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SarahQ Oct 6th, 2010 02:36 AM

Most recent Universal Studios, Florida, visit?
I'm planning a trip to Universal Studios, Florida, the week of Nov. 1st -- 6th with spouse & two kids (ages 9 & 3). Has anyone been to Universal - specifically the Wizarding World of Harry Potter - AFTER the beginning of September, 2010? I'm trying to get a sense of how crowded it is now that school has started.


schmerl Oct 6th, 2010 05:04 AM

Go to this site for all the info you will need

SarahQ Oct 6th, 2010 05:55 AM

Thanks, schmerl! Great tip!

sunburned Oct 6th, 2010 06:39 PM

I was at Universal Studios this past weekend (Oct 2-3) and it wasn't particularly crowded, especially in the mornings. The rides were posted as having lines ranging from 10-60 minutes but I don't recall waiting more than 25 minutes (with the possible exception of Forbidden Journey) - and in many cases there was no wait at all. Not surprisingly, the Wizarding World was the most crowded area in the park but it was certainly manageable.

klam_chowder Oct 12th, 2010 06:33 AM

If you're talking about the Express Pass that is bought separately, you can use it for Flight of the Hippogriff, but not on FJ.

If you're talking about the pass that comes with staying on-site at one of their three hotels, then yes.

I'm heading there in Dec and am sooo excited to see it all - pumpkin juice here I come!


TravellingDaniel Oct 12th, 2010 06:46 AM

As far as I know you can. Although Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey doesnt accept the express pass. The universal express pass site can probably help you more. <A HREF=""/>

bakerstreet Oct 25th, 2010 10:54 AM

Just returned from Universal - primary focus was the Wizarding World of HP, which is well done and worth the trip. We stayed in a hotel on-site and got to the gate for the early onsite guest entrance (at 8 a.m., an hour before the regular park opening at 9 a.m.). Virtually the entire crowd entering headed straight to Harry Potter.

We got in line for the castle tour/Forbidden Journey ride as soon as we reached WWOHP, as did many other people. After waiting about 10 minutes we were told the ride itself was malfunctioning but that we were welcome to stay in line and tour the castle. We stayed in line, hoping the ride would be fixed by the time we were ready to ride it. A worker along the way told us would take 5 to 10 minutes to fix. By the time we reached the ride, it was working and had been for some time.

It took us just under an hour to get from the park entrance to exiting the castle after the end of the ride. I would have expected a shorter wait time by now, but someone at the hotel told me park attendance was very high due to Halloween Horror nights held during October. In November that draw should not be there.

After the castle tour and FJ ride, we got immediately in the line for Ollivander's Wand Shop. That wait was close to an hour as well, and the wait is very boring, unlike the castle tour wait. Fortunately, the weather was excellent. I cannot imagine enduring that wait in the heat of July or August. I believe we would not have done it.

We spent about 10 minutes inside Ollivander's and I am glad we had the experience. Ollivander selected an adult woman for the show (although several children were there and hoping to be chosen).

After those initial 2 hours, we had very little wait at the other things we did. We rode both of the remaining rides, both of which do take the Express Pass. We had lunch at the Three Broomsticks and enjoyed it - went on the early side (around 11:15 a.m.) and there was no line. Two of us shared one plate of ribs, chicken, potatoes and roasted corn, plus had two frozen butterbeers and it was sufficient.

We bought items at Honeydukes and at the joke shop (bought the Extendable Ear, which I was convinced was a piece of junk but which surprisingly actually works -- and batteries ARE included.) Those two stores look separate but meet in the middle, and here is an IMPORTANT TIP: you can buy any of the merchandise at any of the cash registers. So at the joke shop with two registers, there were periods where no one was in line, and in the candy shop with one cash register, there was a glacial line of 25 or so people. I finally asked if we could go to one of the other registers, and the employee said yes, so I got out of the back of the line and headed over to the joke shop register, and only THEN did they announce to the store at large that any register would accept any merchandise. I can't believe they didn't do something about that earlier - some people said they had been waiting for over half an hour to buy candy!

We did everything at the Wizarding World - bought postcards, bought stamps, wrote on a few and posted them, bought a wand, tried pumpkin juice (ingredients are apple juice, pumpkin puree, spices, etc.), had lunch, rode the three rides, heard Moaning Myrtle in the restroom, saw a singing performance, etc., and by noon were were done and ready to go.

Another tip: we did not have any bags, purses, etc. with us for the Forbidden Journey ride, which meant we didn't have to stop at the lockers. Later we had a bag of purchases before we rode the roller coaster ride and had to leave that at the lockers - because of the Express Pass we didnt' lose any waiting time and the locker worked perfectly.

We toured the rest of Islands of Adventure and rode the Spiderman ride, then we spent the afternoon at Universal Studios and rode the Simpsons, Shrek, etc. We were finished with everything we wanted to do by 3:30 or 4 p.m.

It was a fun day and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, though not large, is well done and delivers. Have a great trip!

klam_chowder Oct 25th, 2010 11:00 AM

bakerstreet - excellent TR! Thx a mint for sharing your experience.

Did you happen to go to the Hogs Head? Wondering if the food offerings are different there?

I'm looking fwd to WWoHP in December and it was fun to hear it's highly do-able in one day.


Cranberry Oct 25th, 2010 11:58 AM

Very helpful information, everyone!

bakerstreet Oct 26th, 2010 07:32 AM

Didn't eat at Hogs Head. Have a fabulous trip!

Oh - for those looking to spend more than one day at Universal -- I bought two passes for me and my daughter at my local Costco for about $143 each. Each lasts for any 3 days between now and sometime in 2013 (don't have to be consecutive days) and each is a "park hopper" -- allowing you to visit both Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios in the same day. One day's admission to both parks for me for the day we were there would have cost $112, so for just $33 more I have two more days to spend in the next couple of years if we go back to the area. It's a great deal if we go back!

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