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am2pm Oct 2nd, 2006 06:58 AM

Northern MI infor for Iceeu2
Hi Iceeu2,

We just got back from that neck of the woods and had a great time. Stay in Grayling for the Holy Waters. My husband had to do that too. Try Gates Au Sable Lodge. Nothing fancy but does cater to fisherman (outside your room beside the front door are wooden wader hangers!) The river runs right behind the rooms. That said, my husband drove (left me without the car) to another nearby branch. At the fly shop right there at Gates, they gave him a map with all the access areas and suggested places to go. He is still talking about it even though he wasn't as successful as he would have liked. Water is clear, bottom nice for wading. If they are booked try Bourcher's B & B. We stayed there the first night since Gates didn't have a room for Thursday. Very welcoming, great breakfast, and husband can leave early go fishing and come back to get you a checkout time. Would go back to either of them again.

We did drive out to try and see the elk herd outside of Gaylord but being in the middle of the day were not successful.

We also drove the tunnel of trees like Keith suggested from Cross Village down. It was raining but still a beautiful drive.
We ended up staying at the Terrace Inn in Bay View Where we could choose which room we wanted! What a hoot. The expanded continental breakfast was also very good.
We did the wineries on the Old Mission Pennisula which was fun and the tours were great. Maybe they would still be harvesting the grapes now??? Enjoyed Sleeping Bear dunes also.

I don't know if you would be down as far as Frankenmuth but we did stop at the Christmas store there. The town looked quite nice with beautiful flowers all over. Didn't stay there because of car show and everything was booked. But the colors of the flowers were just lovely.

Unfortunately since we spent more of our time on Mackinac Island we didn't get to do much in the UP, only did the lock boat tour in the rain.

If you have any more questions, let me know.

PS: You can buy a fishing permit at Gates for 1 day for $7.00.


iceeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 07:17 AM

Thank you so much! Sounds as if we are married to the same man. I think I will call Gates right now and get him a room.

The permit you are talking about is in addition to the license right?

What about the food at Gates? Did you eat there?

We leave Wednesday! Glad you posted this before we left.

Budman Oct 2nd, 2006 07:17 AM

Is iceeu2 going along to fish or is the real ice bringing her to cook and clean the fish. :-)

Just kidding. :-" ((b))

iceeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 07:42 AM

LOL...I fish, but I let him catch the "Big One"! Actually, since the fish live in such a beautiful place, I don't mind going along. Plus, we fish catch & release so I don't have to worry about the cooking and cleaning!:-D

iceeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 08:52 AM

am2pm...talked to Rusty and we will be staying at Gates for a night! Now, I'm getting excited also....

We were in Northern Michigan 2 years ago and I had forgotten just how nice the people are there. But, after talking to the guy at Gates, I was quickly reminded. It's nice to give your money to those who truly want your business!!

OldSouthernBelle Oct 2nd, 2006 09:05 AM

I expect JJ5 to chime in here any minute now! ....JJ?

am2pm Oct 2nd, 2006 09:17 AM

No, the license is the same as the permit. Just $7.00 for the entire day!
We did eat there and it was good. As we were there on a weekend night, we made reservations when we checked in. They give guests first priority and from what I could tell there were several tables of people from the community so it isn't just guests.

I think you can take your own wine if you would like. We didn't know about that.

Tell your husband to check out the South Branch. Mine really enjoyed that area.

Not only did we have to hit the Au Sauble we stopped at Cabelas on the way up through MI at Dundee. "Since we are going right by it........."

Have a good time and enjoy the fishing. If you are not going to be fishing what will you do? I took my knitting along and enjoyed the down time.


iceeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 09:58 AM

I probably won't wade the AuSable. It just takes too long to pull those waders on and off. I'm also taking my knitting along. My niece is having a baby in November, so a blanket needs to be made. I will go out to the stream(s) with him, but will walk and wander and talk to the animals. Like I said....the fish just live in the best of places, so I won't be bored.

Glad to know the food is good there at the lodge.

Now, I will fish with him when we do the Manistee since we will do that from a boat. I am so hoping he gets a killer salmon so I can show y'all an awesome picture!

OSB, what area of Michigan does JJ5 go to? Think I should go over to the other place and give her a shout?

iceeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 10:02 AM you see our names on that Cabela's sign? Last time we were that way, they must have had the real icee's name on it....cause he said..."That sign's calling my name"! And 2 hours and $100 lighter, we got back on the road!

Isn't it amazing how they can't stop for you to pee, but show them a Cabela's and you can spend all the time in the world there??

placeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 10:37 AM

<b>&quot;Isn't it amazing how they can't stop for you to pee, but show them a Cabela's and you can spend all the time in the world there??&quot;</b>

What is the problem with this philosophy?

iceeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 10:42 AM

So, I guess I don't get the job?:-D

placeu2 Oct 2nd, 2006 12:00 PM


I love it! You would be one of the few that understands my license plate!

OldSouthernBelle Oct 2nd, 2006 04:01 PM

iceeu2: I would! MC also probably has valuable info.

iceeu2 Oct 7th, 2006 05:34 AM

am2pm..we are here in beautiful northern Michigan. The real icee did get to fish the Holy Waters. Too much rain....didn't catch fish, but he was happy, nonetheless!

Stayed at Gates AuSable. Great place, thanks for the recommendation.

Now, we are in Boyne Falls. He may try a little fishing around Petoskey today. Will fish for steelhead/salmon on Monday. Hopefully will post a pic of the big catch then.

We are here at a magnificent time. The color of the leaves is brilliant. We are going on the ski lift today for a color tour.


SuzieTrue Oct 7th, 2006 06:41 AM


You have the perfect weather for an up north visit. In my neck of MI it is clear blue skies with temps hopefully headed into the 60's. Enjoy!


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