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Marie Apr 15th, 2000 08:30 AM

Kauai Coconut Beach Resort
Anyone stayed there? Comments.... Is it on the rainy part of the island? How is the beach and pool? Service???

Colleen Apr 16th, 2000 03:39 PM

Hi Marie, <BR>We stayed at the Kauai Coconut Beach about 3 years ago. It never rained while we were there (in January). The beach is OK, but there is a lot of coral in front of the hotel and it isn't that great for swimming. The pool is nice and the service is average. There is a path from the hotel to a shopping area which we walked to a few days for breakfast, shopping and a movie theatre. Eggberts was a good place for a great breakfast. The path may be gone because it was through a vacant area that may have been developed since we were there. There is Hawaiian music every night out by the pool after around 5pm. Have fun, Hawaii is my favorite place to go!!!

Beth Apr 25th, 2000 07:39 AM

Hi Marie, <BR> <BR>We stayed there last October. I would not recommend this hotel. The Hotel is not maintained and caters to large tour groups. As the other post mentioned the beach is not good for swimming.

Todd Apr 27th, 2000 11:37 AM

I've stayed there several times, including once earlier this year. I wouldn't expect much rain...the northern part of the island is rainier than the Coconut Coast, which is where the hotel is located. The beach is pretty nice but you can't swim'll need to drive to a swimmable beach. The pool is great, the service is good (I found the staff to be friendly for the most part). I also know that they have replaced furniture in a lot of the lower-priced rooms, which is a big improvement.

MICHIGAN GIRL May 2nd, 2000 05:30 AM

We are staying there next week, it was set up through Northwest Airlines, our first time there, we have ocean view room. I am not sure I like the response on this hotel. I am already getting disappointed and I have not even packed yet!

Lani May 2nd, 2000 07:09 AM

Marie, <BR> <BR>If there's any way you could change to another hotel on the South Shore (Poipu area) or North Shore (Princeville-Hanalei), I would do so. This hotel is a moderately priced, "just okay" hotel. I don't like the East coast compared to the other areas, not nearly as pretty!; while it is convenient to other areas, it's not that great itself. If you do stay in that area though, drive up the road to Lydgate Beach, which is great, unlike the one at the KCB resort, and eat at Cafe Coco one night (in Kapaa). <BR> <BR>This area and hotel is not what I go to Hawaii for. And I can hear your apprehension already, so I'd try to change it! Best of luck.

Lani May 2nd, 2000 07:11 AM

Marie, SORRY! I was addressing MICHIGAN GIRL!

Noach May 3rd, 2000 01:25 AM

To Michigan Girl: <BR> <BR>If there it is too late for you to change now, I wouldn't let it bother you too much because Kauai is supposed to be so spectacular that you wouldn't want to spend too much time at the hotel anyway because you'll want to drive around and see the island. <BR>

Joseph May 3rd, 2000 07:05 AM

MICHIGAN GIRL, <BR> <BR>If you push these travel agencies hard enough, they will change hotels, etc. for you, even if they resist at first. The Coconut Coast (Kauai Coconut Beach Resort included) is a wonderful area for budget travelers. However, if you're going to Hawaii for a bit more than that, I'd change to a different location. I don't mind a Days Inn, for example, while traveling through Cleveland for one night - BUT that's not what I want in Hawaii! Good luck.

plainjane May 3rd, 2000 01:14 PM

Why all the snobbery on this hotel? <BR> <BR>It is a nice place, central location,within walking distance to great, inexpensive restaurants and shopping. The restaurant there is good (Luau was so-so)and service friendly. <BR> <BR>The beach is a "sunning beach" i.e lava ledge/not too much sand. But decent for snorkeling. <BR> <BR>I've spent time on the east shore and have more fun meeting people there than any 10 phonies ("Wanna-bees") in Princeville or Poipu at the sterilized hotels of the Hyatt/Sheraton/Princeville/Marriott or Hanalei Bay. <BR> <BR>I've never met anybody on the <BR>No/So. Shore areas that weren't "millionaires" back on the mainland. <BR> <BR>If ya gotta talk about it, you don't have it. <BR> <BR>I've got to go lie down and let the prozac take over. <BR>Aloha.

Joseph May 4th, 2000 12:52 PM

Plain Jane, <BR> <BR>I will NOT cop to being a "snob." I don't think that wanting to stay in an especially nice place in Hawaii is unusual on my part. I think many people consider trips there to be extra-special, and want something a little extraordinary (right, Fodorites?) <BR> <BR>I'm trying to save someone from being disappointed on their vacation. It's an awful feeling to plan and dream and save, and then have your stomach flip-flop when you arrive at your destination! <BR> <BR>Sounds to me as if you're a little jealous of people who can afford more, from the manner in which you go on and on. <BR> <BR>But aloha to you, just the same! <BR> <BR>Joe

plainjane May 4th, 2000 04:23 PM

Joe, Wow! Did I sound that bad or didn't you catch my (apparent bad) attempt at sarcasm with the Prozac remark.? <BR>My extremely rich, tall,handsome husband who drives a Mercedes 500 SL and owns 2, errrr INVENTED the internet when Al Gore was in diapers, says my humor IS somewhat warped. <BR> <BR>I guess my travel agenda is diff from the most, especially on Kauai since we have been there quite a few times and have stayed at most of the places being discussed during our first few visits. <BR> <BR>By all means, if it is something special and you want a "sure thing" you can go with the "Brand Name" like Hyatt, Sheraton, Marriott (we stay at them when we travel on the mainland),Princeville, et al and the chances are you will not be disappointed. <BR> <BR>If I have a choice of staying 18 days on the east shore at $120/day with a rental car at a decent hotel with an ocean view ("that I don't spend much time in anyway") while on Kauai, OR... <BR>10 nights at a place with a "Authentic Garden View" room for $200+, you know which one I'm choosing. <BR> <BR>As for "Class Envy", I have no class to envy. Taste is relative and all my relatives taste bad. <BR>Mahalo and Kauai No Ka Oi! <BR>PJ

cj May 4th, 2000 07:36 PM

stayed there 3 years ago. The oceanview rooms are at an angle so you can see the ocean but some not real close. I was disappointed at first, but after a day was glad we stayed there because of it's convenience. We were gone all the time to everything in both directions.

Joseph May 4th, 2000 08:31 PM

Why would you stay somewhere that is not appealing to you when you walk in the door at night? For the same money, you can find places to stay in more appealing areas - using the Entertainment card, you can stay at the Hanalei Bay Resort in Princeville for what you'd pay at Kauai Coconut Beach, and it's WAY BETTER! In Poipu, there are condos and B&B's for that same money, and the location so superior! Why not be where it's lovely all 24 hrs. a day? How many vacations do you take to Hawaii in a lifetime? I say, make it special!

PJ May 5th, 2000 09:20 AM

Joseph, OKOKOKOK....You win....If it's special, SPEND THE DOUGH. Just don't lambast people who actually enjoy the east shore. It is still special to us. <BR> <BR>Ever hike to the top of The Sleeping Giant? Kayak up the Wailua? Swim in the pool below the Opaekaa Falls? Hike to the Wailua Falls? Hoopii falls? Golf the Lagoons courses? Wailua Public course? Keahua Arboretum? Eat at A Pacific Cafe,Mema's, Cafe Coco, Hong Kong Cafe, Kintaro's or The Bull Shed? <BR>Mountian bike the cane roads? <BR> <BR>But, when my husband pilots our Lear jet over each December/January for the past 12 yrs, we like the location of the east shore..With an ocean view. <BR> <BR>Maybe we're tainted because we are fortunate enough to be able to go over each year? <BR> <BR>We usually buy a Chevy, uhh err I mean a Jag when were are there. Convertible of course. And my husband usually buys me some fine Hawaiian heritage braclets, err uhhh he bought me a jewelry store..yeah, that's it. <BR> <BR>The Entertainment card! Please...Maybe that's why there are so many wanna-bees at the big resorts? <BR>"I wouldn't want to stay at a place that would have me as a guest" (forgive me Groucho). <BR> <BR>I do love the cliche "The rooms aren't that good but who cares? we're never there anyway". <BR> <BR>People on the east shore must be suprised that it is not lovely 24 hrs a day! Once again, snobbery raises it's sleepy head. Special is what you make it. Lovely is relative. All of Kauai is beautiful. <BR> <BR>I hope MICH GAL will post when she gets back. <BR> <BR>Time for me to clean the house...I mean let the maid in . <BR>Mahalo, <BR>PJ

Joseph May 5th, 2000 10:38 AM

PJ, <BR> <BR>YOU lambasted first!!!! I never lambast if I can help it! Seriously,I am definitely not a snob (I stay in Hampton Inns and Comfort Inns on most trips on the Mainland!) <BR> <BR>On our last trip to the Big Island (where we were staying at the Royal Waikoloan, $115/night E. Card, thank you!), we met a young couple at their luau, and they were SO-O-O disappointed in their first trip to the Islands, and I really felt sorry for them ........BUT: <BR> <BR>They had not researched their trip AT ALL, hadn't read one book or brochure, just told the travel agent they wanted to go to Hawaii for a week. Well, she booked two nights on Maui, then five nights in Kona on the Big Island, to keep the trip cheap. They got what they paid for - the wife hated the Big Island. Maui was what she'd had in mind. Now if she'd been booked in the right place on the B.I., she would have been much happier, but as it was, she didn't like anything about it! Of course, they did this to themselves, but I'll never forget the disappointment on their faces. <BR> <BR>So research, research, research yourselves BEFORE you book, people! Don't depend on others. That's what I'm saying. Know what you want. <BR> <BR>But I'm not lambasting anyone, PJ. The person above had said they were already depressed, and they weren't even there. I'm just trying to prevent another sad young couple! <BR> <BR>Aloha, PJ. Have a nice weekend!

Kal May 5th, 2000 01:05 PM

Wow! <BR> <BR>Some posts! We've stayed on the Eastshore for the past 9 years at a hotel near the KCB (I'd say which one but I don't want to be called a Travel agt. again!) and it, along w/ the KCB is a good, central location close to a lot of "stuff", clean and at a reasonable price. No more, no less. <BR> <BR>Granted, the Eastshore doesn't have the absolute beauty of the Hanalei Valley, Na Pali coast areas or the sunny side at Poipu, but, hey, it's still Kauai! Count your blessings. <BR>You're there! <BR>For special times the big resorts over there are VERY nice. If you are a frequent visitor then you know the "Inns and outs" (pun intended PJ and Joeseph) of where to stay and eat and frolic, so who's to say who is right? <BR> <BR>I can say it is worth the extra money to get a convertible rental car. Especially if it's a clear night and you're on the West side of the island because the sky is on fire! I think the local paper "Garden Isle Gazette" has a website and you can find out when the local astronomy society has stargazing seminars up at Kokee St. park. <BR>Sometimes the local rental agent will offer you a special on the convertible if you ask nicely! <BR>Just be careful for the sudden bursts of "Liquid Sunshine". <BR>Peace and Mucho Mahalos, <BR>Kal

Igavon & Sam May 5th, 2000 03:18 PM

Really enjoyed reading all the opinions about the Kauia Coconut resort. <BR>Any comments on places to stay for a reasonable price in Honolulu? Are the Ohana hotels worth the cheap price? <BR>Have fun michigan Girl!

Love Kauai Jan 7th, 2001 07:58 PM

Please don't stay at the Coconut unless you feel you have no other alternative. My husband and I stayed there in November, and it was not an experience we'd care to repeat. <BR> <BR>I know we set ourselves up to be disappointed because we spent the first half of our trip at the Hyatt as a splurge (absolutely worth every penny and then some). But we were not prepared for our musty smelling room overlooking the trash compactor (the ocean lingered somewhere beyond...). The toilet broke twice. Our air conditioner broke once. The buffet made my husband ill. The decor is something out of a bad Miami Vice episode. It's quite obvious that no one has taken care of this hotel. The service was lazy and non-helpful - it took 3 phone calls to get someone to look at the air conditioner. <BR> <BR>I believe even a budget hotel should still be tastfully decorated and well-run. This hotel is neither. <BR>

ECH Feb 8th, 2001 11:22 AM

Stay away from the Coconut Beach. We were there last March and moved to the Sheraton after one just one night.

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