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annalee Jun 29th, 2005 09:59 AM

Kennebunkport, ex prezs - Bush and Clinton golfing, sailing that area looks pretty
I've been watching footage of the former leaders enjoying themselves at Bush's compound in Maine. It is so lovely there tell me more!

LuvMaine Jun 29th, 2005 10:03 AM

It's lovely. We actually were on the deck of a place called Arundel's having a drink on Monday early evening when someone said, "Here comes the president in his boat." It's a pretty routine thing in Kennebunkport to see him. But as they got closer we all could see that someone was with him, and it turned out to be President Clinton. They were having a great time, 41 giving 42 a tour of the waterways. And everyone waved politely and called hello--it was delightful.

nyer Jun 29th, 2005 10:38 AM

How long will they be there?
And isn't W's birthday this week? I heard he often goes up there to celebrate....

annalee Jun 29th, 2005 10:39 AM

Yes, Arundel's ...does'nt that hotel have a view of Bushs estate? I want to go there.

LuvMaine Jun 29th, 2005 10:52 AM

Yes, Cape Arundel Inn is on Ocean Avenue, just before Walker Point. Arundel's Wharf is in town, on the river. The river flows out to the Atlantic.

GoTravel Jun 29th, 2005 10:56 AM

Kinda heartwarming to see them hanging out.

That or just outright freaky.

Can't decide.

ahhnold Jun 29th, 2005 11:41 AM

Clinton must be campaigning for The Senator. The more appealing she is the Bush 41 supporters, the better chance of winning in '08.

bonniebroad Jun 29th, 2005 01:32 PM

Who else thinks President Clinton looks about ten years older since his heart surgeries and weight loss? Before, he had that robust, cherubic face .... not anymore! I love seeing a Democrat and a Republican out on the water without either trying to drown the other! :p Kennebunkport is one of the loveliest places I've EVER seen ... I'd love to be invited to that Bush estate for a few days! :-) (Barbara is such a hoot!)

OO Jun 29th, 2005 01:42 PM

bonniebroad...are you back?! We need a trip report. I was thinking of you..we leave tomorrow. HOpe the rest of your trip was even better than the first part. I admire your spirit!

From what I have heard, Bush and Clinton actually enjoy each other's company. I thought at first it was PR, but have heard more...maybe perhaps it's for real. He does look a little gaunt but he's probably not recovered fully.

Kennebunkport <i>is</i> gorgeous, isn't it? Now that would be a fun place to sail. If you run aground there though (GoT) you aren't just stuck, you've got a BIG hole in your hull! FL and environs are so forgiving in that regard.

GoTravel Jun 29th, 2005 01:52 PM

Uh oh OO X( , no running aground in Maine (by the way OO did you see Beneteaux and Tommy Bahama have teamed up for a boat?).

Bonnie, where ya been? Agree Clinton has aged. His heart surgeries have taken the toll on his body. Knowing my husband went through similar, not bypass, I'm familiar with his prognosis, surgery, and outcome and it seems to be taking it harder than most his age.

I don't think they told us how severe his problems really were.

OO Jun 29th, 2005 01:57 PM I hadn't. I'm picturing a wild tropical print mainsail. :D

klw25 Jun 29th, 2005 02:05 PM

I actually don't understand how other people in the spotlight who have had similar surgeries (i.e., Letterman) appear to bounce back so quickly. My mom had a triple bypass at age 51, and it took her a LONG time to feel like herself. I know everyone's body has a different recovery rate, but it may be that he pushes himself more than his body can handle at this point. He is a busy man!

GoTravel Jun 29th, 2005 02:07 PM

As much as I dislike Tommy Bahamas tropical print clothing, I sort of like the boat. The hull is creme colored instead of the traditional Beneteau white.

I think it only comes in the Beneteau 42 and Beneteau 48.

LuvMaine Jun 29th, 2005 02:21 PM

President Clinton did look quite thin; but his color was great, and they appeared to be having a wonderful time.

MarionCK Jun 29th, 2005 03:00 PM

Oh yes Annalee it is lovely here in the summer. And people seem fascinated with long-shot views of the Bush compound (bring your binoculars) even in the winter.

But for those of us who live here year 'round, the political visits interrupt the traffic flow and cause further congestion.

Since 9/11 the security measures imposed when either George I or George W is in town are very restrictive to the residents. Example: there was a Bush family wedding last summer and I was unable to leave my street for the duration of the wedding. No vehicular traffic allowed anywhere near the site of the festivities. It was not held at Walker's Point, but near a regular neighborhood. So if there had been a fire or a need for an EMT vehicle, I wonder what the consequences might have been.

Some folks are fascinated with any kind of celebrity encounter, however distant. I'm just presenting another side of the story. The lives of year round, high tax-paying residents are impacted by political visits.


iceeu2 Jun 29th, 2005 03:10 PM

I love seeing President Bush and President Clinton together. When they started the advertising with the Tsunami relief effort, it just did my heart good.

bonniebroad Jun 29th, 2005 03:57 PM

Hey there guys ... trip report is coming, I promise! :-) We just arrived this afternoon from Savannah/Sanibel but ALL WILL BE REVEALED! :-d

OO Jun 29th, 2005 04:10 PM

Oh bonnie, hurry! :D Tempus is fugiting! JK..I can find it when I get home. Hope it was all fabulous. boat is SO pretty! I love the colors in the salon. Boat decor is normally pretty bad, but that has pizazz. I'll take one. That is an upgraded Beneteau, I'm'd cost more than the normal 473. Very pretty wood interior, and I've always liked their lines. in FL, a political hot spot, and DH running a hotel candidates stayed at...or gave speeches at, I can relate!! Once they were on the grounds, and shortly before, I could not leave the casita area...not allowed to walk the property between the casitas and the hotel, let alone drive it. PITA. And when they traveled within town they shut down miles and miles of interstate while they were on the road--and that was, no joke, almost always rush hour! Between security and their normal traveling entourage, I honestly can't even begin to imagine the cost to taxpayers every time they travel--even somewhere briefly. It must be mind boggling. Security would move into the hotel up to a week in advance. Great for us, the hotel, but costly for all of us $$$$! I can't imagine how DC functions every time someone goes out for a jog, or whatever!

LuvMaine Jun 29th, 2005 04:43 PM

A friend rented a condo next door to where the Bush wedding was last summer. For about 10 days prior to the wedding she had no privacy: secret servicemen appearing out of nowhere; frogmen appearing out of the water, and so on. The day of the wedding, she stood on her patio and took pictures of the Bush family. A secret serviceman came up to her and asked her to respect their privacy; she said to him, &quot;Listen, you have invaded my privacy for 10 vacation days; I am taking photos.&quot; He said to her, &quot;Madam, you are absolutely right; I apologize.&quot;

MarionCK Jun 29th, 2005 04:47 PM


I guess there has to be some irony here for me.

I moved to DC, just prior to the election of George I. Endured low-flying helicopters, street closures and refusals to honor long-held reservations at restaurants because a politico was dining.

Finally escpaed to the coast of Maine where I had spent many summers. The realtor's selling point: President Bush lives just down the street. This was I thought, no problem. He was a one term president, there can't be that much interest.

As I said, irony and a bit of ignorance on my part. But who could have predicted George II ;-) !

There will be more careful research before my next move !


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