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nelsonian Aug 7th, 2015 07:45 PM

We are planning on going to Washington DC on Amtrak for a few days probably on the way to Florida.

nelsonian Aug 7th, 2015 07:46 PM

What day do kids go back to school?

janisj Aug 7th, 2015 08:00 PM

>>What day do kids go back to school?<<

In the States school terms are entirely a local issue but because of when the holidays land, most will probably return on Jan. 4.

Sassafrass Aug 7th, 2015 11:36 PM

Still don't know about the kids, but if there is a girl, take her to the American Girl flagship store in NYC. It is a "wow" experience. Plan on dropping some bucks and make a doll from there her Christmas present. It is Heaven for a girl up to about age 12. Even DH had a good time. You can get a doll that looks like the child. My GD got one that has her name. I hate the commercialism and expense, but have to admit, I loved going with GD. It was her birthday present, and to see her happiness made a great memory.

nelsonian Aug 8th, 2015 12:21 PM

Sassafrass by the time we take the trip our grandson will be nearly 10, my grand-daughter will be 7. The American Girl store sounds like a good place to take her.

nelsonian Oct 4th, 2015 03:50 PM

This trip is still over a year away, but now having second thoughts about Dec/January just because of the weather. I would love to spend a Christmas with my DD, haven't done this for many years, but not sure that it is the best time of the year for doing touristy things. Also the most expensive time for air fares from NZ.

nytraveler Oct 4th, 2015 04:26 PM

Christmas in NY is magical - the entire holiday season has the city dressed in extraordinary decorations and a plethora of unique things to see and do for the holidays. We love seeing the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center but many people with kids go to the Rockette Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall.

Frankly I love the weather that time of year - but then I love cold weather. If you think it will be too much for you based on what you are used to - then April/May is a great time of year. Not yet too mobbed and hotel rates are reasonable if you need to stay in one. Trees start to leaf at end April and the earliest flowers appear in early April - including the thousands of tulips planted on Park Avenue.

However, Orlando can be an issue due to the mobs from Easter and the spring break - which is all over the map in March and early April depending on specific college and school districts.

Sassafrass Oct 4th, 2015 05:34 PM

All the Christmas decorations are nice, but Boston, NYC and DC are all beautiful in Spring when bulb type flowers are blooming. Walking around DC is especially nice in Spring - fun just walking from place to place and seeing the monuments while comfortable. If you drive South, Dogwood and Azaleas are magnificent and places like Charleston are dripping with purple Wisteria. The East Coast becomes a big garden.

With kiddies along, I say definitely wait for spring. Boston is often just rainy and cold in winter, not fun and no boating on Swan Lake. If it was just NYC for two or three days of shopping, museums and some outdoor winter things like skating, that would be great. DC can be fun for a day or so in winter. For a long vacation however, why deal so much with weather or have activities be weather dependent? If you drive, just getting in and out of the car for bathroom breaks is unpleasant in nasty weather.

Visiting a place known for winter activities in winter is one thing. Visiting a place where you are trying to make activities fit with possibly uncooperative weather may not be as good a plan.

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