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cheers2000 Aug 7th, 2017 08:55 AM

watching solar eclipse in Portland
It's too late for me to find a place in Oregon solar eclipse strip and I am wondering about the experience in Portland, Read that it's about 99 percent eclipse. Appreciate comments and feedback.


NewbE Aug 7th, 2017 09:52 AM

I can't comment on the experience, sorry, but I do know that lodging in and around Portland has been sold out for quite a while.

MmePerdu Aug 7th, 2017 09:53 AM

I plan to stay at home in Northern CA where it'll be 81+%. The source I'm using says Portland will be 99.35% which should be spectacular. But I imagine you aren't the first to think of it so I'd get on it. It may be too late there too, but certainly worth a hunt.

Fodorite018 Aug 7th, 2017 11:17 AM

If you go south of Portland just a bit, you will be in the path of totality. There are still rooms to be had, but you will pay a premium and most hotels and full, so you will be looking at oddball types of places. For example, in Corvallis OSU is renting out dorm rooms for the days of the eclipse. There are also wineries/vineyards around McMinnville that are offering camping spots. OSU has a campus is Bend as well that is offering lodging.

Gretchen Aug 7th, 2017 11:19 AM

google "solar eclipse Portland Oregon" and you will find more info than you can use.

NewbE Aug 7th, 2017 11:22 AM

<There are also wineries/vineyards around McMinnville that are offering camping spots. >

Very true! We came across a few wineries offering "camp in our vineyard, have a picnic lunch with wine" packages--I wish I could remember specifically which ones. You have to bring your own gear.

gardendiva Aug 7th, 2017 03:53 PM

I just cancelled a room at The Mark Spence Hotel for the Sunday & Monday of the eclipse. I believe that they still had some single rooms available as well.

FaceInTheCrowd Aug 8th, 2017 07:46 AM

Not to be a potentially literal wet blanket, but Portland's weather forecasters this morning are saying our 50+ days without rain will likely end within 7 days, when the jet stream shifts, bringing in a different weather system. Even were that not the case, I'm guessing there'll be a lot of disappointed folks on August 21. I just spent 4 days on Oregon's central coast where they're expecting a full eclipse; 20 miles inland, skies were blue and temps were 90 - 100, but I didn't see more than 3 - 4 hours of sun in the entire 4 days.

NorthwestMale Aug 9th, 2017 11:23 AM

Those interested in the eclipse AND free to <I>chase it</i> should NEVER <I>settle</i> for a <I>Portland</i> when totality is less than 30 miles away.

"99% eclipse" is for truck drivers and other delivery people who have to work that day.

<b>IF you don't have <U>ECLIPSE SAFETY GLASSES</U></b> then don't even bother planning to contemplate the eclipse very deeply from outside of the 100% totality strip.

You can get a pair of approved safety glasses <b>free</b> at many <u>libraries</u>.

(*** note: you don't need much more than a single pair of glasses, for a small group, <b>if you're watching from outside the band of totality</b> - it's a 2-hour show!)

Those watching from within the band of totality should each have safety glasses to view the <I>Diamond Ring</I> and other such phenomena just before the (<b>2 minutes</b>) of truth.

Those in the 90% range might detect a bit of seeming <i>haze</i> to the sunlight, but will otherwise NOT notice much difference from a clear day.

I'm sure even the 1 or 2% of the sun still showing at <I>maximum eclipse</i> in Portland would be able to burn your eyes quite effectively, so again, <u>you should NOT look at any part of the eclipse with a naked eye from outside of the band of totality</u>.

God only knows what traffic will be like from Portland heading south that morning (LOL - it might be funny to later see pictures of rush hour traffic heading north compared to eclipse traffic heading south)

If only I could predict all of you, I'd figure out just what to do...

But I know it's <b>east</b>... and <b>early</b>...

sunbum1944 Aug 9th, 2017 11:43 AM

Smoke may impact viewing of the eclipse in Oregon.
Danger of heavy traffic could cause more fires.

Think I will stay home.

NorthwestMale Aug 9th, 2017 12:47 PM

That linked story is idiotic... it begins with a sensational photo from 900 miles away and ends with the moronic suggestion of moving nearer to the coast for the eclipse. (far more probability of clouds, when eastern Oregon is the best bet along the entire land path of the eclipse, for clear skies)

And there is far more of "Eastern Oregon" than <I>adjacent to Mt. Jefferson</i>

NorthwestMale Aug 11th, 2017 03:30 AM

Here is a link to a page with a 10-minute video of Eclipse coverage from 1979.

It shows some of Portland's then-skyline, which may prove amusing when compared to 2017.

(lord knows how my reputation may suffer at Fodors for my having posted this link in 2 different threads in 5 or 6 minutes)

ekscrunchy Aug 15th, 2017 03:37 AM

Where can I buy eclipse glasses now..most sources seem to be sold out. (?)
I will be in eastern Long Island, New York, so way outside the band of totality.

Gretchen Aug 15th, 2017 03:48 AM

You can still (MAYBE) get them on Amazon for big bucks. Have you inquired at your local library? Everywhere here is sold out (Lowe's).
Maybe call an optometrist--one here was giving them away

Be sure they are the real ones.
American optical are certified

tomfuller Aug 15th, 2017 05:18 AM

I saw some purchased in a Bend McD's for $2 yesterday.
I'll be sleeping in my Rav4 on a 4WD road Sunday night east of the John Day Painted Hills.
Drive from Portland to Silver Creek Falls SP or nearby.

ekscrunchy Aug 15th, 2017 02:58 PM

Gretchen, thanks! Sure enough my wonderful local library says it has them and has invited neighbors to bring chairs, blankets, snacks, etc for the afternoon on Monday. I am going to try to get a small group together and if not, will go alone!!

Very excited!!!!!

Bring a chair, blanket, etc. to our back garden. Free viewing glasses will be available.>

Gretchen Aug 15th, 2017 03:05 PM

We have a young man in our church who has been hyped up about this for a year (probably longer but we haven't paid attention), wears his eclipse shirt, etc. He has been selling glasses to all the late comers.
And we are due to have thunderstorms that day!!

Skiergirl Aug 18th, 2017 09:25 AM

I got two free pairs at Warby Parker at Grand Central Station in NYC earlier this week. They may still have them at the SoHo location.

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