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seetheworld Jul 6th, 2006 05:35 PM

Or people, lol. Yes, that would be me. Story of my life. :D

birder Jul 6th, 2006 05:46 PM

I just wanted to add, I have tried alternative products in the past and they didn't work at all. My husband is big into the "no DEET" thing and he's bought all sorts of stuff. None of it worked for me. I tried the Avon Skin So Soft repellent and the mosquitos simply complimented me on my soft skin as they fed away....

In addition, I'm the type of person that if there's a group of 20 people standing outside and only one gets bit, it will be me. I just attract mosquitos!

So I was delighted to find an "alternative" product that actually worked. I wish it was less expensive so people could try it without invest $20 (I think that's how much it works out to be with shipping). Plus, it smells nice. :-)

MareW Jul 6th, 2006 06:27 PM

Bite Blocker is all herbal, and it really does work.

DebitNM Jul 6th, 2006 06:49 PM

Just happened upon this on may give you some ideas...

Hope this helps...

bon100 Jul 6th, 2006 06:50 PM

Avon Skin-So-Soft lotion is supposed to repel mosquitoes. My sister always used it on her horses and it worked.
Another thought about the Deet repellents, I always spray them on the outside of my children's socks, shoes, and on the back of their shirts, never on their skin. It worked just fine and the kids didn't absorb any of the chemical into their skin.

seetheworld Jul 6th, 2006 07:05 PM

Thanks! Spraying clothing is a good idea.

Joan, I still can't stop laughing! :D

LittleSalty Jul 6th, 2006 07:38 PM

I love this thread...I have a MAJOR reaction to any kind of creature-bite. Best example: I was at a hotel, in Sag Harbor, Long Island the night before my wedding...of course, some kind of wicked, evil, blood-sucking cretin went to town on my left arm (you know, the same arm that's attached to the hand where the wedding ring goes), and my entire forearm was as big as a freakin can even see the major blotation on the cover of our wedding DVD. No matter what I use, nothing helps because A. My skin is so sensitive B. My skin is SO dry that I need oil-based moisturizers that bugs find o-so-sexy. and C. I think bugs just like me. I haven't gotten any major swellings since Sept. '05 (which, wonderfully enough, included my entire right eye) but...that's my story. Thanks for listenin'. :-)

tracys2cents Jul 6th, 2006 09:20 PM

Remember that none of this stuff works if you then go and bathe with lavender soap while washing your hair with fruit scented shampoos. The bugs in my neighborhood recently voted kiwi-strawberry as their favorite with pina colada a close second. Head and shoulders tends to keep them at their distance.

gail Jul 7th, 2006 03:46 AM

The way I read your post is that you are allergic to the BITES, not the spray.

Deet is the time-proven best bug repellant. If I were you I would spray a repellant containing Deet on my clothing, hat, etc. and then a lesser amount on my exposed skin. Usually if you get enough on your clothing, they don't come near you. Some newer repellant models do not smell like a chemical factory.

All sorts of natural and alternative repellants have been touted here and on on-line holistic health forums. I guess they work for some people, but if you are like me and bugs love you and then you react horribly afterwards, go with the Deet.

In my opinion, if you do not we will al get to hear about your bug sagas when you return - do you really want to experiment with vinegar, bracelets, lotions and potions on vacation? If you can try them out at home first, perhaps.

I have tried the vinegar thing, the bracelet and Avon Skin So Soft and still I was bait.

starrsville Jul 7th, 2006 04:03 AM

tracy makes a very good point. Ditto on perfume and hairspray.

stw, take along some Children's Benadryl and some topical ointment. If you get bit and are really itching taking the Children's Benadryl takes the edge off - without making you too sleepy.

birder Jul 7th, 2006 04:23 AM

OK, one other thing about the catnip oil ... they've done tests and it actually repelled mosquitoes better than DEET. I don't know of any studies testing Skin So Soft, vinegar, etc.

The paper documenting the findings on catnip oil were presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society. So this isn't folklore, it's science-based.

Here's the news article:

Dreamer2 Jul 7th, 2006 04:32 AM

I was also going to mention spraying the clothing and not your skin with the strong stuff (Deet). It works particularly well on sneakers/socks, and on hats. It's also very effective on the upper back between shoulders.

Avon makes a SSS suncreen that contains the softer version of bug repellent, and I've found that very effective. I like that since you only have to apply one product in the morning.

Have a great trip!

kamahinaohoku Jul 7th, 2006 05:28 AM

We ordered and took the following product with us to Tahiti in April and even in the mass of the foliage on the islands, not one bite. And it smells like vanilla.

J_Correa Jul 7th, 2006 08:36 AM

Those fruit-scented shampoos attract bears too ;) I have a family member who washed her hair before bed one night during a camping trip and woke up in the middle of the night to find a bear sniffing her head. Swear to God.

seetheworld Jul 7th, 2006 08:42 AM


Well I use unscented everything, so mosquitos love me for my natural scent, lol. There is only puzzlement though...all of these repellents have some sort of scent to them - hmmmm? Won't that *attract* the little buggers?

My head is spinning now from so much information!!

I have to make the *right* decision so Gail doesn't have to hear about my bug bites anymore. :D

lenleigh Jul 7th, 2006 10:27 PM

I've bought this one with Eucalyptus that's all natural. Haven't used it recently though so I can't say how well it works but it's an alternative to the DEET sprays.

gail Jul 8th, 2006 02:37 AM

seetheworld - I will be happy to hear about your bug bites, really. Since you and I seem to have similar reactions to bugs that bite no one but us, we can be the ultimate science experiement for all the remedies listed above.

How about each of us spray one limb with something and go someplace really buggy (a jungle, Costa Rica, my backyard after all the spring rain), and then we will both know for sure what is bugging us.

Have a good trip. Let me know if there really are giant bugs in Portugal so I can cross that off my list of places I want to go.

bodi Jul 8th, 2006 04:40 AM

Thanks for Buggspray, eagar to give it a try for annoying bugs when gardening. I have a serious problem from yellowjacket stings and keep my epi pin near, does Deet repell the wasp family at all? Please be sure your tetanus shots are boosted up to date, some say every five-others every ten years. Tetanus can follow some bug bites/stings. Also, please know how to treat for yourself, I have been so shocked in emergency rooms how they have not known what to do for serious tick, spider and wasp problems. Thank heaven for the internet!
Have a fabulous trip!

happytrailstoyou Jul 8th, 2006 09:46 AM

I haven't read the other responses; however, the June, 2006, Consumer Report claims Off Deep Woods is the most effective.

seetheworld Jul 8th, 2006 12:17 PM

Gail, :D I'll let you know if you should cross Portugal off your list. I hope not!

<b>Thank you everyone for your suggestions, I truly appreciate them!</b>

Since I am becoming more allergic to bites as time moves forward, I have decided to go the Deet route. It's only for a short period of time and I certainly do not want to have any problems while in a foreign country!

Little did I know that repellents come unscented -- which I prefer.

I picked up the Deep Woods Off wipes and the regular Off for my clothing.

I'll let you know how it all turns out (whether you want to know or not, LOL).

Thanks again!

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