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Jed Feb 11th, 2007 07:55 AM

Let me give you a hint, OO. They don't become empty because she <i>uses</i> it. ;;)

suze Feb 11th, 2007 07:59 AM

Dance and exercise studios often have a no-scent rule (thank goodness).

toedtoes Feb 11th, 2007 10:12 AM

I think a big part of the problem is that as you wear a perfume regularly, you become de&quot;scens&quot;itized to the scent. You stop smelling it on you, so you put more on and so it goes. Most of the people I know who wear too much, wear the same scent day in and day out.

For folks who do enjoy perfume, switch scents occasionally. That will keep your nose in tune with how much you're wearing. One pump is usually more than enough.

And I agree - Reeking of expensive perfume is just as bad if not worse than reeking of cheap perfume. Probably because expensive perfume is made to be worn lightly.

NewbE Feb 11th, 2007 10:17 AM

Oh brother! Smelling other people, good, bad, or indifferent, is just one price of living in society. I am gobsmacked that anyone would take the time to write to complain about a flight attendant's scent, or call for a campaign against perfume. This thread belongs elsewhere anyway--it's only marginally travel-related.

yk Feb 11th, 2007 10:18 AM

OK - you can flame me if you want.

I'm one of those people who don't wear perfume normally, but I do spray on a little before a flight, especially if I'm in Europe. Many times I found my seatmate's BO so offensive that the only thing I could do was to have my own perfume smell beat out the BO!

LoveItaly Feb 11th, 2007 10:39 AM

I agree that perfume scents in crowded areas can be unpleasant although I am not allergic to them. And when you have more than one person, each with a different scent, it is &quot;not a good thing&quot;, lol

BTW, is anyone else bothered by scented candles? I have a friend that loves candles, scented candles, and she will have about ten candles lit at the same time, all with different scents. We have a mutual friend that won't even go over to this woman's house due to the conflicting aroma's.
And IMHO a big NO, NO, is a lit scented candle on the dining room table during meals.

cd Feb 11th, 2007 10:47 AM

I never thought that scented candles could be a problem. Thanks for bringing it up. I usually have a lot of candles lit. (or is it lighted?) But I try to have only one scent. However, that one scent could offend. I wonder....

lcuy Feb 11th, 2007 11:33 AM

I have a co-worker who often wears a perfume that smells just like Raid. When I once asked &quot;did someone spray Raid in Here?&quot;, she said, &quot;oh, it's my perfume!&quot; Apparently several people have said that she smells like roach repellent, but she finds it funny, rather than getting the hint that she smells horrible!

I finally had to ask her to quit wearing it, as it gave me migraines.

As for candles...when my father was getting frail. we found a caretaker to stay in his home with him. She used so many aromatherapy candles in her bedroom &amp; bath that after 5 years, I still can't read books from that end of the house - they smell so strongly of her candles.

toedtoes Feb 11th, 2007 11:41 AM

Cd - try lighting only one lightly scented candle and use unscented for the rest. That way you get the ambience without a heavy scent. I agree with LoveItaly - don't use scented candles around food. Imagine trying to eat with a scent that makes you gag....

At my work, we had about 6 people lighting scented candles every day. It got so disgusting that they had to enforce the &quot;prohibited by the fire marshall&quot; law.

YK - I usually wear perfume also. However, I put one squirt low on my chest early in the morning. By the time I'm on the plane, it's quite subtle and my top holds it in a bit also. I've never had anyone around me seem put out by my smell - so I guess it works.

LoveItaly Feb 11th, 2007 12:55 PM

Hi cd, I have been given some scented candles as presents. A few I didn't like but others I did enjoy but I light only one at a time and it is put in the living room. I do try to be &quot;aware&quot; though that perhaps some people do not care for them. My son-in-law is one, they really bother him so of course I only light an unscented candle if he is at my apartment. Personally I love the scent of a vanilla candle.

Now about perfume that smells like RAID..good grief..what is the brand if you know Icuy, lol.

Byrd Feb 11th, 2007 02:10 PM

On the general topic of perfumes, Town and Country has in the February issue &quot;T &amp; C's Guide to the 85 Best Scents.&quot;

The scents are divided into Classic, Contemporary, Current, and Rare, and each category is subdivided into Potent, Medium Strength, and Barely There.

I enjoyed looking through the lists, and was interested to see that so many old scents were named, such as Chanel No. 5, Shailmar, Opium, Arpege, and Joy.

By the way, the &quot;Potent&quot; category is described as &quot;Full-throttle fragrances for women who like to announce their presence. These powerful scents tend to enter the room before you do and are likely to linger after you're gone.&quot;

And we've all known some of those women!


djkbooks Feb 11th, 2007 06:28 PM

Most offenders have no idea whatsoever that their fragrance is so overwhelming, because no one tells them. There was a woman where I work whose perfume filled the air throughout the building (remained in offices she visited for days after she left). It was many months before the owner asked me to speak to her. I gently explained that it would be best if no one could tell she was on her way or had previously been there by her strong fragrance. She had no idea, and understood perfectly, agreeing that the fragrances of others bothered her!

Just because fragrance is a huge industry and is very popular does not mean that it isn't very inconsiderate for someone to fill the air in an entire restaurant, theater, bus, building, airplane, or anywhere else.

I was behind an American Airline attendant who filled the entire terminal with her stomach churning fragrance. She was on MY flight, but fortunately in First Class.

And, it not usually older women (though, in my observation it used to be).

I think everyone should politely speak up.

Remember Marisa Tomei in &quot;Only You&quot;? She spritzed only one spray in the air and then walked through it?

CarolJean Feb 11th, 2007 06:47 PM

I am alergic to many scents so being in a closed space with someone who &quot;is scented up&quot; impacts me in a big way. It is not a choice but a health issue. CJ

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