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mike May 6th, 2001 08:15 AM

NYC: Staten Island ferry or Circle Line Cruise??
Aside from the Staten Island ferry being free is it a comparable/better trip than booking a circle line cruise? How long of a trip (in minutes) is the Staten Island ferry? In Manhattan, where does it depart? nearest subway? any websites? Thanks!!!

AC May 6th, 2001 08:35 AM

Hi Mike: <BR>The Ferry ride is about 20-25 minutes. You go by the Lady Liberty and the ride back from SI you have spectacular view of the Skyline. It is free, you can make the round trip without getting off the boat. However, It is not a cruise per se. It is really just public transportation for the folks who live in SI to get to work and a great way to spend an hour when you are a tourist! <BR>The website is: Or just put SI Ferry inyour search engine. <BR>Take the 1 train (West side) to South Ferry, itt stops right outside. The 4 train (East side)to Bowling Green walk about two blocks follow the crowd or ask any wonderful NYCER!l <BR>The Circle line is something completely different as you will see the whole island of Manhattan from the water. Have fun and welcome to NYC!

rob May 7th, 2001 05:42 AM

when i went a couple o' weeks ago, everyone had to disembark and walk to another boat.....or maybe it was the same boat....anyway, we did have to disembark upon arrival at SI. you will get a good look at the statue of liberty; manhattan skyline and the various ships around the islands. there are benches on the ferry on the outside deck but if you sit there, a thick line of people will stand in front of you at the rail. <BR> <BR>also, regarding the subway...the one i took dead ends near the have to be on the first 5 cars if you want to exit at that station....the platform is short there.

Karen May 7th, 2001 06:55 AM

The Circle Line Cruise tour was great and the narration throughout was fantastic.

Escapist May 7th, 2001 08:05 AM

The Circle Line 3 hr. tour is the best $11 per person value in NYC. No matter what the weather, I've been on it in rain and in sunshine, it's terrific. As I have many friends from out of town who have come to visit me in NY, I always take them on the tour and they all love it. Now I am living in the UK, just married my Internet pen pal, and when Ken first came to NY, I took him on the tour and he still talks about it. Really great value and nice day out. <BR>

Caitlin May 7th, 2001 10:49 AM

It's news to me if rhey don't make everyone disembark from the ferry at SI, turn around, and get back on. That's how it's always been. Coming toward Manhattan at sunset is lovely.

AC May 7th, 2001 11:06 AM

<BR>I have never had to get off when taking a round trip. Just stay seated and wait for the next crowd to embark. The only time I can remember being required to get off is when they are removing the boat from service. They always announce it before hand. <BR>When I lived on SI. I took all my out of town guests for a ferry ride and and never disembarked. Maybe things have changed. Anyway it free so enjoy! <BR>

rqf May 7th, 2001 11:26 AM

The last two times I took the SI ferry (both times within the past year) I remained on the ferry for the return trip. If you do this trip suggest you remain on the boat. If you are required to get off you will be told to do so.

Owen O'Neill May 7th, 2001 12:02 PM

"Escapist" mentions an $11 fare for the three hour Circle Line tour. If I recall correctly, that is actually the price (or close to it) for the abbreviated 45 minute "harbor tour". I took the three hour full tour last summer and recall the price as being closer to $20-25 per person but I may be mistaken.

Lou from Queens May 7th, 2001 03:50 PM

Spend the money and go for the Circle line. Bring your own snacks and drinks and a pair of binoculars. Still a great deal!

rqf May 7th, 2001 06:23 PM

Owen: You are correct. An old brochure shows a price of $24 for the three hour cruise. $12 for kids. Brochure is at least one year old so current price may higher.

Owen O'Neill May 8th, 2001 04:34 AM

Thanks for verifying that, rqf. I would also suggest the 45 minute ro two hour cruise if the traveler has a limited amount of time in NYC. Once one passes the 59th Street Bridge, the tour narration pretty much ceases with the exception of a few isolated sites (Hell's Gate, Yankee Stadium etc.. We found ourselves feeling a bit restless for the last hour of the cruise. I second the suggestion of bringing binoculars - realy wished I had a set at the time.

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