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Ed Lovell Mar 3rd, 2002 06:58 AM

Key West crime?
I'll be visiting Key West for the first time in April. How "safe" is Key West? Do I need to be especially concerned with:<BR><BR>- Valuables in my hotel room?<BR>- Walking in/around Duval at night? <BR>- Pickpockets? <BR><BR>Thanks!!

susan Mar 3rd, 2002 07:11 AM

Key West is one of the safest places we've ever visited. If you'll read the Key West Citizen, you'll see that "crime" usually involves someone getting drunk and losing his/her way home! The places we've stayed have all had safes in the rooms, and we use them. Duval is just fine, and I can't recall having heard or read about incidents of pickpocketing. Remember, Key West is tiny!!! Though it's a very popular vacation spot, the little crime there is is normally limited to places in town that tourists wouldn't be walking.

grglnswsh Mar 3rd, 2002 07:34 AM

I live here and Susan is absolutely correct. We have very little crime. I never hear of pickpockets. Duval Street is very safe except for an occasional bar fight. As with any tourist city, there is a room theft once in a blue moon but the idiot usually gets caught within a couple of hours because he/she is at the local bar laughing about it. We have an area called Bahama Village which I wouldnt want to walk around very late at night but there is little to see there at night anyway. Just a lot of drug pushers and hookers.

CF Mar 3rd, 2002 08:47 AM

Would you say the same is true during Fantasy Fest?

Sal Mar 3rd, 2002 09:03 AM

Been to Fantasy Fest twice and felt totally safe despite the large crowds. Like any vacation spot, just use your head and you'll be fine.

CF Mar 3rd, 2002 03:20 PM

Sal, what can you tell me about Fantasy Fest? It actually an accident that we are going to be there at that time! It wasn't planned and I'm not sure what to expect.

xx Mar 4th, 2002 06:05 PM

It is a wild and crazy time. Party, Party, Party. Very crowded.

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