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ritmom Apr 9th, 2017 03:22 PM

Should we spend all of our time at RMNP or ......
Hi! We have a trip planned to RMNP in late August and will be camping (pop-up trailer) at Moraine Park Campground. This is our third trip to RMNP and we are looking forward to hiking (Emerald Lake/Cub/Fern Lake) and enjoying the outdoors. However, we may not get back to Colorado for several years and I am entertaining the idea of adding a second destination to our vacation plans. I've been intrigued by Glenwood Springs when we've driven past it on other vacations. Would it make sense to shift three of our seven nights to Glenwood Springs (or another destination you might suggest) to explore a little more of the state (we've been to Durango/Ouray/Mesa Verde on a previous trip) or would we be crazy to give up any of our 7 nights in RMNP? We are mostly interested in moderate hikes, nature and the beautiful outdoors. Thank you for any thoughts you can provide because I can not make up my mind!!!!

michelhuebeli Apr 9th, 2017 04:41 PM

That is awfully hard to decide for folks like us here - it is so much a judgment call, especially since we don't know just which of the many hikes you have done. In case this helps: Have you exhausted all the good walks in the RMNP? Have you climbed the goat track up from the Bierstadt bus stop on Bear Lake Road and then hiked to Bierstadt lake and up to Bear Lake? You can park at the bus stop then take the free bus back down to your car.

What about the hike to Bridal Veil Falls (the falls are not all that great in August but the hike is nice)? Or from Hidden Valley up to Trail Ridge Road (that needs a logistics plan - somebody has to pick you up, or you walk back down).

Also - going up to the Rock Cut on Trail Ridge Road several evenings in a row and staying until about 40 minutes after sundown is no waste of time - on one of those evenings you just may get the photo of a lifetime! The first night or two you figure out where to put the tripod...

The hike you mention is good to do in the dark so that you get to photograph Hallet's when it catches the first rays, with reflections if you're lucky on a clear day. A classic and highly desirable shot. Be there 30 minutes before official sunrise time.

Now when it comes to places other then the RMNP - sure, lots of good ones, but you only have seven nights in the park? I'd say stay put and make the most of it.

scascio Apr 10th, 2017 10:13 AM

We recently spent 7 summer nights in RMNP and didn't regret a minute of it. On the most recent trip, we stayed near the town of Grand Lake, near the Kawuneeche Visitor Center on the West side of the park.

Grand Lake is a cute little town with shopping and restaurants on the boardwalk. There is also a lake, of course, with kayak rentals. I like the hiking trails on that side of the park b/c you can see more wildlife and the landscape is a little more lush.

We also took a day trip to the Winter Park Ski Resort. It was beautiful with a fun alpine slide, mountain biking, mini golf, etc. We took the ski lift up to the top of the mountain and played their disc golf course - which was amazing! I believe you can also rent the discs, but we brought our own.

I've never been to Glenwood Springs, but in my opinion, you can't go wrong visiting anywhere in Colorado.

Have fun!

Nelson Apr 10th, 2017 06:24 PM

Understand these decisions can be tough when planning a trip. I've spent hundreds of days hiking in RMNP and haven't been everywhere, so I feel it's safe to say that you guys have probably just scratched the surface!

My vote would be to stay put, but our typical style of travel is to go to fewer places and see them well, rather than be on the move a lot.

In your case the cost of the move is probably 4+ hours extra driving on each of two different days, plus an extra camp move. Seems like a high cost out of seven days when you'll already be parked in world class scenery.

Have a great trip whatever you decide.

ritmom Apr 11th, 2017 05:27 AM

Thank you all for your replies and reminding me why we always want to return to RMNP. When we've left the park on previous vacations we always felt we needed more time there. You are all so right! We are going to savor our time there! Thanks again for helping me gain perspective!!

fmpden Apr 11th, 2017 07:49 AM

I am one of the locals that gets accused of not being a big RMNP fan. It is great but there are many other areas of the state that are just as great. Not being pop-up tent camper I have no idea as the inconvenience of moving. But the whole Aspen/Maroon Bells/Glenwood Springs & Canyon area is equal great. Add in Mineral Belt trail in Leadville, Independence Pass, Tennessee pass - all great visual and hiking areas.

And then in totally difference areas - Great Sand dunes, Brown canyon, Black Canyon of the Gunnison - I could go on. So many great places in the state - explore a little.

Nelson Apr 11th, 2017 06:14 PM

fmpden, yep, you are totally correct. It's kind of a no lose for the OP, but since they are already booked in RMNP it's a question if they want to move or not. Tough choice.

And, for the record, I have never accused you of not being a fan of RMNP! :)

illininutt Apr 13th, 2017 11:10 AM

Here's my 7 day plan.

fmpden Apr 13th, 2017 01:35 PM

Hey, Ill nut, that is called hijacking another's thread. It is rude and impolite. That is one of the principle reasons that your other postings have not receive any responses. Please don't intrude on this nice conversation.

illininutt Apr 13th, 2017 06:10 PM

Don said Vets would be treated better under his watch. Guess some on here never got the memo!?

illininutt Apr 13th, 2017 06:12 PM

Besides...the person who posted it did not seem to mind. Maybe my "map" gave them some ideas!?

Gretchen Apr 14th, 2017 05:54 AM

<Don said Vets would be treated better under his watch. Guess some on here never got the memo!?>

For people who don't know ___nutt's FIVE threads, he posts this on his 5 threads asking the same questions and is complaining that he can't get a break on a hotel rate because he was a stateside cook in the army in 1968!! LOL

I agree with fmpden--the area around Glenwood Springs, Roaring Fork River is beautiful ALSO--like all of Colorado!! If the OP can get out there for a few days I know they'd love it also.

illininutt Apr 14th, 2017 08:44 PM

Gretchen: Until they ban me....get used to it! Stateside cook? Unlike Don or his least I went!

illininutt Apr 15th, 2017 02:23 AM

When YOU are only serve 2 years....but....THEY pick what you do as a job. For me it was 94B20 (cook) and I was next sent to Fort Leonard, Missouri for 4 months of cook school. No WAY I was going to vollenteer and have to spend an extra year in. The more months you are in....the more chance you go overseas! Only 2.1% of young kids go to the military in 2017...why do you think it's soooooooo low!? IT'S HELL just being way. If "they" want to work you 12/24/36 hours straight....who's to stop them!? There is no rule/law in the Military...except their own....

ritmom Apr 15th, 2017 10:55 AM

Thanks again for all of the input. I think we are going to add two days to our vacation to see Glenwood Springs as well. I'm always a little jealous of those of you who live in that beautiful state. :)

Gretchen Apr 15th, 2017 01:32 PM least I went!

So did my husband.

illininutt Apr 15th, 2017 01:55 PM

Gret...YOU could have gone!?! least I went! So....who's the chicken?!?

sylvia3 Apr 15th, 2017 02:05 PM

Someone has some issues beyond bad spelling.

fmpden Apr 15th, 2017 06:33 PM

Instead of belly aching 50 years later he should be damn thankful that he had soft duty in the US the whole time. I can give him a list of names that came home in a box. They would have loved to have been a cook on a US post. I had a bad night in June when the probability of seeing the sunrise was low. Most didn't. So I don't have much patience with wimps who want to complain about soft military duty.

illininutt Apr 15th, 2017 07:32 PM

When you are have NO choice....THEY pick your job....THEY pick where you go and don't go. IF the Military is soooooo soft.....why do only 2.3% of kids go!? NOBODY in their right mind would want to go! I know 100's of kids 18-25....but only one joined. WHY do you think that is. I did whatever they said....worked as many hours in a row as they wanted. Why do you think our last two Presidents never went! Why do you think Don's kids never went?

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