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KathyH Sep 12th, 2008 03:47 AM

Seattle/WA trip help needed
Normally after a little research I have all my vacations totally planned and booked months ahead of time. But for this trip, for some reason the more I research the more confused I get.

We are coming out to Seattle to visit my brother on 9/27. Plan to stay with him in Issaquah for Sat. evening and Sunday and then Monday morning go off and do things on our own. We will then join back up with them Friday morning and stay with them until we leave on Tuesday.

Didn't want to stay with them for the entire 10 days as I think that is just too much. With them we will do all the Seattle and environs type of stuff.

But what to do with our four days. This is my tentative plan. Leave early Monday morning and drive up to Anacortes and catch the ferry to San Juan Island. Stay there for two nights, then go back to Anacortes and drive down the islands to catch the ferry to Port Townsend and spend the next two nights at Olympic National Park area.

We just have to be back in the Seattle area for a 2:00 Savor Seattle tour on Friday, meaning we'd like to be back in Issaquah early that day so we can ride to Seattle together.

Is this trip doable? I have a hard time figuring out travel times. We don't mind wandering but also don't want to spend hours in a car on a highway getting from point A to point B. And we also don't mind getting up early to make an early start.

We like all kinds of things. Scenery, walks, hikes, boat tours, biking if it isn't mountainous and easy outdoor types of sightseeing. We love food and drink. Anything from fine dining to local regionalized foods.

My husband is into brewing beers so we will be sure to visit some brewries and brewpubs when out there. I wouldn't mind visiting a winery.

We had considered going to Portland but on this first trip out, we decided to stick with Washington.

We are pretty flexible and easygoing travelers, but I also don't like to totally play it by ear and not have any reservations.

If the above doesn't sound like it would work or be worth it, what other itinteries would you suggest.

Any help needed and appreciated. We are leaving in two weeks so I realize I need to get going and figure something out.


fritzrl Sep 12th, 2008 06:27 AM

Well, this agenda involves a lot of ferry rides and a lot of driving.

The San Juan-to-Port-Townsend leg is doable, if a bit tiring, IMHO.

What I really would suggest you reconsider is the ONP-to-Seattle chunk. Port Townsend is on the way to ONP, but it isn't close to it, and it requires at least 2-3 hours of driving on 2-lane roads from PT to get to ONP. Forks or Kalaloch offer the only place to stay right in the park.

So, if you stayed somewhere in or near the park, to get back to Seattle by 2 PM, you'd have to get up quite early, and either
(a)dash back to PT, Bremerton, or Bainbridge to catch a ferry, or
(b) drive on 101 all the way around Puget Sound.

If the ferries are delayed, running full, or even cancelled (happens), or if the roads are particularly full of traffic, you risk not getting back at the appointed time. And you'd be so preoccupied with keeping to your schedule, I doubt you'd enjoy the peninsula very much.

Me? I'd skip the San Juan leg altogether, and give myself a leisurely 4 days to tour Hood Canal, the peninsula and ONP. It's well worth the investment of time. In 4 days, you could even have time for a day trip from Port Angeles up to Victoria, BC.

My 2 cents.

suze Sep 12th, 2008 07:09 AM

I'd pick one direction of the other. Port Townsend and ONP area *OR* go up to the San Juans. 4 days either area would be a good amount of time.

It's not that it's all huge distances but your plan involves a lot of both driving, then ferry connections. It's a bit complicated logistics, and would be kind of hectic imo to try to do all you mentioned in that amount of time.

DB Sep 12th, 2008 07:15 AM

Have your brother drive you over to Seattle, where you can catch the Victoria Clipper and spend a few days in/around Victoria.

ncounty Sep 12th, 2008 07:38 AM

If you are a foodie, try to stop by the Bakery Nouveau in West Seattle. Their quiche lorraine is the best I've ever had and they won the world bakery competition in Paris a few years ago.

KathyH Sep 12th, 2008 12:26 PM

Thank you everyone, you answered my questions and I realize that what I consider really won't work.

So I may do ONP or the San Juans or now am looking at something totally differant at the suggestion of a friend.

How about taking the four days and doing the Cascade loop. I think that would give us a real taste of Washington State. We'd leave Issaquah early Monday and head up to route 20 then drive east to 97, south on that to either 2 or to 90 and then west back to Issaquah.

We could stop at either two differant places for two nights each or split it up into a bunch of differant places which would give us some time in each for sightseeing and hiking and just wandering.

As you can see, I am all over the place with trying to plan this trip.

So I guess my question is this, is the cascade loop a doable option.

I really do appreciate all the help I've been given so far and continue to get.


fritzrl Sep 12th, 2008 12:41 PM

The Cascade loop is gorgeous, and one could easily spend a leisurely 4 days exploring. If you choose that option, do take time to enjoy some of the agricultural abundance of the eastern Washington 'prairie', as well -- wine, fruit.

The only caveat: weather. It kinda looks like Autumn around here will be short this year, and Winter will arrive early. If that proves true, then given the elevation of the Cascade passes, you could find yourselves looking at some early-winter driving conditions. If you're experienced at that sort of thing, it probably won't be a huge problem for you. If you're not, it could cast a pall over your drive.

OTOH, if Autumn lingers, the fall colors in the mountains may be at their peak during your visit -- a real treat.

On the western side of the state, and at low elevations, Winter stuff is far less likely to happen.

thevinoman Sep 12th, 2008 12:44 PM

Hi, if your husband is into beer, and you would like a winery, I would recommend a very short trip up to Woodinville. Red Hook Brewery is there, as well as Columbia Winery and Chateau St. Michele. All of them within about 500 yards of one another.

suze Sep 12th, 2008 01:02 PM

love love *LOVE* the Cascade loop!!!

I live here in Seattle so try not to trounce on people's vacation ideas, but I'm just not a fan of ONP myself. San Juans are OK. But heading east over the Cascades is dramatic and absolutely stunning scenery. World-class gorgeous!

KathyH Sep 12th, 2008 04:03 PM

Thanks everyone, I believe it is decided, we are going to do the Cascade loop.

I have a bunch of questions, what else is new, but I will post on a new thread.

Thanks again for everyone's input and hope to hear from you on the other thread.

johnthedorf Sep 13th, 2008 03:42 AM

Pretty easy drive from Issaquah to Woodinville as "thevinoman" suggested. Next to Red hook brewery is the Herb Farm but more importantly is The Barking Frog (they have web sites) which is very nice for lunch.Red Hook also has food.

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