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travelbug014 May 19th, 2007 11:21 AM

Prince William Sound cruises
IS there any difference between the Major Marine tours & 26 glaciers tours both in terms of the ship features and the sights? Major Marine website says "Guaranteed reserved table seating in a heated cabin for every guest". How about the 26 glaciers? Would like to hear from folks who have been onboard or knows someone who has.


BudgetQueen May 22nd, 2007 09:18 AM

I have gone with both companies, the reserved seating is no bonus for me, and Phillips has enough seating for everyone. Book who offers you the best timing perhaps?

travelbug014 May 22nd, 2007 10:51 AM

So, I assume Philips also has heated cabin, is that correct?

Thanks for sharing info.

BudgetQueen May 23rd, 2007 04:47 AM


Orlando_Vic May 29th, 2007 11:55 AM

We went on the Phillips 26 glacier tour yesterday and they do have reserved table seating in a heated cabin. If you do go with them, ask for a table next to a window. The views are slightly better, although you may decide to go outside for much of the time and to get better photo shots. Having said that, the windows were large and plentiful. You could always see very well.

My overall impression of the Phillips cruise was that it was very well done. Their boat, a large catamaran, is smooth, fast and comfortable. The crew goes out of their way to make this an enjoyable experience for all. One nice touch was when we were particularly close to one glacier with many large chunks of ice bobbing in the water. They announced that they had large decorated banners available for passenger photos. The signs said "Merry Christmas", "Happy Hannukah", "Seasons Greetings", etc. From this, we got a great Christmas card photo for later this year.

There were only two negatives to report and they are not major issues.

1. Ticket discounts are available but you have to know enough to ask. They don't volunteer this information. One telephone ticket agent even went so far as to say that there were NO discounts available. I persisted, called back several hours later and got another agent who was more forthcoming (or better informed).

2. The meal they serve you is better described as a snack. It is of average quality and heavy with carbohydrates. It is adequate but don't have high expectations of their galley cuisine. Go for the eye-popping views, of which there are many.

travelbug014 Jun 2nd, 2007 07:47 PM

Thanks Orlando vic. Good to know about the discounts, window seating and the meal.

How long was the cruise?
By the way, what are the important landmarks covered by the cruise? It will be helpful to me in comparing and deciding which one to choose. BudgetQueen, any comments on this?

How much a rainy day affects what we see on the cruise? Will there be a cruise at all if it rains?

Orlando_Vic Jun 3rd, 2007 03:58 AM

If you haven't found the 26 Glacier Cruise website yet, here it is <>. There is detailed information available including the length of the cruise (4 1/2 hours), the route and map. It is likely you will encounter some rain but that should not prevent you from seeing a lot from inside the cabin. As the boat travels a total of 135 miles, it may not rain everywhere, if at all. This should not be a problem.

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