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muffin Sep 17th, 2005 12:34 PM

Taking my cat on vacation?
I would really love to take my cat with me on vacation. I am also planning on attending Universal Studios and noticed the hotels there are most pet friendly which is so exciting. I need help though can she fly with me next to me on the airplane? She is a bit overweight so I don't know if the hotel provides robes for chubby cats but I will check into that. Any help would be very much appreciated I do want my cat to enjoy our vacation. **smooch**

LoveItaly Sep 17th, 2005 12:40 PM

Well hello there muffin!! Long time no see!

When are you going on this fab trip? I ask because if it isn't tomorrow maybe you have time to put your chubby kitty on a crash diet. Maybe even drag her/him down to the gym for some workouts. Then the normal hotel robe would fit properly, you think? Good luck to you with this weighty problem. Smooches to you!!

crefloors Sep 17th, 2005 12:41 PM

I think probably a silk robe would be best for your kitty. If she's a little on the tubby side there wouldn't be as much bulk around her waist as with a terry cloth robe. You might call your hotel and check ahead and if they don't provide a robe, and if not, you certainly could pack one for her. Silk would not take up a lot of room in her little suitcase, or your's if you are packing her things in your suitcase. I think you should take the robe in your carry on so that if perchance your luggage is delayed the little "dear" will have her robe to relax in when you arrive at your destination.

LoveItaly Sep 17th, 2005 12:45 PM

Oh crefloorfs, leave it to you to give a better suggestion! A silk robe of course!! Muffin dear just forget my idea After all I am sure Tubby doesn't want to diet and excersize anyway. You both have a wonderul trip.

muffin Sep 17th, 2005 01:41 PM

We don't plan on hitting Universal until January but sadly my darling kitty is more interested in snoozing and relaxing than any sort of excercise. I can call ahead or even pack the silk robe as you suggested. Any ideas on the plane flight? What airlines allow the fab kitty to sit with me on the airline? She has her little flying outfit already picked out so no concern yet anyway on what to wear on the plane. **smooch**

LoveItaly Sep 17th, 2005 01:51 PM

Well muffin dear we all KNOW that Southwest gives the best service don't we? Just call them and make reservations in their first class section and request that they have a plump silk cushion for your little darling for his/her airline seat. BTW, is your darling a he or a she? And request that darlings champagne (do make sure it is top quality please) be placed in a fine china bowl so that she can enjoy it. No WalMart plastic bowl for little darling. His/her feelings would be hurt as you know. I think between the flying outfit, the champagne in the fine china bowl, the silk cushion, the silk robe little darling will be content. Well as content as one can be on our airlines these days. But, have you thought about little darlings outfit for visiting Univeral Studio. You are taking darling with you I trust! Cin,cin and more smooches to both of you!

baylady Sep 17th, 2005 01:58 PM

Hi Muffin, We flew United this summer with our two chubby cats (luckily silk robes weren't an issue in the Rockies, fleece was more appropriate!) It was an adventure. At BWI security was very nice and let us go into a room where we could keep guys safe while their (expensive!) carriers were sent through. The planes were both full so we couldn't really talk to them etc. At DIA they made us hold two terrified cats as they put carriers through! Actually, they did it quickly and were quite nice, still could have been a bad situation. My husband and I had frequent flier miles seats so...the cats cost us $80. each BOTH ways . I guess that is to keep riff-raff cats off! Before you make reservations, call airlines you are interested in to make sure they will welcome your kitty. (Not many do!) Good luck, this isn't a cat's favorite way to spend his leisure time!

OneWanderingJew Sep 17th, 2005 02:06 PM

Muffin--Where have you and chubby kitty been hiding? Haven't seen you for ages and must say I was worried.

As for the kitty, might I suggest a shearling overstuffed pillow for resting the cat's weary head in the hotel and on those airplane seats. Do not get the faux shearling. Tacky, tacky.

Do you have your traveling clothes worked out? I assume you and kitty will have matching robes for lounging in the hotel but what will you do for your outings?

Have a wonderful trip.

**smooches to you too**

muffin Sep 17th, 2005 03:20 PM

Still working on the outfits for the actual trip. I appreciate all the helpful tips I think it will really be very handy. My kitty is a girl naturally and her name is Salem Lee althogh I frequently nicknamer her Miss Salem. She is all black and has the soft fur one would die for. She is pampered and loved but is a little overweight yet seems to accept it very well. I have to respect her for that as I would be quite upset were I to become chubby but that is why I love Miss Salem. **smooch**

BuffaloGirl Sep 17th, 2005 07:02 PM

Muffin, I would put kitty in a baby carrier/car seat thingy and make sure she is wearing a newborn "onesie." The kind with a hood so you can pull it down over her face. If anyone questions your "baby's" fur, just make up something about a rare facial hair disease and say you're flying to Orlando to see a specialist.

I'm certain your hotel caters to people and pets of all shapes and sizes, so a large robe should be no problem. Don't forget to request four little kitty slippers and a tail warmer. The Back to the Future ride might be a little scary for her, so keep that in mind.

BTW, are you going to wear your special plane riding outfit?

Have fun! ***smooch***

cigalechanta Sep 17th, 2005 07:24 PM

I must have an "odd cat. She loves Maribou trimmed robes and they are hard to find. Funny, It was only yesterday I finished reading, "The cat who went to Paris," by Peter Getters.
I, too, have missed you, Muffin.
Please don't wear those squeeky leather pants when you travel with Miss Salem. You know that cats need their beauty naps and your pantscould be a huge disturbence for her tender ears.

Stephanie Sep 18th, 2005 04:33 AM

It is a really bad idea to take a cat on vacation. They love familiarity and don't enjoy new environments. When I went on vacations in my past my cats had a daily visit from a cat sitter who emptied their litter and made sure there was enough food for them. Your feline will love staying home - very stressful for any cat to travel.

GoTravel Sep 18th, 2005 05:38 AM

Muffin, I am very suprised and disappointed that you have not mentioned strapping kitty in his/her seat. Don't you know with deceleration and turbulence kitty can quickly turn into a projectile?

That said, I think matching taffeta track suits would be the most elegant attire on board the plane.

Also, try and keep kitty from loudly meowing on the plane. That is so annoying. Don't even think about letting kitty run up and down the aisle of the plane and interfere with beverage service.

Birdie Sep 18th, 2005 07:41 AM

Muffin, dearest.
Although the trip with Kitty you have planned sounds ab fab, don't you know that separate vacations are all the rage? Kittle Wittle can go to a Kitty Spa while you are tramming at Universal. She can indulge in peticures and massages while staying in her comfortable multi-leveled kitty condo with personal tv showing "birdies" and micies. This would, of course, require shopping for the ultimate velour warm up suit.

antlori Sep 18th, 2005 10:49 AM

Muffin, so good to hear from you again. I was just thinking about you a couple of days ago and, voila, here you are with another challenge for your fellow Fodorites. I'm a little concerned that you might have to pay extra on the plane for your chubby kitty. I've heard some airlines are now charging overweight passengers for 2 seats!

Birdie Sep 18th, 2005 11:15 AM

Meow, meow. Hiss, hiss. Such cattiness on a thread about a cat!!!
Stephanie's second post was a little out of line but so was Joan's.

Scarlett Sep 18th, 2005 11:29 AM

GoT, dunno but you are right, most women don't say things like that...especially on a Travel Forum :O

Birdie, you cannot compare what joan said to the crude remarks of Stephanie.

Perhaps this thread has outlived its humour?

Scarlett Sep 18th, 2005 02:41 PM

Just back from a nice day out in Portland. The weather here is glorious and there was a Race for the Cure with many many wonderful women in their pink tee shirts raising money for Other wonderful women.

So seeing all that pink made me think that Muffin and Chubby Kitty should go for all Pink.
I saw this adorable outfit at a pet shop here, for a pup but a chubby kitty would definitely be able to wear it.
Pink velvet with a maribou sort of collar..very Zaza Gabor...Muffin could wear a nice velvet outfit in similar color on the plane.
I think this is a <b><font color="pink">BRILLIANT</font></b> idea!

seetheworld Sep 18th, 2005 02:42 PM

Yes, GoT, wise advice!

Muffin dear, what will your chubby cat wear on her delicate feet? Please give this careful consideration.

Also, just a kind reminder, please be sure you bring along her favorite din din, perhaps a silver dish to serve it in. Remember, stinky tuna will not please your fellow passengers and may cause resentment to your beloved feline friend. :D

amwosu Sep 18th, 2005 02:54 PM

You are soooo lucky Ms. Muffin. My kitty wouldn't be caught dead on vacay with me. He feigns complete disinterest in all of us at home and in front of all those people it would be simply too much work for him. How ever did you con her into such a trip?

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