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claire_bluesky Mar 17th, 2012 08:20 PM

Mosquitoes in Moab in May?
We'll be in Moab mid-May, Arches and Canyonlands NPs. I'm the ultimate mosquito magnet. Do I need my 100% deet? Are there any other loathsome insects to worry about?

Myer Mar 18th, 2012 04:17 AM

I was there in mid-May a few years ago and the only thing I remember about weather in Moab was that it was breezy.

I don't remember mosquitos at all.

Bill_H Mar 18th, 2012 06:01 AM

Because it's so dry there aren't as many bugs as other places. Maybe a few flies, that's about it ... you won't need DEET.

Dayle Mar 18th, 2012 07:04 AM


I go to Moab all the time during all seasons and since I AM THE ULTIMATE MOSQUITO MAGNET I can tell you I never use repellant.

Have fun

claire_bluesky Mar 18th, 2012 11:40 AM

Yay!! But sorry, Dayle, that's MY title!

In places with high mosquito populations, I smother myself in DEET all day long, including first thing in the morning, in the shower stall after I dry off, unclothed, so I won't miss a spot since mosquitoes actually sneak under my clothes to bite me, ignoring everyone else in my vicinity. What can I say? They love me!! I'm a magnet!! ;)

spirobulldog Mar 18th, 2012 01:47 PM

Mosquitos require water, you aren't likely to find much of either around Moab.

Reddirtdawg Mar 18th, 2012 05:42 PM

I don't think you have to worry too much about mosquitos around Moab unless you are planning on camping down by the river.

Now what everyone here has not mentioned are the biting gnats (no-see-ums). They can make your trip miserable if you are not prepared.

Their season is usually from around May 15th to June 15th....though depending on the weather they might come out sooner and I have had them attack on back trails around Moab even into late July.

You may hear people say they have never seen them there....and that may be true. But they are there.....very localized. Meaning you might run into on one part of the trail and then just a quarter mile away they are no where to be seen. And it depends on the direction of the wind (if any).

You will not run into them in town but if you go out on the need to be aware of them. Last wife and I got out of the Jeep heading for Aztec Butte up on Island in the Sky and only walked about 4 steps and had to bail out of that hike. That was around June 30th.

These little things are worse than mosquitos as you can not really see them to swat them. DEET does NOT work against them. Some folks say that 'Skin so Soft' (by Avon) works but other folks say it is not effective. I have some of my friends say that they use that 'pure vanilla extract' that people bring back from Mexico and that it works....I have yet to try that so I do not know if it really does or not.

Everyone's body reaction is different to these biting gnats. You will not really feel too much pain if any when they bite you....but about a day or so later you will start itching. My wife develops dark red spots and no welts .....I react the red spots but LARGE welts.

The best thing you can do is wear long sleeves and pants and have a net over your head. At least have these with you on your may or may not need them. DO NOT get a mosquito net for you head.....the holes are too big and they can fly through those. Coleman makes a 'No-See-Um' net for about 5 dollars those work great....but the also make the mosquito net also...make sure you check which on you are purchasing.

I don't want to be an may not run into them. But you should be prepared. Just get the inexpensive head net and take lightweight pants and long sleeve Columbia makes.

I live across the street from the Colorado National Monument...and we get them every year. Pretty much all over the Four Corners region on the trails.

Hope this gives you a little more insight on what you might encounter.

I hike a lot in Moab and Bluff the whole year round....

Bill_H Mar 18th, 2012 07:42 PM

<b>I don't think you have to worry too much about mosquitos around Moab unless you are planning on camping down by the river. </b>

I don't think there's a problem with mosquitoes even on the river in May ... we once did a 7 night canoe trip in late May down the Green River, 117 miles to where it meets the Colorado, then caught a jet boat back to Moab. Camping every night, of course. Saw more rattlesnakes (one) than mosquitoes (zero). They need standing water to breed and the river is flowing.

Reddirtdawg Mar 18th, 2012 08:00 PM

I was just down in Negro Bill Canyon (next to the river) last weekend...and yes...there were mosquitoes already out because of the warm weather. Here is one fellas experience camping in the campground next to the river.....albeit in late June ~

There is some speculation that the name 'Moab' comes from a Paiute word meaning "mosquitoe water" because of all the mosquitoes that were abundant near the Colorado River.

Bill H. ~ I am sure you did not run into any of them on your trip......but I was just there the other the river...and they are already out...

claire_bluesky Mar 19th, 2012 07:56 AM

Yikes! Well, I will bring my DEET and the proper apparel, but I hate having to do that as even when one wears the breathing sports apparel, it's still hotter than sleeveless shirts, etc. I'll take a look at the nets too.

Re the noseeums, I'm familiar w/them from USVI. I've never seen them luckily. Reminds me of chiggers which I've suffered, and of fleas which I got when one of my dogs died.

Those photos are really fabulous! My husband wants to go to Mesa Verde one day, but it's such a long drive. Have to consider it though when I see photos.

tomfuller Mar 19th, 2012 08:12 AM

Try the OFF clip on repellant which has a fan. If it doesn't work for you, then try a DEET repellant.

Reddirtdawg Mar 19th, 2012 09:04 AM

Please don't let my comments discourage you. I have never seen a mosquito anywhere around Moab except sometimes when I hike near the river. And you may not run into any biting gnats. I am just a big proponent of always being prepared ......

spirobulldog Mar 19th, 2012 09:29 AM

You really need two days to do Mesa Verde, IMOP.

I guess I forgot about the Green River and Colorado River having water. lol. I don't think you will run into any bugs, but as reddawg points out, you could. Most of my visits to Utah have been over Memorial Day Weekend(May-so about the same time frame you will be there).

I have no idea about the EX Officio shirts and pants-typically used by a lot of fishermen. Some of them are supposed to be bug replnt. I do have the EX Officio underwear, and I can tell you they are by far the best thing on the market for keeping you dry and cool. So, I would think their shirts/pants might actually work on the bugs. I think they only last for like 50 washes or something like that. They are good for wicking moisture, so might be something you would want in Moab anyway.

claire_bluesky Mar 19th, 2012 10:50 AM

Thanks, I won't be too discouraged! I have to deal w/this all the time. I walk my dog in the woods every morning, and in summer, I wear light pants and long sleeves for that. It's funny how bugs go for some people and not others. Mosquitoes will even bite my hand with bare legs and arms of others available. Sheesh! What can I say? Be prepared is my motto.

I agree about needing two days for Mesa Verde. Is it a scenic drive though? I gathered it would take about 3 1/2 hours to get there.

claire_bluesky May 23rd, 2012 08:54 PM

I didn't even see one mosquito all week!

Dayle May 24th, 2012 08:58 AM


Thanks for the great trip report and I'm so glad you made the most of your trip in spite of the broken wrist! I didn't think you would have problems with mosquitos, at least that was another good thing.

Happy travels,


moenkopi23 Jun 26th, 2013 04:56 PM

I've spent extensive time in Moab and have never come across a mosquito. On the other hand, Reddirtdawg is correct about the no-see-ums.

My scalp still itches at the thought! Those invisible little monsters spread their misery all over southern Utah in May and June. They go for the ears, face and scalp.

Most of the time, you are unaware they are even biting until the insane itching starts. Avoid Juniper and scrub brush. We were just devoured a couple of weeks ago while staying at GSENM and Capitol experience I will never get passed.

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