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John Feb 20th, 2001 01:02 PM

Kauai Helicopter Tour
My family of four will be on Kauai in June and wanted to take a helicopter tour, then I saw the prices. Is it possible to negotiate a better price than approx. $160/pp for a 60 minute ride? For a family of four that's alot.

Rick Feb 20th, 2001 01:12 PM

check out Jack Harter Helicopters Don't know if they dicker, but IMO the best.

Frank Feb 21st, 2001 02:17 PM

Maybe about ten years ago, we bought the Entertainment coupon book for Hawaii and there was a two for one coupon in it for a helicopter ride on Kauai. Their website is The problem is that I don't know how to tell what is in the book without shelling out the $30. It was a once in a lifetime experience, so I'd recommend skipping some fancy restaurants and spending the money on the helicopter ride.

juli Feb 22nd, 2001 01:50 PM

Frank's advice is right on--it is so extraordinary you really won't regret it. However if there are four of you and you're there for more than a couple of days, I think the entertainment book might be worth it for you--we use them when visiting with my folks and our kids for lunch restaurants, boat trips, etc. and it's been economical. <BR> <BR>Totally unsolicited advice and I have no idea of the ages of your family members so feel free to completely disregard--we're waiting until our kids are at least 10 or 11 to take them on the helicopter. It's expensive, I don't know how much they'd really absorb, and in '98 we went up with a "totally BORED" nine-year-old, who started at the ceiling with her arms crossed, and her four year old brother, who slept through the whole thing. This delightful experience cost $230 for the kids and $300 for the exasperated parents!

judy Feb 26th, 2001 01:44 PM

Everyone is right!!!! Skip the fancy dinners you must do the helicopter flight. You will talk about that forever and not remember the resturant that you ate at. Visit some of the websites...some offer discounts if you purchase ahead of time on the internet. I don't have them handy right now but can get them. The flight is just breath taking and a helicopter is the only way to see it!!!! judy

Rick Feb 26th, 2001 07:46 PM

DO THE HELOCOPTER!! Best time we had was with this "Vietnam-Vet" flying this copter, listing on the headphones to the theme from Apocolips Now!! WOW What a blast! We even have a video from the flight.....Have Fun!

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