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nytraveler Jul 29th, 2006 06:01 AM

Pantless Man turned away from NY Restaurant
Not to beat a dead horse - but there are restaurants in New York that require diners wear clothing appropriate for more than cleaning out the garage.

An article in today's New York Post noted that although it is not uncomon for restaurants to have to lend jackets to underdressed patrons (they keep extras on hand in several sizes) earlier this week Neary's had to lend a patron a pair of pants. He tried to enter in shorts and when told it was impossible asked if they couldn't make an exception. They refused, but did lend him a pair of extra chef's pants (black/white check) in size 46.

He must have looked adorable.

So - if you plan on eating dinner in a more upscale restaurant in New York - do call ahead for info on the dress policy.

Vittrad Jul 29th, 2006 06:02 AM

Good. I quite frankly find it annoying if I'm out at a nice resturant for dinner and some guy shows up in shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops, c'mon people. I'm no fashionista but show a little respect.

nytraveler Jul 29th, 2006 07:39 AM

For me - it's not really the style that's an issue.

But if we're going out, presentably dressed, spending our valuable time and a reasonable amount of money to have a nice dinner I object to having to do it while being forced to watch some strange man's fat, hairy (and probably sweaty) legs.

Vittrad Jul 29th, 2006 08:07 AM

Exactly. I don't give a (you know what) if you are fashionably dressed (I don't even quite always have that down). Just be presentably dressed if you are showing up at a nice restaurant.

Dayle Jul 29th, 2006 08:07 AM


Thanks for the great visual and a good laugh!


littlemarysunshine Jul 29th, 2006 08:18 AM

Thanks to shorts, I have seen some attractive legs that would would have been denied me If they had been covered by pants. Even when a lad's legs are less than ideal, I would like the opportunity to evaluate them for myself.

Girls, please join me in protesting against men who don't wear shorts.

L.M. Sunshine

jetset1 Jul 29th, 2006 08:23 AM

Hmm, my 6'4" dh in size 46 pants.. now that is a funny sight to imagine!
Let's just be grateful that the nylon thigh high Richard Simmons shorts are passe by now, Little Mary;)

Scarlett Jul 29th, 2006 08:59 AM

MarySunshine, after living in Florida for a year and having too many meals with too many fat hairy legs in sight, I will have to disagree with you here and will vote the other way..cover those legs!!
Of course, there are legs that should be seen, but not while we eat..((F))

jetset1 Jul 29th, 2006 09:01 AM

Scarlett~ :-? let us not forget the unsightly unpumiced foot as well..

Scarlett Jul 29th, 2006 09:17 AM

<i>unsightly unpumiced foot </i> Horrors! not while I am eating LOL

sylvia3 Jul 29th, 2006 09:32 AM

Has anyone ever risen from the table and NOT had to pull the shorts up, down, or the very worst, out? Nothing more unappetizing (other than-open mouth chewing) than watching people pluck their shorts out of body places they weren't supposed to be.

sylvia3 Jul 29th, 2006 09:34 AM

And while I'm at it, men take off those stupid caps when indoors and everyone put your napkin on your lap and keep your elbows off the table.
Or I'll rap you on the knuckles with my soup spoon.

USNR Jul 29th, 2006 09:49 AM

You sound like Sister Mary Scholastica...or my mother.

PamSF Jul 29th, 2006 10:43 AM

Great!! I live in the SF Bay area and am used to &quot;casual&quot; dress.However, I am still amazed seeing folks turn up at places like Chez Panisse in shorts,tivas and t shirts!

BayouGal Jul 29th, 2006 11:17 AM

I wish all restaurants would add to the old &quot;no shirt, no shoes&quot; requirement with items such as &quot;well-groomed&quot; and specify such particularities as: if you wear sandals, your toenails MUST be neatly trimmed and CLEAN!

I'm sure you could add more to this list.

Neopolitan Jul 29th, 2006 11:32 AM

I normally agree that people shouldn't wear shorts to a nice restaurant (men OR women), but here in Florida I've long lost the battle.
On the other hand give me a choice of sitting next to a man in some nice dress shorts (those Tommy Bahama silk ones are quite dressy, for example) or sitting next to one wearing an old pair of chef's pants 10 sizes too big, and I think I'd prefer the former.

Suzie Jul 29th, 2006 11:40 AM

Since it's been pretty hot here of late it seems that some men feel they can enter a nice restaurant with a tank top. Yes the very ones that allow him to announce to the world that he is as hairy as a teddy bear, back, shoulders and hairy armpits for all to see. This is true, gag. Had to avert the eyes to avoid losing my expensive meal.

aileen679 Jul 29th, 2006 12:36 PM

Well, I find those low cut jeans that show at least four inchs of butt crack when the wearer sits down, a little bothersome. I have to fight the urge to drop something down the gap. Spoils the entire evening. I don't battle temptation well. It's even worse when it a fat guy with very pale skin.

LoveItaly Jul 29th, 2006 12:42 PM

Where I live the worse sight is the women with their low cut pants and very short tops. And is seems as it is usually the women who should be the last to wear this style, pretty gross usually, lol.

Dukey Jul 29th, 2006 12:42 PM

And then there are those WOMEN who enter the restaurant with the VERY saggy things under their own &quot;cute little top&quot;....forget it!

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