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TrvlMaven Jul 2nd, 2012 05:07 PM

Seeing most of SF in one day, with Bridging Girl Scouts
Last Saturday I took my granddaughter's Girl Scout troop of 8 girls and three adults to SF so they could bridge into Cadette GS by walking the Golden Gate Bridge. We drove in from the East Bay and were dropped off on the SF side of the bridge at 9am (our van driver went ahead and parked at the Exploratorium). Weather was very foggy and cool--but the girls didn't mind. We walked to the halfway point where they could "jump" from being Junior Girl Scouts, to Cadettes (the next level) and then walked back. After a quick snack and potty break, we took the trail down to the Warming Hut at Crissy Field where we posed for pictures and gave them their new badge sashes and patches. Walked along the bay front trail to the Exploratorium where we were given a special tour by one of the scientists (an uncle of one of the scouts). Two hours in the museum, lunch outside at the Palace of Fine Arts, then back into the van.
We drove to Pier 39 where we were dropped off (van found street parking on Lombard and Battery). We walked outside all of the shops directly to the sea lions (there were only about a dozen on the outer docks). They looked at Alcatraz (next time. . .) and enjoyed all the street performers. Continued on to Fisherman's Wharf, stopped to talk to the bread bakers at Boudin's--the girls asked great questions, enjoyed the free samples and resting on the benches out front while the moms shopped inside. Continued on through FW and to my delight, "Bush Man" got them and they were squealing with joy! Quick peek at the ships at Hyde Street Pier, then on to Ghirardelli for ice cream to go so we could begin the wait for the cable car. As most everyone else says, this was a highlight of their trip! We got a glimpse of Lombard Street, and then got off at the Cable Car Museum. The girls really enjoyed seeing how they work and this also made a great potty stop with a bit of shopping.
We walked down the hill into Chinatown with detours to the Fortune Cookie Factory, the Painted Balconies on Waverly, then on to their second most-wanted excursion--shopping on Grant Street! We saved this for last--they loved getting trinkets for their families as well as souvenirs for themselves. The moms enjoyed The Wok Shop and a peek at the celebrity photos in the lobby of Empress of China.
We walked down Washington and stopped at the Sweet Shop at the corner of Portsmouth Square where they got to see the people playing cards, dominoes and mahjong.
Called ahead to our van driver (DH) and he picked us up at at Washington and Sansome for the drive back to the East Bay for pizza, hot tub and giggly "slumber".
In 12 hours we covered 84 miles, 7 of them on foot, and checked off all of the items on the girls' wish list. Happy to say a successful venture!

Melnq8 Jul 2nd, 2012 05:13 PM

Wow, busy day. Makes the bridging ceremony I hosted many moons ago look downright pitiful.

DebitNM Jul 2nd, 2012 05:21 PM

Sounds like a terrific day and a great way to move-up. I think that was what we called it. We actually walked over a small bridge that was across a stream behind our city's Girl Scout house. We had a camp out, with s'mores and some things from the GS cookbook [chile?] and made "sit-upons" { I think that was what they were called. Made out of newspaper and woven to make a square mat to sit upon]. They we had a sleep over at the GS house.

Your version sounds way better, but maybe because I love SF and have done many of the same things.

Congrats to the new Cadettes.

[We went from Brownies to GS, no interim steps back then.]

TrvlMaven Jul 2nd, 2012 06:04 PM

GS of NorCal sponsors a GG Bridging event every year--except this one because of the Centenary of Girl Scouts (100th!) There was a different event back in May while these girls were still in school, so we held our own. Today there are four/five levels: Daisy (4/5 yrs), Brownies (6-8), Juniors (8-11), Cadettes (11-13), and Seniors/Ambassadors (high school into college). If you were a GS, you should register as an Alumnae:

sf7307 Jul 2nd, 2012 06:58 PM

What a day!

musicfan Jul 3rd, 2012 05:25 AM

Impressive! What an amazing day. I love San Francisco (lived near there in the late 80's) and you did more in one day than a lot of people do in a year.

And congrats to all the new Cadettes! I was a Girl Scout leader for years and DD got her Gold Award--good for you for supporting them and making their transition so memorable.

tileaftilly Jul 3rd, 2012 06:21 AM

It would have taken us oldsters three days to do all that!

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