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LostAndConfused Oct 28th, 2002 03:21 PM

Las Vegas weather
Can anyone tell me what the weather is going to be like this weekend? We're coming in for some golfing on Saturday, and wondering if it's shorts or long pants weather during the day.<BR><BR>Also, how cold is it going to be at night? I've only been in the middle of summer. Should I bring a jacket and boots for going out at night, or am I going to be boiling in the casinos/shows if I do? <BR>

weatherman Oct 28th, 2002 03:32 PM

Don't know why you couldn't have done this yourself, but says Saturday will be partly cloudy with a low to mid-seventies high, and low-fifties low.

LostAndConfused Oct 28th, 2002 03:46 PM

I did check the forecast for LV on that site. Unfortunately, i've found that is not always accurate. For instance, it says it's 72 degrees outside where i am now, but i will tell you that i'm dressed in a coat, pants, and boots.

weatherman Oct 28th, 2002 03:52 PM

So you're hoping that God is gonna respond to your question?

weatherwoman Oct 28th, 2002 03:52 PM

So the weather forecast from an anonymous poster from anywhere in the world would be more accurate?

LostAndConfused Oct 28th, 2002 04:06 PM

The weather forecast from a RESIDENT OF LAS VEGAS is what I was obviously looking for. <BR><BR>I was not looking for smart ass remarks from a flippant 12 year old who would be better served doing his homework instead of making obvious suggestions (i.e. 5th grader suggestion to look at the weather page).<BR><BR>Yet another valid question going to the pitts because of stupidity by people like weatherman/woman.<BR><BR>Sigh.

weatherman Oct 28th, 2002 04:14 PM

So you think a LV resident has a better idea than the local/national meteorologists? Do you know what the weather on Saturday is going to be where you live? Didn't think so!!! Valid question....NOT!!!!

weatherperson Oct 28th, 2002 04:14 PM

No, it was a stupid question to begin with. <BR><BR>

Laughing Out Oct 28th, 2002 06:54 PM

Lost and Confused: you get the &quot;dumbest rebuttal of the month award&quot;!!<BR><BR>Pretty funny, actually.

ConfusedAnd Lost Oct 28th, 2002 07:39 PM

Can anyone tell me if the stock market is going up or down next week? The so-called experts don't seem to know, so I was hoping that someone who lives near Wall Street could tell me.<BR>

Rhonda Oct 28th, 2002 08:08 PM

I was in Vegas during the week of 10/14-10/20. The weather was very nice, and warm during the day. People were still lying out by the pool (didn't see anyone swimming). The nights were cooler. I was very comfortable wearing my pashima across my shoulders. I also took a leather jacket with me. Wearing boots and a jacket at night will be fine. The temperature in the casinos vary. Just wear something that you can remove easily if you get too warm.

lvres Oct 28th, 2002 09:36 PM

Weather during the day should be around 70 or so. Nights get cool (50's), you need a light jacket but no boots. The casinos are notoriously cold - they want to keep you awake!

donna Oct 28th, 2002 09:58 PM

It was over 100 degrees when I was there last summer!

Sarah Oct 28th, 2002 10:36 PM

Wow, that's hot. It was quite a bit colder when I went there in Febuary. Is that because of weather?

LostAndConfused Oct 29th, 2002 07:59 AM

Thanks for the info Rhonda and Ivres!

weatherman Oct 29th, 2002 08:08 AM

Just gotta know (totally)LostAndConfused, what did Rhonda and Ivres write that was anymore helpful than what I wrote (and what you already knew).

sunnydelite! Oct 29th, 2002 01:50 PM

I used to reside in LV and right now it is usually warm..still in high 70s-low 80s....BUT if you go in Dec.!!! it is only 70 during day.very windy usually...............dry and it gts down to believe it or not..high 30s at night..when its 120 in summer and 70 by dec..your blood thins out..and its FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LV Sammy Oct 29th, 2002 05:55 PM

To sunnydelite!:<BR>You didn't live in LV for long or else your memory has failed you.<BR><BR>Do you know how many days see a temp of 70 or above in an average December in LV?<BR>One. <BR>The average daily high is 57.<BR>It's cold.

oksammy! Oct 30th, 2002 01:58 PM

so sue me sammy...<BR>I lived there about a yr. Hated living there.!!I miss green grass..not fake sod!! yes it was cool...but when i was there in 1999-2000 it was about 60 daily high-sometimes 70!! must have been a warm must have had a memory lapse.. take your ginko biloba! sunny

xxx Oct 30th, 2002 02:34 PM

I was there the last week of November last year and the daily high was about 55.

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