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sloppy Sep 21st, 2000 10:00 AM

Please help with my project!
Hello <BR> <BR>I'm a student based in the UK and need to find the following information - can you help? <BR> <BR>What is unusual about the Chicago river? <BR> <BR>Which famous fast food chain, opened its first restaurant in Chicago? (Is it Sweeney Todds) <BR> <BR>In which year did the Chicago O'Hare airport open? <BR> <BR>Cheers! You are lifesavers. <BR> <BR>

Kris Sep 21st, 2000 10:40 AM

The flow of the Chicago River was reversed back in the late 1800's, early 1900's. Go to and do a search for Chicago River. <BR> <BR>McDonald's might be the answer you're looking for although the first one was technically in California, the first Ray Kroc restaurant was in Des Plaines, IL, a suburb of Chicago.

lisa Sep 21st, 2000 10:49 AM

Another fast food chain that started in Chicago is Pizzeria Uno (don't know if they have those in the UK though, do they?). Chicago-style deep dish pizza is famous the world over. Never heard of Sweeney Todd's... <BR> <BR>Another thing that I think is unusual about the Chicago river is that they dye it green for St. Patrick's Day. Did you ever see the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"? It shows a lot of Chicago. <BR> <BR>Can't help you on the airport but I bet if you go to a good search engine like and type in "Chicago O'Hare airport" you might eventually find something to help...

CMcDaniel Sep 21st, 2000 10:59 AM

Make that another vote for McDonald's. <BR> <BR>The river flow was reversed in 1900, but also unusual is that it's dyed green every St. Patricks Day. <BR> <BR>The airport opened in 1955.

sloppy Sep 21st, 2000 12:31 PM

Thanks alot - your answers have certainly encouraged me to do more research. Please see my Washington DC post.

DoYourOwn Sep 21st, 2000 03:23 PM

Hey Sloppy! Ever heard of doing your own homework? Quit bothering the nice people here and do your own research. You will never learn anything by having answers to your homework handed to you. And, where the heck are your parents? Don't they monitor what you are doing online?

Karen Sep 21st, 2000 07:55 PM

Don't be so hard on Sloppy. I think he was somewhat ingenius to seek out help on this forum. That is a way to do research.

Teach Sep 22nd, 2000 08:37 AM

Karen-No, he was not being ingenious to plead for help with his homework here, he was flat out lazy and irresponsible. Kids today are irresponsible and lazy because people like you make excuses for their inappropriate behavior! He is not learning anything by having others do his homework/research for him! And, why aren't his parents keeping tabs on him and making him do his own work??? <BR> <BR>I have seen first hand what happens to kids like Sloppy when they expect everyone else to do their work for them, and it is not pretty.

Cindy Sep 22nd, 2000 09:23 AM

I think it is OK to do research in an efficient and inventive way. If Sloppy worked for me and could get the necessary information in 2 minutes using this approach, I would promote him/her before someone who spent hours on original research. <BR> <BR>But Sloppy, you might wish to consider a different nickname.

Al Godon Sep 22nd, 2000 10:49 AM

Sounds to me like he selected accurately, if perhaps not too wisely. <BR>But he is smart enough to con people into giving him help for a very cheap price.

sloppy Sep 22nd, 2000 11:10 AM

Hello <BR> <BR>Just want to say thank you to you all for your invaluable information. I really appreciate your help - it has only aided me to research further. <BR> <BR>To all of you who think I am some sort of cheat, I think you are losing sight of the whole meaning and process of the internet. Would you consider me a cheat if I got the information out an encyclopedia? The internet is very similar to a book - you open it up and discover a wealth of information. <BR> <BR>It is especially useful for people who are deaf and live in a silent world!!!!

Dad Sep 22nd, 2000 11:45 AM

Cindy and Sloppy and the rest of you-The purpose of homework is to do it yourself! Not have someone else do it for you! And Cindy, do you really want an employee who does the work or lets someone else do it and takes credit for it? That was a ridiculous statement you made! <BR> <BR>Kids today need to be taught a work ethic, and by doing their homework for them they are not learning a work ethic. <BR> <BR>With all the information available on the Internet and software programs like Encarta, there is no excuse for a kid not doing their own work. Teachers give kids homework for them to do because it teaches them responsibility, how to research, gives them a work ethic and helps them prepare for life!!! <BR> <BR>I would much rather employ someone who did the work themselves than use others to do it for them! <BR> <BR>

Gina Sep 22nd, 2000 11:48 AM

Gee..I think I will have my children have all you wonderful people help them with their Geography and History. That way they will get their work done faster so they can hang out at the Mall with their friends. You Fodorites are really wonderful helping children do their homework! It sure beats me tearing my hair out helping them and listening to them whine! Makes my life and theirs a whole lot easier!! Thanks!

xxx Sep 22nd, 2000 12:35 PM

I think this is getting a little to serious.You saw the header when you clicked on it.If you don't want to answer,then don't.If you do,then go ahead.Some of the questions that were asked(How many stairs), require people giving him the answer. He is in the U.K., do you expect him to fly over and count them himself. I'm not saying he's right, nor am I saying he's wrong. However unless he is your child, do you really have to worry about it.

Cindy Sep 22nd, 2000 01:14 PM

Dad, I appreciate your views, but I still disagree. My kids are bit young for this sort of "homework" just yet, but if they ever had such a weird assignment, and if they asked these questions on a travel board, I would handle it a little differently than you suggest. I'd let them get the information any way they wanted (counting stairs themselves, calling the chamber of commerce, calling the transit authority, web sites, books). But then I'd ask them how they knew it was accurate (thereby causing them to feel insecure about their approach), and I'd insist that they disclose their "sources" in their work. They would probably then realize that the source of the info is as important as the info obtained. Lesson learned. <BR> <BR>Note that I provided no substantive information to Sloppy. That is because I think this is a troll.

xxx Sep 22nd, 2000 01:22 PM

I think Cindy is right. By researching <BR>your research, it allows you to develop <BR>a sense security because regardless of what someone might have told you, you are able to confirm it yourself.

Tom Sep 22nd, 2000 01:38 PM

I agree with Cindy completely. Obviously "Dad" knows nothing about business. I think this is a very intelligent approach to doing research. Of course all good research needs to be confirmed by two independent sources

Q Sep 22nd, 2000 02:13 PM

Yea Tom-You know a lot about business when you are posting your inane nonsense at work! Why don't you actually do some work instead of criticizing others!

xx Sep 22nd, 2000 02:19 PM

I think are the criticizing should stop. <BR>If you would like to help, great. <BR>If you don't want to help, great. <BR>

xx Sep 22nd, 2000 02:31 PM

I meant I think all the criticizing should stop. Thanks

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