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Vera May 13th, 2004 03:21 PM

Manhattan hotel choice
Trying to keep the hotel cost under $140, I'm reluctant to use Price Line, because I need to be in a smaller radius than their zones. My husband is playing in a national bridge tournament at the Hilton Towers at Rockefeller Center. I'm looking at Radio City Apartments (they only have a small suite with double bed)for $112 and Milford Plaza for $109 five nights and $129, $149 for the weekend nights. Hubby will be walking back to the hotel, or riding a cab and blowing our savings, at midnight and is a little concerned about the distance to the Milford Plaza.


Peteralan May 13th, 2004 04:06 PM

Can't help Vera as I'm not a local but have had lots of bad reports about Milford Plaza when trying to make my own plans.

cindymal May 13th, 2004 07:27 PM

Check out the other posts.There are numerous reports about hotels in NYC.

Vera May 13th, 2004 09:24 PM

I've read all the posts I can find. My question is really quite specific, because we would like a place my husband can safely walk to around midnight. I was hoping that someone who has stayed in that area might have some advice.
And to PeterAlan: Although their have been some negative posts here about Milford Plaza, it has a lot of recent positive ratings on tripadvisor, so I'm trying to determine if it really has improved.

nytraveler May 14th, 2004 02:38 AM

There is no reason for you husband not to walk around midtown at midnight. Many people do it all the time and its perfectly safe. Priceline Midtown West hotels wouldn;t be more than about 10 minutes or so from the Hilton.

Even if he wanted to take a cab from the Hilton to any of the Midtown West Priceline hotels the fare wouldn;t be any more than about $4 - hardly blowing the budget.

nytraveler May 14th, 2004 02:40 AM

Sorry - hit post too soon. Do not stay at the Milford Plaza unless you have no other choice - almost all reviews have been negative and there are many better choices on PL.

Anonymous May 14th, 2004 03:48 AM

As nytraveler has pointed out, the cost of a cab (IF needed) wuld be a fraction of what you'd save by using Priceline.

Lois_L May 14th, 2004 04:34 AM

$109 spent on a depressing dive like the Milford Plaza is $109 wasted. Whatever you get through Priceline for that price is bound to be better. Anyway, if you ask for midtown west, the 2 largest hotels in that region are the 2000-room Hilton and Sheraton Center, so chances are you'll get one of those two, and the Sheraton is just a couple of blocks from the Hilton. If you get lucky, you'll get the Millenium or something even better; you need not be concerned about safety when walking around that area at midnight. Your husband will probably think it's entertaining to see how thronged with people the streets are at that hour. Even 8th Ave--if he were to venture that far--which is sort of seedy, is not unsafe. Since concern for safety is not a factor, you don't really need to be in a smaller radius than the Priceline midtown west zone.

Vera May 14th, 2004 12:53 PM

Thanks for some VERY helpful information--esp. the cab fare.
I'm still confused about the mixed messages on the Milford Plaza. If you look at the recent posts on, they are almost all very positive. Those of you who say it is a dump--have you been there in the last six months or so? Is there any chance it has really upgraded?


Eva May 14th, 2004 02:11 PM

It is still a dump and some drunk Welsh rugby player fell out of a 22nd floor window there last night. You will do much better on priceline. Check out for advice. Read through the FAQs and answer the bidding request form and you will get sound advice regarding how to bid.

The area is perfectly fine for walking at midnight--no need to worry.

mclaurie May 14th, 2004 03:30 PM

I agree with the advice you've been given. <i>Forget about the Milford Plaza</i>. If you want a place with mixed reviews, at least get something in a decent location <i>for you</i> like the Wellington (55th &amp; 7th).

I also think you should consider what I think is called the Upper midtown/Central Park South section on Priceline. While the Hilton may fall into midtwon west section, it's really on the edge &amp; the hotel list in the central park south area may suit you better.

If you're really uncomfortable using Priceline, have you looked at the Warwick Hotel (another PL hotel right across from the Hilton)? Also have a look at the Salisbury on west 57th st.(I think they have kitchenettes)

The other really good value is the Apple Core group hotels ( They're a bit south of where you want to be but good price &amp; clean &amp; nice. The Comfort Inn midtown is the best location of the group for you. (Do not assume other Comfort Inns are as good as this one)

Vera May 14th, 2004 04:28 PM

I got very excited about the Salisbury last week after reading posts here, but it is sold out for that week. :-( Warwick sounds great, too, but best price when I called was $169. Still trying to beat that.

grantop May 15th, 2004 04:07 AM

Vera, I'm not sure when you are traveling, but there is a new hotel that will open in July and is offering some good rates. It is not in the area of the Milford (please do not stay there) but you can, as stated above, use cabs. Here is the info that I posted on anther thread:

70 Park Avenue Hotel opens in July, I plugged in some random dates on the website and they have nice &quot;grand opening&quot; rates from $159 - $209. This was the old Doral Park, after 19 million dollars in renovations it's now part of the Kimpton group and the design work was executed by Jeffrey Bilhuber. Reserve on the web or call 877-707-2752

grantop May 15th, 2004 04:08 AM

Asa follow up, have you tried seeing what the rates are for your dates using

TC May 15th, 2004 05:23 AM

Vera, You don't give any hint at dates you need, but both Express Reservations and QuickBook have NY hotels in your price range that can be booked in advance. I suggest you look at their web sites and give them a phone call. I have found the agents to be most helpful and knowledgable regarding pricing, amenities and locations of the hotels they use.

Personally I find some of the NY late night cab drivers more scary than walking on the streets - but that's just my opinion. If hubby is playing in a tournament, there will surely be lots of participants heading out to hotels at the same time. Can't they walk en masse or share cabs to save money? Isn't the bridge tournament organization helping with hotels? Usually a large organized event will negotiate special rates with area hotels. Have you checked with them?

Vera May 15th, 2004 09:54 AM

ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) does list what they call special prices, but they are all higher than I can find on the internet.
Thanks for everybody's input. I'll look at that new 70 Park Avenue.
And I have checked many reservation services, but their descriptions of hotels are very cheery--often not jibing with what is said here.


mclaurie May 16th, 2004 04:12 AM

Vera, while I'm sure the new hotel at 70 Park will be lovely, it is not really convenient to the Hilton. What are the dates of this event? Have you checked prices with the Hilton? Another hotel I remembered you could check is the Wyndham.

TC May 17th, 2004 11:17 AM

Vera, There are several hotels in NY listed at both and that are less than $140 for the July 8-18 time frame of your tournament. Not all are near the Hilton, but some are. I noticed at the tournament web site that they are offering the Hilton at $159 per night. IMHO that is an excellent price. You really won't save much more other places, will spend additional money on cabs, and will have the worry of NY streets late at night. If I were you, I would at least book the Hilton at that price to hold. If you come up with something else at the last minute that is cheaper, you can always cancel the Hilton.

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