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Midwesterner Aug 25th, 2001 11:37 AM

Geez Think First-Did you forget to take your meds today or are you having PMS or what??? There was no rhyme or reason to post either of your posts. <BR> <BR>As for the people of Columbus getting defensive..I totally sympathize. Many east coast residents think Ohio and Columbus in particular is a wasteland or country backwater with nothing positive. Having been to Columbus, I can attest to the fact it is a wonderful city with wonderful, caring, friendly people, great restaurants and many things to do and see. Let's try to remember, every city in this country of ours is unique and has special qualitites. We are lucky to live in a country as wonderful and diverse as the US and not have to worry about trying to survive day to day as they do in some parts of the world.

BuckeyeChuck Aug 25th, 2001 12:33 PM

I guess I did get a little defensive about my hometown. Fist Leone slammed Columbus and now former DC resident. It really makes me see red when people don't give a city a chance and start slamming it here, it affects peoples perception of the place. Columbus is a nice city with lots to do if one will be open-minded and SEE and DISCOVER for themselves.

Jim Rosenberg Aug 25th, 2001 01:12 PM

Some of this seems to be a discussion of the difference between LIVING in a place vs. VISITING a place. Going back to the original post, it's clear that Rosemary will have plenty of solid options. It's pointless to compare Columbus to Washington DC -- although if you're accustomed to the latter, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the comparative costs.

Former DC resident Aug 25th, 2001 03:43 PM

I can't believe anyone thinks I was slamming Columbus or that I was whining. As I said before, I LOVE living here. One of the things I like the most is how friendly people are here, however as some of the other posters have demonstrated, there are exceptions to that.

GatorGirl Aug 26th, 2001 06:23 AM

Rosemary, <BR> <BR>I hope you guys have a great time in Columbus. I remember going to COSI as a teenager and actually loving it and would go back as an adult in a minute...but you sound like you already have your day filled up so maybe on another trip. As for the opinions of some expressed here, don't these posts make for interesting reading?

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