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OliveOyl Oct 8th, 2003 05:58 AM

Yummm yes Scarlett, but you know what that chocolate bread pudding means? 3 laps up and back Breakneck Ridge. :D Or...lap Bash Bish falls (the climb to the top of the falls, not the stairs to the bottom)!

Mclaurie, I grew up on the south side of Pittsfield, about a mile from the Lenox border. To paraphrase a line from Dreamcatcher, &quot;Pittsfield is a great place to be from, but you wouldn't necessarily want have to go back there&quot;. :) It <i>was</i> a great area to grow up though, really beautiful, we even had the requiste 20's era colonial-style house with a brook running through our backyard and an old functioning cider mill across the brook and downstream a bit where we could go for free samples, but of course living in it, we didn't appreciate any of it until we were grown and gone. It was &quot;the city&quot;...but that was relative because nothing else around came close to being one. And at that time, both Great Barrington and Adams were places to be avoided at all costs...mill towns. My, my, how times change! :D We sold the house about 7 years ago after my parents passed away and my brothers had already scattered to NY and CT so no one is there now, but we all still go back periodically to play tourist with everyone else.

Back to &quot;upstate&quot;, is Pup having to wear his flannel shirt when he goes upstate now? I want to hear all about everyone's leaf peeping/apple picking trips. My Dad spent some part of his childhood just across the river from Rhinebeck, in Kingston, but I don't know that area at all. Oddly, going to NY in those days was considered a major trip!

mclaurie Oct 8th, 2003 06:16 AM

I intend to go back soon Scarlett. :) Funny story about the Old Mill. My friend's parents had been touting this place for some time to her. Since it was her parents who are not great gourmands, she assumed it would be awful. She finally tried it &amp; was over the moon with how wonderful it was. In fact we stopped there on Sat. afternoon to see if they serve Sun. brunch but they don't:( We were looking for an Inn type cozy,pretty place for brunch. Is there such a thing? Seemed like most of the Inns either just serve breakfast to their guests or only do dinner.

We went to a &quot;divey&quot; diner place for breakfast on Sat. in Great Barrington. It could have been Mom's-don't remember the name.

I'm still stuck on finding out about the history of Sheffield. I've done a web search &amp; so far haven't come up with much. I'm hoping OliveOyl might be able to help. I'm always fascinated by what causes a place to develop in a certain way.

OliveOyl Oct 8th, 2003 08:21 AM

mclaurie, to the best of my knowledge, that area of south county has always been primarily supported by agriculture...dairy and poultry farms. There wasn't any industry there to speak of aside from an old marble quarry nearby.

Lenox and Stockbridge became <i>The</i> areas for summer homes during the Gilded Age, in some cases, (very)small scale Newport &quot;cottages&quot;, (Naumkeag, Edith Wharton's The Mount, Daniel Chester French's Chesterwood) and home to sculptors, painters and writers, but I don't think Sheffield was involved in that golden era for the Berkshires.

Nearby (to Sheffield) Great Barrington became the mill town...cotton mill, woolen mill, paper mill, and it's possible that some of the wealthy owners moved a bit south to Sheffield, but this is sheer conjecture!

Much of the wealth around Pittsfield also arose from the mills...Eaton Paper in Pittsfield, and Crane Paper in Dalton...the latter family and their vast wealth are still spread throughout the county. Colts too, though I don't think there was a factory nearby. Anyway, for a small and rather rural area, there was a tremendous amount of wealth. Oh...Jack Welch got his start with GE in Pittsfield as well, but of course has since taken his wealth (and some of ours as well :) ) away from the county.

Hey...fall is coming and it's worth a trip back to enjoy the beauty, explore, antique shop back here on the town's history. :D Now you have me curious too.

Merilee_Tucker Oct 8th, 2003 08:37 AM

Going to take nieces and nephews this weekend to Applewood Orchards in Warwick, NY for apple and pumpkin picking. They also have a winery. Yeah!!!!! Anyone have any dining suggestions? Looking for casual, kid friendly, and affordable. Not to much to ask for?! Thanks.

kalmia Oct 8th, 2003 08:40 AM

Scarlett, we all want to know what kind of dog &quot;Pup&quot; is. I am picturing a Lab.
OliveOyl, where do you live now? Florida?? I live in Albany and wonder how I would adapt to Florida living.You're envious of us and I am envious of you because we are facing winter!!

Scarlett Oct 8th, 2003 09:28 AM

Hi ho!
Olive Oyl, such a wealth of information! You are such a treat!
BashBish Falls, LOL, I never saw them with water!! It is a lovely area, I just like the drive from the Taconic into Hillsdale NY, all the farms and the river along one side, the old farmhouses on the other. This time of year is great, lots of festivals and farm stands full of goodies.
Up around Amenia NY , where there is a very good winery, they have hot air balloons on some Sundays..what a sight! Floating over the hills and horse farms.
Mclaurie, we ate in Freelance last night! Talking about it made me have to have was exceptional as always.
kalmia,Pup is a Brown Standard Poodle. And while he does look very cool in his grungy blue plaid shirt, these days he is just wearing his stars and stripes bandana..soon to be replaced with one that has pumpkins on it LOL...
I too want to go spend the winter where Olive is :)

OliveOyl Oct 8th, 2003 11:20 AM

Kalmia, yes Florida, but via a very indirect route--lots of years in various areas of the south before arriving here. One of the things most noticeable now when I go home is how often it's cloudy there. This area of FL averages 361 days of sunhine a year! But...we have our bad days too: by this time of year we are <i>so ready</i> for summer to be over! Winter is heaven...summer falls way short. After my father retired they spent May 1 to Nov 1 in MA, and the rest of the year in Bonita Beach. That's the way to do it. Had we not already owned another house we weren't living in when it came time to sell theirs, we'd have bought that and done the same (if and when DH ever gets to retire).

Scarlett, I remember you saying that about Bash Bish but can't recall what time of year you were there. Was it a drought year? You'll have to go back too! I sound like the Berkshire County CVB? I've never gone in from the Hillsdale side...we'd normally cross over on 20. heheh...that brings back memories. It was just referred to as, &quot;going over the mountain&quot; when we were teens. Drinking age in MA was 21 but only 18 in New York State (then)..and I don't think we noticed the farmhouses along the way. :D That was a treacherous return trip...especially in the winter!

Pup's shirt is quite chic looking...but yes, a pumpkin scarf would be great for the next trip, and so much better than black, black, black. If you go to Mexico can he come and what will that scarf be? A hacienda print maybe?

Scarlett Oct 8th, 2003 11:53 AM

OO, it was last August, the entire month was terribly hot and no rain. There were fire warnings for people hiking, no fires, etc. The day we drove to Bash Bish Falls, there was no water in sight! Yes, I do want to go back.
Pup will probably wear a poncho or maybe a cute little sombrero when he goes to Mexico LOL...I am falling out of my chair at the mental picture!
The idea of driving in that area, no streets lights! fast at night with the deer leaping out into the street and drinking on top of it...Yikes!

kalmia Oct 8th, 2003 12:31 PM

Pup sounds very current with his fashion. I guess it is because he lives in New York.

mclaurie Oct 8th, 2003 03:52 PM

Thanks for the info OliveOyl. Your theory sounds plausible. My husband just thinks it's the beautiful terrain there &amp; water that attracted folks. I spoke to a friend today who goes to Tanglewood regularly &amp; her theory on Sheffield is it's $ from CT insurance industry. She stays at the Manor House in Norfolk CT &amp; raves about it. I did stop at an antique store in Norfolk thta was beautiful &amp; pricey.

Scarlett my pup is a champagne miniature (but he thinks he's a standard!)

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