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crhalvorson Feb 24th, 2004 01:31 AM

Which would you choose? Cpt Jefferd's Inn, Cpt Lord Mansion, or Cpt Fairfield? Is there a theme I'm going for? Please advise....need to book soon. They all have desirable qualities.

sam Feb 24th, 2004 05:30 AM

I had done homework on the same and decided on Capt. Lord Mansion. Never ended up getting there, but I've heard lots of good reviews about it, hopefully someday I'll get the opportunity to go! Whatever you decide, please remember to do a trip report when you get back!

syddiez Feb 24th, 2004 07:37 AM

We stayed at Captain Lords in September (and got engaged there!) It is fabulous and in a terrific location! I cant wait to return - We stayed in two rooms, the Oriental and the Americana - They were both great (though i preferred the americana - it was Toile heaven!) and the breakfasts.... Please let me know if you need any more info.....

MarionCK Feb 24th, 2004 07:39 AM

As a nine year resident of Kennebunkport, I would say Captain Lord Mansion. Stunning rooms and wonderful service.

Just another suggestion...although not in line with your theme ;-)...would be Cape Arundel Inn.

Right on Ocean Avenue with spectacular ocean views....not something you will find at any othe *Capatins*.

The restaurant at Cape Arundel is also among the best in town.

I stayed at both properties while househunting.

Let me know if I can help with other local suggestions.

syddiez Feb 24th, 2004 07:43 AM

We ate at Cape Arundel (delicious),(if you dont eat there - go sit on the porch and have a drink while enjoying the view) and checked out the rooms - all in all think Captain Lords is much more unique and closer walking distance to town....

crhalvorson Feb 24th, 2004 11:01 AM

I will check out the Cape Arundel, MarionCK..thanks. As a 9 yr resident, where should we eat? Anything in the area we shouldn't miss. The weekend trip is for relaxation...reading, walking on the beach.

I've been to Maine 4 times and have driven the entire coast...I would move there in a heartbeat!! I've seen all lighthouses by land.

Any advice is much appreciated.

MarionCK Feb 24th, 2004 11:38 AM

Why don't you write to me privately, tell me when you are coming and what kind of dining experiences you're after....casual or more upscale. I know you probably want some *lobstah* :-) !

I don't know where you live, but before you move to Maine, in a hearbeat ;-), let me tell you about our *wintah* :-) !!

[email protected]

crhalvorson Feb 27th, 2004 11:14 PM

MarionCK, I took your advice and booked the Cape Arundel..the rooms do not appear as elaborate as the other b&b's but I'm hoping the ocean breeze will compensate what the room may lack. I usually like to view the rooms before booking, Cape Arundel doesn't offer this on website. Hopefully, the money spent will prove unregrettable! Thanks for the input.

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