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Statia Nov 25th, 2005 01:30 PM

What's Your Poison and How Has Your Travel Been Over the Thanksgiving Holiday?
After a very long week, I'm starting a bit early tonight.

My poison is Chardonnay and although Thanksgiving isn't really celebrated here, we did "travel" around the corner to our favorite restaurant on the island, an antique place called The Old Gin House (as in cotton gin, not drinkable gin :D ).

The restaurant is located on the beach and has a lovely setting of intimate tables, candlelight, linens and crystal.

We had a fabulous traditional Thanksgiving dinner, prepared by a French chef, along with a wonderful bottle of wine surrounded by many expat friends we've accumulated over the years. We finished off with caffee corretto (although we had to show them how to make it :) ) and pecan pie, poolside.

It was a wonderful evening of dining under the stars, and it was especially enjoyable since DH has worked the last three holidays and I've been solo.

We finished off in the teak wood bar with an after dinner Grand Marinier and then found out that someone else had picked up our whole tab. Something totally unexpected and another thing to be thankful for.

So, what's your poison, how was your holiday, how was your traveling for such, and did you endure Black Friday in the retail vein? Tell us all about it. :)

cmcfong Nov 25th, 2005 01:51 PM

Goodness, Statia, you certainly do it right. What a marvelous picture your description painted. If only I could ....

Oh well, I am not there, I am here in very cold North Carolina. Poison is Corona Light to spice up my excellent vegetable soup.
We drove four hours each way in miserable traffic to see our two week old great niece in Greenville, SC. It was wonderful and, yes, before you ask, she is the most beautiful baby!

BuffaloGirl Nov 25th, 2005 01:52 PM

Statia, do you mind if I live vicariously through you? Venice one week, Thanksgiving dinner next to the beach.....sigh! :-)

We traveled one block away to my SIL's house yesterday. It was a cold, white, icy day. My leg's in a cast, so I was scared to venture out, but my husband's a big strong guy and made sure I didn't slip while using my crutches!

Tonight I'm house bound, but did a lot of Christmas shopping on-line (gotta love e-bay). I wouldn't even think about shopping on Black Friday in my condition! I think I'm gonna pour myself a glass of Southern Comfort to warm my insides while I watch a movie. (I'm trying to convince my 14 year old to play a video game with me).

Wishing Statia and everyone else a great weekend!

Statia Nov 25th, 2005 02:56 PM

I'll bet she's a beautiful baby, cmcfong!

BuffaloGirl, I remember your unfortunate fall. How much longer do you have to be in that cast?

Just for the I like to say, "the grass is always greener on the other side." It's still pretty darned hot here and we are secretly wishing we had some of that nice brush of snow that many of you are having. :)

cmcfong Nov 25th, 2005 03:08 PM

Statia, I know you are right, but just this minute your "grass" looks very green. I am going to Bermuda in ten days to get a fix of summer before the holidays.
BG, feel better and be careful!
Does anyone know what kind of dog Mimi got? His name is Pastis.

BuffaloGirl Nov 25th, 2005 03:26 PM

Statia....I have an idea that will suit both of us. HOUSE SWAP!!!!!

My next Dr. visit is 12/5. Keep your fingers crossed that the cast will come off then!

Slow night on the boards, huh?

buckeyemom Nov 25th, 2005 04:18 PM

Hi Statia!

I am sitting at my Mother's house drinking a nice Cabernet. My shopping will be done next week on-line.

Great Thanksgiving. Went to my SIL's house and tons of new babies. They are so cute!! Had a great time with the family and loving on those babies...

cwojo99 Nov 25th, 2005 05:26 PM

Statia, where exactly is this place? Sounds great! And just how did you manage to have your tab picked up?

I am having a Frangelico...I work in retail so after a great Thanksgiving meal I prepared for family, today was spent dealing with crazy shoppers who wanted to start their shopping at 5 a.m.... :((

But, I have much to be thankful for, so I did survive!

wanderluster Nov 26th, 2005 06:52 AM

Great Thanksgiving with the in-laws
and now home again having strong coffee
trying to recuperate.
Traffic was heavy but that's to
be expected.
Nice to have gas at $1.99 again!

Monadnock Nov 26th, 2005 07:01 AM

Had to travel only to the dining room and back to the kitchen and back to the dining room and get the idea. It was cold and snowy but we had 15 for dinner--and the Le Crema Pinot Noir was divine. Still is... Did venture out on Black Friday and it really wasn't bad--you just need to be prepared and in the right state of mind. And finish the day with the above-mentioned Le Crema... :)

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