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sjbyers22 May 13th, 2011 06:58 AM

Seattle to Vancouver
2 adults flying into Seattle mid day on Tuesday Sept 20 --Leaving Seattle Saturday AM. Have a car reserved. Would like to see Vancouver and Victoria Island. Never been to the northwest before. Help!

vjpblovesitaly May 13th, 2011 07:13 AM

What do you want to know?
Why is this tagged Minnesota?

Gardyloo May 13th, 2011 07:16 AM

Just a note - Victoria Island is in the Canadian arctic. Victoria the city is on Vancouver Island, Vancouver the city is on the mainland.

Your title says Seattle to Vancouver, so are you arriving in Seattle on 9/20 and leaving for Vancouver on Saturday the 24th, or are you trying to include Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver all in those 4 days and leaving Seattle (for home?) on the 24th? Makes a pretty big difference.

Victoria BC can be visited from Seattle by high-speed passenger ferry or by scheduled flights - either from the airport on on floatplanes from central Seattle to Victoria. Taking a car from Seattle to Victoria, and then from Victoria to Vancouver, involves fairly lengthy itineraries including ferry trips. You'd definitely need to plan on staying overnight in Victoria if you take the car, which would therefore consume at least two days of the four you're describing, leaving not much time for everything else.

Some clarification on your itinerary will be most helpful.

tomfuller May 13th, 2011 08:54 AM

Three cities in 4 days is way too much. If your flight home is not booked, fly to Seattle and spend a day and a half there and take the 7:40AM Amtrak train on 9/22 to Vancouver. Fly home from
Vancouver and forget about taking a rental car into Canada.
Public transportation is good in Seattle and Vancouver.
If you can increase the number of days, then consider going to Victoria. Make sure you both have passports with you.

suze May 13th, 2011 10:23 AM

I don't see how you can do Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria in only 4 days.

happytrailstoyou May 13th, 2011 10:35 AM

It would be a rush, but I guess you could drive to Port Angeles for the 5:15 ferry to Victoria:

Then you could go by ferry to Vancouver:

Seattle is about 140 miles from Seattle and the drive takes about 2 1/2 hours, not counting border control.

This trip could also be done in reverse.


tchoiniere May 13th, 2011 11:38 AM

"Seattle is about 140 miles from Seattle and the drive takes about 2 1/2 hours, not counting border control."

Its definitely Friday...I know you meant Vancouver is about 140 miles from Seattle but still laughed when I read that.

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