, 2005 03:21 PM

The weather here in North Georgia is very chilly...only 43 degrees at 7:20..predicting snow flurries for later on and early tomorrow...Geez...

The poison has been 2 glasses of Rabbit Ridge Merlot for me...and a good cold Bud Light for the real icee as we watch his Wolfpack take on Wake Forest.......


annesherrod Mar 11th, 2005 03:21 PM

Statia, Hope all went well in Houston. I was in Dallas last weekend and it was chlilly!!
My taste tonight is quite unsophisticated, Coors Light. I really gave up wine or any libation for Lent but had an early Happy Hour today, and well, er.... well you know...
Home town is 44 degrees. Quite cold. Wish it was warmer...
( I tought Indytraveler was a lady, whoops!)
Have fun w/ your DH on your patio. I was just looking at my Curacao pics wishing I was back!!!!!!

Kal Mar 11th, 2005 03:23 PM

Only 81 in "Kalville Kalifornia" but after finding out an old buddy of mine died 2 days ago from a massive heart attack, I'm pouring myself a "vodka-Isopure" over crushed ice after a 90 min workout at my gym.

Hope I can get out of bed tomorrow.
49 is <i>WAAAAAYYYY</i> too young :'(

iceeu2 Mar 11th, 2005 03:27 PM

Grief, maybe I will have more poison...since I actually had Zinfandel instead of Merlot...whatever!! Now the temp has dropped to 42..

beachbum Mar 11th, 2005 03:28 PM

The poison? Haven't decided yet. Wine probably. Maybe something french. mms has already filled you in on the incredible weather here in Portland, OR.

Belated happy b-day, mms. Was the bicycle your present? I've got a friend who for years has been trying to talk me into Cycle Oregon again. Ever ridden it?

capri767 Mar 11th, 2005 03:29 PM

It seems every time I respond to this post I dont have a poison....I guess when I have one ,I'm not at home!Its something like 40 degrees here in the South..I have Spring fever sooooooooo bad but Im not seeing it anytime soon.My next trip is Vegas in May....wish it were sooner.We went skiing over New Years so decided to wait a bit for our next trip.Maybe Ill go find a poison now....

Fodorite018 Mar 11th, 2005 03:43 PM

Thanks Beachbum. Yes, a gift from dh and the kids. I just ride for fun, no races/events. I have seen several bike races come through our town, but have no idea which ones they are.

Tomorrow after we mow/weed it will definitly be time to get the hammockset up again. I MAY let dh have first crack at it since he was in Michigan and cold all week.

Next trip...we leave next weekend for CA. Will be in the east bay area visiting my parents and doing the tourist things.

TxTravelPro Mar 11th, 2005 03:45 PM

Beautiful mid-70's in DFW!
Supposed to be a great weekend, too.
I hope the weather holds out for my business trip to Springfield, MO next week.
I don't usually travel to smaller cities like SGF and the hotels don't look too impressive.
So, I booked us here:
Looks lovely!
Poison? Iced Tea with fresh Meyer lemon.

razzledazzle Mar 11th, 2005 03:47 PM

Fellow Pisces !
I am only 1 &quot;week&quot; older than you !
It's Vodka:30 somewhere
Sorry about your bud

Kal Mar 11th, 2005 03:54 PM

Ditto the b'day wishes! Will you be in SF the weekend of Mar19/20?

r5-Thanks and it just doesn't pay to know me anymore!!! :-&lt;

annesher-Ex-nay on the Lent-scray. You may make people uncomfortable.:$
(Sorry M55-you knew I couldn't leave it alone this long-I'll blame it on Mr. Smirinoff, my Russian cousin:-X.)

buckeyemom Mar 11th, 2005 04:01 PM

Bailey's and snow here in Buckeye land. I need to move someplace warmer, think I'll start sending resumes out...:-)

buckeyemom Mar 11th, 2005 04:04 PM

Why is it every Irish Catholic I know gives up drinking for Lent and then gets a special &quot;dispensation&quot; on St. Patrick's Day???

In our Church they are ixnaying the giving up of things and telling us to do more for others. I like that idea.

Gardyloo Mar 11th, 2005 04:10 PM

Seattle, around 70, drought declared, my lawn needs its second mowing and my lawn service can't get to me for a week. Goats &quot;R&quot; Us, anyone?

Poison is one of several partially-consumed bottles of single malt whisky, brought by guests over several years to our Burns Suppers (January 25) in the faint hope it will neutralize the taste of the Haggis, as if such a thing was necessary. ;) I can choose from Highland, Lowland, or Islay hooch, depending on how much I want to smell like a peat bog.

JJ5 Mar 11th, 2005 04:34 PM

A glass of Bonamego Red bought from a small winery in Michigan (Peterson &amp; Sons) several years ago. It has no sulphites; he sterilizes the equipment etc. and does it legally. Some is much better than others, but this one tonight is very good. The Bonamego grape was brought in 1901 by Domenico Bonamego from Vincenza to Lawrence, MI. Now it is grown all around Kalamazoo. This has 14% alcohol content and just one small glass is nice after dinner. It is deep, rich red- bordering on port.

Yes, many Catholics do get the dispensations, and not just for St. Pat's. St. Joseph's (Mar.19- very big with Polish and Italian, especially in Chicago),and any other occasion that does come up, as well. It really makes little sense, and I agree about &quot;giving up&quot; something. I wish a couple of hundred I know would &quot;give up&quot; their clanishness and general narrow-minded judgment.

Weather here is crisp and around 35 degrees or so. We have a very light layer of new white snow, but travel etc. is just fine. I already drove all over to do some chores, and airports are going full clip.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Kal Mar 11th, 2005 04:38 PM

You mean &quot;St. Patski's Day&quot; doncha?

What's green and lays around the pool in the summer?
Patty O'Furniture.

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