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nina Mar 17th, 2003 03:16 PM

What are people afraid of?
Everytime you turn on the news you hear how air travel is down and people are cancelling trips. Why? The answer is the War, but specifically why? I know 2 people personally who are cancelling trips they planned for if war is declared, one to Italy and another to Germany. I asked them why and neither could come up with a rational answer, only that they are cancelling if there is war. These are people who live within 20 miles of NYC. Do they think they are safer at home?<BR><BR>So here is my question to those who don't want to travel if war is decreed. What specifically are you afraid of?

BoulderCO Mar 17th, 2003 03:25 PM

I agree - I don't know what their specific fear is. Maybe a disruption in airline flights that could leave them temporarily stranded in a foreign country. That could be a concern for travelers who have left children at home or need to return on time for some reason. But I don't see what the particular danger is - I don't think a large gang of terrorists are suddenly going to awaken like zombies and start attacking travelers. It's not like the terrorists are just sitting around waiting for a war before they swing into action. They are out there now and will still be out there after the war.

angeleno Mar 17th, 2003 03:56 PM

Probably people prefer to be in a predictable environment in case of emergency and close to their loved ones.

Big_Money_D Mar 17th, 2003 04:00 PM

Good question, Nina. I suppose that when people are scared, they irrationally tend to remain at home, in their caves.<BR><BR>As for the international travel, I can think of more tangible reasons, such as fear of the anti-Americanism that might boil out onto the streets if the bombs start dropping. There could be some very vocal protesting in Europe, actually all over the world once hostilities commence.<BR><BR>What would you say to your children when they ask you why all the people are out on the street saying that Americans are evil, burning the flag that they were taught to respect in school?

Connie Mar 17th, 2003 04:03 PM

I was supposed to be on the next flight out of Hong Kong on 9/11. It was four days before we were allowed to come home.<BR><BR> Not being able to get home was a terrible feeling but even worse was not being with my family. It was a scary time and I think it is normal to want to be in our comfort zone at those times.<BR><BR>I won't stop traveling but I will stay in the U.S. for a while.

cnmiranda Mar 17th, 2003 04:05 PM

People appear to be afraid of everything, rational or not. Just check out the Europe board! People are afraid of how they will be treated in each and every country including our allies, flying, the mytery pnemonia, afraid of what to wear, what to say, what to tip!<BR>It's going to extremes. People are also cancelling their flights. My fully booked flight to the UK is now selling discounted seats. Must be a lot of people changing their travel plans.

JohnK Mar 17th, 2003 04:23 PM

&quot;Be Fearless&quot;<BR>-Nina Hagen

mrwunrfl Mar 17th, 2003 04:33 PM

<BR>People are afraid of the unknown.

wemr Mar 17th, 2003 04:35 PM

I'm afraid of George Bush, Master of the world.

patsy Mar 17th, 2003 05:31 PM

I can only say that when i visited Italy and Switzerland earlier this month, I had NO PROBLEMS. If you treat others with respect for their customs and remember that you are the visitor in their country; those traveling abroad should not have any trouble. There are LOTS of Europeans who hate Saddam and know he has to go and are behind the USA, there are others that think this can be done without war....just like here, there are passionate feelings both ways. I did not experience any anti-Americanism. Maybe some that are having troubles are bringing it on themselves??....good idea to not discuss politics or religion no matter where you are.

Jon_Eric Mar 17th, 2003 05:32 PM

Spiders. Regarding travel fears, again Spiders! Due to an experience in Kenya with the Hunting Spider, long story short, spiders. :) <BR><BR>Seriously though I often have to travel for work with a days notice and I really dont think about it. If its my time, its my time be it in New Orleans or Korea. However... I never thought it might just be the pilots time!

padme Mar 17th, 2003 06:02 PM

My husband and I travel to the U.S. quite often (we are Canadians-please don't hold it against us.LOL.).I love the U.S and I wouldn't vacation anywhere else.The people are friendly and I just love the whole American atomsphere.We are going to Minneapolis next week no matter what happens-in fact I feel the safest when I am in the good 'ol U.S.A.We will spend lots of $$ to boost the economy-as we did a couple of months ago in Maui. We are with you guys all the way-God Bless all the brave troops fighting for our freedom!!!

bob_brown Mar 17th, 2003 06:07 PM

I am so scared I just booked a trip to Kansas City and Calgary. What is keeping me from traveling more is the sagging dollar and the decline in the stock market. If stocks were up, I could cash a few shares and have plenty of money to travel!!<BR><BR>The war is half way around the globe.<BR>A few terrorists might attack, but where and how is anybody's guess.

JackisBack Mar 17th, 2003 10:54 PM

I agree with the person who said George Bush Jr. I have a lot of fear of what he's doing to this country and the pandora's box he will be opening in under 2 days. Once opened there is no going back folks, although you will long to. People found that out before.<BR>See

nina Mar 18th, 2003 04:36 AM

Well, this has nothing to do with your opinions of double G and his politics. What's done is done. I'm just curious about what those who are cancelling trips or holding off are afraid off.<BR><BR>I guess I can see not being away from immediate family, in which case I say, take them! Now's the time to take advantage of those low fares!<BR><BR>As far as what I will tell my children if they witness any anti Americanism? Easy, they are getting a first hand history lesson and I don't think it would damage them to know that everyone doesn't love the USA, or what is going on in the world and why people feel the way they do.

Coyote Mar 18th, 2003 04:43 AM

You should never let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do, let alone a terrorist. Its what they want, so dont give in to it.

Loki Mar 18th, 2003 04:48 AM

There is a lot of irrationalism but there is also a lot of prudence in why travel slows down.<BR><BR>One thing, the US Gov't is the #1 employer in the U.S. still, no? So there are many people who cannot leave the country at this time. I have several friends in this situation. They must be available for work every day during wartime. These are civillians. It would be likely then that their spouses and children will be hanging at home too.<BR><BR>This may sound extreme but, with 250,000 troops in the gulf area who have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother, sisters, cousins... a lot of people might feel it inappropriate to be sunning in the south of France when the phone call comes in that a body bag is on it's way. I'm not a parent, but I don't think I would not be vacationing if my child was fighting in a war. I have several friends and a few colleagues from work who are reservists who are over there now.<BR><BR>I know you are addressing people who just won't travel and can't explain why (and that's just irrational fear), but the overall emptiness of airplanes and hotels, has something to do with the fact that people actually have to fight in this war, a lot of people, and when you factor their families into this, a significant amount of Americans have more important things to do than vacation.

Myrna Mar 18th, 2003 05:11 AM

I think a couple of things are making people afraid: First, fear of the unknown and fear of no control over the situation. Secondly, the news media is making everyone crazy and paranoid. Turn off your tv and get on with your life. Likewise, if you can't handle your fear and anxiety seek professional help.

Rene Mar 18th, 2003 05:59 AM

I can tell you what some of my concerns are regarding a family trip to Hawaii we are supposed to be leaving on this Sat. First of all, if it were only my husband and myself I don't think I'd be as concerned, but we are traveling with my two children and there's this nagging voice in my head wondering if I'm putting them in unnecessary danger, just for a vacation. If I had to specify what I'm actually afraid of, I would say that being on 4 different planes over the next week is the biggest one. I fly when I need to, but I've never liked it. I like it less since 9/11. There is also the possible threat to Pearl Harbor, which I heard talk of after the last big alert we had. <BR>That said, I'm fairly sure we will still be going to Hawaii this Sat. I just wish I could feel more comfortable with the situation.<BR>I know it's ridiculous, worrying about a vacation, when there are families with sons and daughters about to be engaged in a war, but it's still my situation to deal with right now.<BR><BR>

Cher Mar 18th, 2003 06:35 AM

I think also that some people just don't feel right about being on a vacation when our country is at war.

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