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cmeyer54 Mar 29th, 2004 07:18 PM

Just saw my first two episodes of Airline
Am I the only one who knows: 1) never put critical meds in checked baggage 2)if you lose a paper ticket, they don't just 'replace' it free of charge 3)nobody can travel with 2 oxygen tanks on board an airplane especially when the daughter in law tells the camera that they 'took my mother in law out of the hospital against doctor's orders??? 4)a piece of luggage won't be replaced if the damage is one very tiny tear and there is zero proof it happened during that particular flight? I'm not a 1k flier by any means but the issues I saw tonight sure made me wonder about the lack of common sense in the travelers profiled tonight!

travleis Mar 29th, 2004 07:53 PM

While there are inexperienced fliers on all airlines, Southwest attracts more leisure travelers and fewer business travelers. On average it's probably easier finding people acting goofy at Southwest (which is featured on the TV show).

KathrynT Mar 31st, 2004 02:26 PM

Wasn't that episode amazing?! I couldn't believe the family that was willing to risk the grandmother's health to go to Vegas. The daughter-in-law kept saying "she'll just be sitting, she won't need her oxygen". Well, she was just sitting in the airport and she needed her oxygen!

vegaslover73 Mar 31st, 2004 03:51 PM

What about the woman who had a FIT because she missed her flight -- WHY did she miss her flight? She showed up at the airport only 10 minutes prior to departure and tried to get through security with wrapped presents. Uh, hello? Ever heard of security post 9/11? So what did she do? Cussed out Southwest and the customer service rep. who was trying to help her and who was kind enough to waive a $20 fee when he rebooked her. I wanted to slap her!

jor Mar 31st, 2004 04:17 PM

before "Airline" I never realized that there were so many blame game idiots and liers who fly. Those people who have a gripe with the ticket agent or gate agent think they are getting one over on the airline when the camera is on them. But they all end up looking like total jerks.

SusanCS Mar 31st, 2004 05:48 PM

At the risk of sounding totally dumb...what night is Airline on? And what time?

cmeyer54 Mar 31st, 2004 06:03 PM

I saw it on the 29th which would have been Monday - A&E network I think. We have Tivo so I think I'll just set it up to record whenever....for laughs. I'm really amazed at the number of drunken passengers that they have to refuse boarding to or people that don't respond to the last call for boarding because they are in a bar and then get abusive when the plane is gone...even when they get on another flight an hour later at no additional cost.

buckeyemom Mar 31st, 2004 06:36 PM

Susan-Airline is on Monday nights on A&E at 10 EST.

Don't these jerks know that their behavior is going to be on televison for their co-workers, family and friends to see?

martytravels Mar 31st, 2004 07:38 PM

I can't believe some of those people agree to let their segments be aired on TV. They look like such total and complete jackasses.
And are there really that many drunk people taking flights? I've noticed maybe a couple on the many flights I've taken. Then again, I never fly Southwest and quite honestly, I'm none to eager to do so.

mgc Mar 31st, 2004 07:46 PM

These people really exist! On one experience a couple right in front of me pitched a hissy fit because they had showed up at the ticket counter 10 minutes before departure and the agent informed them the plane door was already closed. The woman passenger insisted they hold the flight and when the agent refused she went ballistic. These folks couldn't comprehend why they couldn't board if they were there before the departure time. Then they tried to blame the line at the ticket counter for their late arrival. Amazing. I'm happy to report the plane was not held for them and they were booked on a later flight. Maybe next time they'll believe "arrive 2 hours early" isn't a suggestion but a necessity.

lenleigh Apr 19th, 2004 11:48 AM

My husband and I watched four episodes last night. Passengers were obviously out of line except for one scene. Did any think the overweight guy having to buy two tickets was ridiculous (in this cicumstance)???

Obviously there were at least two empty seats on that plane, one of which had been purchased for him already. Why make the poor guy pay for another seat, just sit him next to the other empty seat and the "problem" is solved. I understand if it makes someone else uncomfortable to have to sit next to him. It just seemed like Southwest could have caused a lot less embarassment, saved time and kept everyone happy but instead they just looked greedy.

bogger Apr 19th, 2004 12:44 PM

I can vouch for most of the ticket agents horror stories, as I've heard many myself. Some of my favorites always occured during severe weather conditions and when the commuter airline I worked for was either grounded or waiting for ground fog to lift. The most common..... is: "Don't you know who I am?", or "I have a very important meeting to attend". But my all time favorite was when a (male) passenger pointed his finger inches away from my face demanding "I get him a plane"! You know where I wanted to put that finger now don't you!!!

missjanna Apr 19th, 2004 01:18 PM

Yes there are people like that.

On a flight from Miami to LGA last summer during thunderstorms, our flight was delayed about a half hour. Another flight which was due to leave before ours ended up being delayed 3 hours.

A couple (along with other people) started yelling "You don't understand, we need to be on this plane, we have friends of ours on another airline getting in at the same time". Now here's where I found this amusing.
1. The couple said they bought the tickets 2 days before.
2. They were on standby because they couldn't get on the flight they booked.
This woman caused such a ruckus arguing for almost the entire delayed half hour, that the manager threatened to have her removed from the airport. (I would have liked to see that, but oh well!)
Anyway they made it onto the flight along with the others, but because of the severe thunderstorms, it turned out to be the flight from hell with everyone screaming and crying as the plane dropped and shaked for most of the flight. At the baggage claim area, I saw the same woman behind me hysterically crying still that it was the worst flight she'd been on, so I said to my BF in a mimicking voice "well they HAD to be on that plane!". She gave me a dirty look, but I just smiled.

Although, yes I am still amazed at the number of people that just simply don't bother checking the rules of airports and airlines.

tcreath Apr 19th, 2004 01:43 PM

I always get a good laugh when watching that show! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only person who actually read the rules and regulations in fine print on my tickets! I mean, some of those things are so obvious, such as trying to board a plane with oxygen tanks, and then they blame Southwest! Amazing! If these people ever read the fine print and used some common sense, they wouldn't have these issues to begin with!

bucky Apr 19th, 2004 01:48 PM

I'm amazed how many people fly totally bombed.

I have to admit I've lost interest in the show, though. I watched several episodes, and after a while, it gets kind of repititious. It's depressing to me to watch over and over, how many stupid, nasty people are in the world.

mcarey Apr 19th, 2004 01:56 PM

I am a Court Clerk in a Municipal Court
I'm amazed at when I come across the patient and polite. It's a rare thing now days to find someone who accepts responsibility for their actions, instead of placing blame and showing what a butt they can be. If we could only tell them all to Get over it!!! Working in the public has taught me to be more patient, easy going, and forgiving; not take my own frustration out on someone who's just doing there job. I don't want to be like the people you have posted about. There is a lesson to be learned in watching this kind of behaviour.

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