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EnglishOne Mar 18th, 2003 09:22 AM

Visiting Memphis from UK - would like to see a baseball game..
This probably sounds like a silly question for all you baseball fans, but would it be sensible to book tickets for the game in advance? I really want to sample the atmosphere, and we would be disappointed if we don't get in! any other tips for novices of the game?!

ChristieP Mar 18th, 2003 09:41 AM

DO buy your tickets in advance so you will definitely get a seat! (Sometimes games sell out in advance.) The best seats are closest to the infield, and they'll also be the most expensive.

EnglishOne Mar 18th, 2003 09:49 AM

Thanks Christie. Have just browsed the Memphis Redbirds home website - you can buy and print your tickets there before you go! fantastic.

obxgirl Mar 18th, 2003 09:56 AM

Hi EnglishOne,<BR><BR>Before you buy, check the exchange or refund policy in case the game you're holding tickets for is rained out.<BR><BR>We have gone to see two local minor leagues (Norfolk Tides and Richmond Braves) and have gotten tickets at the very last minute.

mrwunrfl Mar 18th, 2003 09:58 AM

<BR>So, you're talking about AAA baseball, and this pro team:<BR><BR>Other options would be U. of Memphis baseball or a drive to St. Louis for some Major League Baseball (MLB).<BR><BR>It would be sensible to get tickets in advance so that you can get good seats. The great majority of MLB games don't sell out, so there are tix available on the day and you can always buy tix from scalpers (after sitting in a (nice but) high seat at Dodger Stadium, I just started buying field box seats from scalpers at face value).<BR><BR>I recommend sitting at field level on the first base side midway between home and first base (or along the first base half of that line). Same at 2nd level, but on top level I prefer seats behind home plate.<BR><BR>For a weekday game, if I couldn't get the seat I wanted in advance, I'd just get one from a scalper. If you find that you don't like your seats, go to the team office and explain that you are Brits and that this is your only chance to see baseball and the seats are not very good. They'll love you and find you some good seats (well maybe not for a group of 4 or 6, but you could try).<BR><BR>During the 7th inning stretch, when you get to the appropriate point in the song, you would sing (in Memphis):<BR>It's root, root, root, for the Redbirds, if they don't win it's a shame.<BR>

EnglishOne Mar 18th, 2003 11:01 AM

Thanks a lot for the tips! <BR>Go Redbirds :O)

barcadi Mar 18th, 2003 11:41 AM

We used for tickets to see the new york yankees (also went from the UK)<BR><BR>hope it helps<BR><BR>Clare

John71cove Mar 18th, 2003 02:36 PM

EnglishOne:<BR>If you want to see a real minor league game, come to Jackson, Tennessee. It's East of Memphis about 90 miles and features the DiamondJaxx, a AA minor league team. The stadium seats about 6,000. and most games are sold out. It's a farm club of the Chicago Cubs.<BR>Go to their web site if you're interested at<BR>By the way, friends of ours from Wrexham, Wales, have been guests in our home here in Jackson on 2 separate occassions. But their visits were in November, after the season ended.<BR>We will be visiting them in Wrexham in early May. Looking forward to it.<BR>John<BR>Jackson, TN

Big_Money_D Mar 18th, 2003 04:37 PM

EnglishOne,<BR><BR>Although any seat will give you a sampling of the atmosphere, I agree with the recommendation to try to get lower level seats, preferrably close to the center of the stadium behind the home plate. In the old days, minor league baseball was cheap, but clubs with large parks like Memphis are now charging more pricey rates for tickets. Not sure what the spread on the upper vs lower is, but if it isn't a budget buster, lower level seats (where you can often hear the players talking and the snap of the bat, etc) are a great experience.<BR><BR>Additionally, newer ballparks now offer all kinds of food options, mostly various kinds of fast food junk. Don't patronize them, they are sacreligious to the baseball experience.<BR><BR>Every true baseball aficionado knows the one and only true baseball game food is the hot dog. Stadiums usually offer hot dogs with some sort of regional spin, or an 'official' hot dog... that is the one to get. Second, baseball etiquette demands that the hot dog be served alongside beer, copious amounts recommended.

angeleno Mar 18th, 2003 05:55 PM

Also - walk around the stadium during the game to see all the fans and their game habits. If ushers ask you for your tickets to get from section to section, just tell then you're walking around, not sneaking into better seats. <BR> <BR>Some interesting people to look out for:<BR> <BR>-baseball bimbos (you'll know them when you see them)<BR>-baseball wives who keep score of the game<BR>-really old ladies who knit during the game<BR>-groups of frat boys<BR>-baseball stadium tourists<BR> <BR>and various other interesting people that are different from region to region. report back and tell us about the Memphis fans.

EnglishOne Mar 19th, 2003 04:13 AM

Thanks everyone for your great comments and tips. <BR>Big Money D says &quot;baseball etiquette demands that the hot dog be served alongside beer, copious amounts recommended.&quot; - In that case, I'm a fan already!<BR>Angeleno - I'll let you know how we get on. Tix are booked already, the best we could get were at the back (boo!) and the field section. If we enjoy the game, we will probably go to the Zephyrs game when we move on to New Orleans after Memphis!<BR><BR>

Curt Mar 19th, 2003 04:39 AM

I hope you are a cricket fan. If not, and you think cricket is boring, be prepared for a real let down when you see a baseball game. If you are expecting a game filled with action and fast movements, think again. Football (and by that I mean soccer, not American football) it isn't.

EnglishOne Mar 19th, 2003 07:11 AM

Curt - to be honest, Im not a sport fan per se, but would like to sample the atmosphere and the americana-ness (I've made that word up, I think!) of the whole experience. I think my husband will take more interest in the mechanics of the game though.

curmudgeon Mar 19th, 2003 12:07 PM

Baseball is definitely a place to get a feel of local culture. The smaller stadiums of the lower division teams are actually my preference; I don't like sitting in a mob of 30,000 or more people. The AA and A league teams have smaller (and more congenial) crowds.<BR><BR>If you want to get another sample of the atmosphere, you might try auto racing. It's also a case where visiting the small-town saturday night dirt track might be more fun than the NASCAR super-speedway. If you don't know the ropes (or have a definite attachment to the sport), the big events can be a lot of hassle, crowds, and standing out in the hot sun.

SueH Mar 19th, 2003 12:42 PM

A view on baseball from a Brit living (temporarily) in the US (our nearest pro. baseball team is the Baltimore Orioles.)<BR><BR>I think the boredom factor is similar to cricket. Most of the time, nothing happens, occasionally a lot happens quite quickly. <BR><BR>In baseball there are 9 innings per side.<BR><BR>You buy and eat the hot dog, you buy and drink large quantities of beer. You drop off to sleep, on average, around the 3rd inning. When not asleep, you converse with your neighbours (who have noticed your British accent) about the intricacies of baseball, which are many, and you answer many questions about Prime Minister Blair and the British Royal Family.<BR><BR>Like cricket, it's a great way to doze through a warm summer's afternoon (evening games are great too). Wouldn't miss it for the world! You will enjoy the experience.<BR><BR>

bennie Mar 19th, 2003 01:09 PM

EnglishOne - the best souvenier(sp?)available at a ball game is buying the official baseball hat. Some of the minor league teams have great hats. We get one at every new stadium we go to.<BR><BR>All this baseball talk has made me crazy- cant wait for Opening Day at Fenway!!!!! Go Sox!!!!<BR>

angeleno Mar 19th, 2003 01:15 PM

&lt;&lt;Tix are booked already, the best we could get were at the back (boo!) and the field section.&gt;&gt;<BR>well then definitely try to sneak into better sections. Play dumb tourist if the usher tries to kick you out. Try to sit close enough to the visiting team's dugout so you can join in on the heckling of the visiting team. Too much fun!

mrwunrfl Mar 20th, 2003 03:15 PM

<BR>angeleno has the right idea, you will want to move down front. Getting caught at this is a minor offense and the usher will just shoo you away.<BR><BR>If you are on the field level that is very good. Sounds like you will be up under the upper deck though. The seats that you got very well may be the same price as the seats that you really wanted. At the end of the second inning (giving the late arrivers time to get there) look for some empty seats down front and go to them like you belong there. If you get asked for your ticket stubs by the usher, then just say something in British that is equivalent to &quot;okay, just a second, buddy&quot; and hand him the stubs. He might let you stay. Don't admit, out loud, that you aren't in the correct seats. After the 7th inning stretch, you should be able to sit in any empty seat.<BR><BR>I'll re-suggest: go to the Redbirds office after you've entered the stadium and tell them that your seats aren't quite as good as you would like and see if they can fix you up with better. That will keep it all &quot;legal&quot;.<BR><BR>tip: buy peanuts from the roving vendors.

EnglishOne Mar 21st, 2003 05:19 AM

Good ideas all ... I'll try the 'scams' you suggested! Its worth a try!

JungleCat Mar 21st, 2003 05:28 AM

At the Redbirds park, you can order a Bacon Double McHaggis with Cheese. It's delicious!<BR><BR>BTW, SueH, there IS alot happening during the game but you can't see it probably because you haven't played the sport. It takes time to learn these things of course so I wouldn't expect anyone to love it right away.

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