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wekewoody Dec 22nd, 2012 08:18 AM

Thank you for the various restaurant reviews. We may be headed to Santa Fe and I am keeping a file.

Weasel and Fitz looks like my kind of place. The recycled tires caught my eye!

ElendilPickle Dec 22nd, 2012 02:23 PM

wekewoody, they have some pretty cool stuff.

Lee Ann

DebitNM Dec 22nd, 2012 02:54 PM

wekewoody, there is a lot of info on here re: Santa Fe. A search should bring the info up. Feel free to ask away, Lee Ann and I love to chip in our 2 cents! :)

DebitNM Dec 22nd, 2012 03:02 PM

especially when it comes to food!

emd3 Dec 26th, 2012 08:58 PM

A girlfriend and I are headed to Santa Fe again in late January for 4 nights, as we just got a great deal for a big 2 rm king suite w/separate door to LR w/day bed and wood burning fireplace at Hotel Chimayo($109 a night for all of that, too good to pass up, even in dead of winter- but then again 10,000 Waves outdoor hot tub and inroom fireplace shoudl be nice).

LeeAnn, you said your meal at Tante Luci was not as good as Andiamo. I looked for but couldn't find your comments on Andiamo. Would you please recap your experience there? Is it someplace you would return?

I sincerely was not trying to be argumentative or mean above and am sorry, mea culpa, that it upset you that I asked to let the person I asked the question of answer my question. I have thought a lot about this post since then and have felt uncomfortable about it. It's a sore point for me, as I had a someone in my life who always answered for me or tell me what I thought(like the lady w/the 2 kids I was talking to) and I had to confront and try to deal that as an adult w/that person. She never stopped doing that, even after being asked, and it was extremely irritating. This person passed away very recently and that has brought up all kinds of feelings and thoughts. I think now, after some reflection, that I must have been very sensitive about that point and the timing of it when I wrote my comment. Honestly, there was no argument intended.

I always appreciate your insights on NM and Deb's as well. When I see either you or Deb posting on NM, I read the thread closely and bookmark/file folder that info for the future. Please forgive me for offending you. We are counting the days here in our household until your Jeopardy episode is on.

ElendilPickle Dec 27th, 2012 09:59 AM

No problem, emd3. It's just that it's easy enough for people to start bickering here, and I didn't want it to happen on my thread. :-)

We last ate at Andiamo a year or so ago. Here's a link to that trip report:

I would definitely return. Tanti Luce 221 is good, but there was something about Andiamo that I preferred. I thought my main course, in particular, was a little more imaginative, and the prices are better (or maybe we had a bigger restaurant budget in 2011, I don't really remember :-)) ). But you would certainly have a good meal at Tanti Luce.

Lee Ann

emd3 Dec 27th, 2012 11:17 AM

Thank yo for the response

So Andiamo was recommended by DebitNM to you, ok that seals the deal, if she recommended it and you tried it and liked it, we will go there one evening. And probably Casa Sena one other night, as I love that place and my friend is a major wine person. She has a cellar built into her home in CA.

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