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MiamiBeachMomma Jan 12th, 2011 04:12 AM

Moab in March??
Im trying to plan a Spring Break trip for a the family. The kids are off in mis March. We dont want to be somewhere thats very cold. Ive never been to Moab and it sounds enticing. Will we be happy or miserable? I cant think of somewhere to go. We've been a lot of places!! We have about 5 days.
Should I just book Costa Rica (although weve been there too!)

qwovadis Jan 12th, 2011 04:46 AM ·

Still will be quite cold maybe snow would not risk it...

Head south... someplace neat on works great. Cartagena neat in SA

less than 3 hours from FLL or USVI

2 of my favs... Happy Hunting,

qwovadis Jan 12th, 2011 04:48 AM oops link dyslexia...

tomfuller Jan 12th, 2011 05:14 AM

Hawaii? Cancun? Arches will still have snow on the ground even if it is done snowing by mid-March.

emalloy Jan 12th, 2011 05:21 AM

Very cold is so relative, average highs are in the mid 60s and lows are in the mid 30s. That is fine for me in terms of traveling as long as it is dry. If you think mid 60s is miserably cold, then look for a southern location. If you want to do some hiking in our beautiful National Parks, go for Death Valley or Saguaro or Joshua Tree or Everglades, etc.

UtahMentor Jan 12th, 2011 07:47 AM

Moab is getting going in March. The Skinny Tire Festival is in March, road cyclists convene. The anual Half-Marathon takes place in March and every year there is the Gemini Adventure Race (thorugh the Moab backcountry). So roads are going to be clear. Wisconsin, North Dakota, Canada are canoeing the Green River by March in Moab to escape cabin fever in their home places. The Moab Bicycle Companies are committed to March dates for camping - pedaling trips in Canyonlands National Park. Sure, pre-dawn temperatures dip to freezing. I;ll bet you'll be staying in a hotel when you go. I think the previous comments are guessing from an armchair.

spirobulldog Jan 12th, 2011 08:25 AM

I say see Arches, Canyonlands, Deadhorse Point, and drive out to Goblin Valley. my all time favorite advenutre in a national park is with in Moab. You probably want know for sure what the weather will be like at that time, until 3 or 4 days ahead.

StantonHyde Jan 12th, 2011 01:00 PM

I am in the same boat. We go to Moab all the time. So we will be going down to the Grand Canyon in March. 60s to me is ideal hiking weather. As previously noted, cold is relative.

MiamiBeachMomma Jan 13th, 2011 04:10 AM

I'm over it - its too cold for us to hike if there is snow on the ground - we are think blooded Floridians :)
Thanks to all you helped me make this decision. Now we are thinking London. I know its still cold but - its a city visit. Lots of indoor stuff :)

wtm003 Jan 13th, 2011 05:01 AM

Good luck with whatever you decide. I live in CO and have never had any trouble with the cold in Moab in the late fall because it has always been sunny and dry. I froze in London, though, in late March on a gloomy, windy 50 degree day. I'm not trying to change your mind, but I remembered my experience which made me laugh (not laughing at you but memories of me shivering). :)

Dayle Jan 13th, 2011 04:41 PM


I also live in Utah and go to Moab all the time. You have to remember that it is the desert and although it does get some snow, it doesn't get a lot. I went down last March and hiked Saturday in a short sleeve tee shirt, hat and sunscreen. That night it snowed at the highest points in Arches, lower was rain. What a spectacular treat. I got to see Arches with snow for the first time ever!!!!

Also, remember the desert climate can be cold without FEELING cold. Low humidity makes all the difference.

You'll be freezing your a***s of in London.....

Dayle Jan 13th, 2011 04:42 PM


Have you ever been to Utah?

MiamiBeachMomma Jan 16th, 2011 07:40 AM

Ok, I'm off London, actually my kids are...they don't want to do the flight!
Restarting research on np for march.
I'm guess it's best to fly to SLC?

spirobulldog Jan 16th, 2011 10:28 AM

Consider seeing Goblin Valley State Park. Little Wildhorse Canyon is an excellent slot canyon about 5 minutes from GV.
Consider Canyoneering with in Moab. Probably my all time favorite thing I have ever done. Deadhorse Point is another good place to visit nearby. You might consider doing an air tour of the area as well(plane or balloon).

spirobulldog Jan 16th, 2011 10:30 AM

You might also consider Big Bend, Saguaro, Joshua Tree, or Death Valley. But I would still stick with Moab-hard to beat.

spirobulldog Jan 16th, 2011 10:31 AM

Sorry about the multiple posts, but you can easily fly into Grand Junction or Moab(probably be less expensive flying into SLC though)

Dayle Jan 16th, 2011 12:51 PM


If you drive from SLC, Moab is normally a 4 - 4.5 hour drive. That's going the shortest route - I-15 south to Hwy 6 up through Spanish Fork Canyon and over Soldier Summit. Continuing on southeast to the junction with I-70, then east and south to Moab. IF you hit a March snowstorm, you might have snow over Soldier Summit. Listen to the weather report. You might want to go south on I-15 until you reach I-70 then head east. Bit lower altitude and safer road.

I would definitely plan it so you are in Moab before dark at that time of year!

Once you are there, there is enough to do and enough variety for a full week of fun.

Just go prepared for all types of weather. Lots of layers, wind & rain proof, hats, gloves, sunscreen, water bottles, day packs. If you get hit with a weather surprise, you can buy whatever you REALLY need in Moab. Outdoor gear and clothing of all types for all seasons.

Have fun! You will love it!

MiamiBeachMomma Jan 18th, 2011 09:35 AM

Have to put Moab on hold. Will save this info for later. Need a place that is closer ad cheaper to get to. Non stop flights that dont break the bank!! Thinking Tennessee - Memphis or Nashville?? Will repost@

tomfuller Jan 18th, 2011 09:53 AM

Think about Branson, MO. Plenty of entertainment there and there is a nonstop cheap Allegiant flight there from Tampa.
If you can get to New Orleans, you can ride Amtrak to Memphis.
You probably would like Graceland.

spirobulldog Jan 18th, 2011 11:07 AM

Spring Break is not a good time to go to Branson. Typically most of the shows are closed Jan, Feb, and March. Half of Silver Dollar City rides aren't open, due to weather. You will find more than half lodging and dining place closed.

Branson is a great inexpensive place. We have been there 20+times. It is about 2.5 hours from where we live. About every 4 years we buy a season pass and go multiple times in a year. The Haygoods- our Favorite Show there.

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