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Ali Jul 1st, 2002 02:37 PM

July weather in Vegas
Thinking of going to Las Vegas middle of July - will the heat be unbearable this time of year?

Keith Jul 1st, 2002 02:40 PM

Outside - Yes (~105-110)<BR><BR>Inside - Maybe (usually freezing)

Rich Jul 1st, 2002 02:53 PM

It will be really, really hot outside, but there are ways to deal with it. I actually really enjoy going to Vegas during July and August because it's not crowded and you can get some good deals.<BR><BR>From about 10 am-6 pm, it will be too hot to spend any time outside. It's okay if you're just making a quick dash from one air-conditioned place to the next, but don't try to do any major walking. There are monorails between some of the major casinos that allow you to cover the distance without spending much (if any) time outside.<BR><BR>When I go during the summer, though, I like to spend the afternoon at the casino at my hotel and also taking a nap. Then I get up and go out again as the sun's starting to go down. I actually really enjoy being out after dark during the summer because even though it's still hot, it doesn't feel too bad because the humidity is so low, plus I think your brain tells you that it's not supposed to be hot at night.<BR><BR>I say go and enjoy yourself...just plan to sort of reverse your body clock and snooze during the heat of the day.

tothe Jul 2nd, 2002 06:22 AM


Mrs. D Jul 2nd, 2002 08:09 AM

Thanks for your useful advice, Rich. We're going for the first time to Las Vegas in late August and dread the heat but hopefully, it will be OK.

Sue Jul 2nd, 2002 08:45 AM

I live in the midwest and HATE the heat but LOVE going to Las Vegas. We go in August a lot and I can actually stand it. I always thought it was a bunch of cxxx about being a dry heat but it really does make a difference. I'll take 105 with no humidity over 90 with 85% humidity any day.

Kim Jul 2nd, 2002 09:35 AM

I have been to Las Vegas twice in July in the last 2 years and both times it was extremely hot....drink lots of water. Most days by 10 am it was over morning I remember it was 113 at 9:30am..We also went to the Hoover Dam and at the base it was 140. Just stay in the casino and have a great time......

scarlett Jul 2nd, 2002 10:34 AM

Today in NYC is 95 and humid.I would love to be in Las Vegas where it is 110 and dry.<BR>We go often in August,walk around,it is great!

Ragdoll Jul 2nd, 2002 11:35 AM

I live in Las Vegas- and yes-- it is very hot in July...but not as bad as August, which is our "monsoon" month--then it is hot and humid! I remember the temperature being 112 degrees and it was raining--which in Las Vegas, also means flooding! BUT- every hotel/car/taxi/bus has air conditioning here- so enjoy!

Mark Jul 2nd, 2002 12:56 PM

Ali,<BR><BR>"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer I spent in Las Vegas."<BR><BR>Sam

Kyle Jul 2nd, 2002 05:59 PM

Kim:<BR>The highest temperature ever recorded in North America was 134.0 F in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.<BR><BR>Highest temp in Nevada history was 125 at Laughlin 6/29/94.<BR><BR>140 at Hoover Dam (not as hot as DV and Grand canyon base) seems a LITTLE high.<BR><BR>Also, 113 F at 9:30 AM is virtually impossible since, according to the US Geoloical Survey "Death Valley has the hottest summers in the Western Hemisphere, and is the only known place in the United States where nighttime temperatures sometimes remain above 100°F".<BR><BR>Your note should be titled "Fish stories from my trip to Las Vegas".

Dan Jul 3rd, 2002 12:43 PM

yes, but.......................its a dry heat *W*

Mr. Weather Jul 3rd, 2002 01:02 PM

Ali,<BR><BR>July in Vegas???????? Weather?????? What do you expect?????<BR><BR>This is on the Dumbest Question list.<BR><BR>Unbeilievable. <BR><BR>Mr. Weather

dice Jul 3rd, 2002 01:47 PM

Vegas really is unbearable in the summer. Just stay in the casino all day. I went on Memorial day once and couldn't beleive it !! When I went outside I thought there was an A/C exhaust hittin me at the door, but realized it was just the real outside.<BR>I was glad to get back to Florida where was in the eighties and humid!!!!!!!!<BR><BR>And beleive it or not it was 10 degrees hotter in Phoenix at the time !! How do they do it ?

Ali Jul 3rd, 2002 01:54 PM

Mr. Weather - <BR>Get up off your chair - take off your carpal tunnel brace - and get a life! The question was legit and this board is, or at least was started for questions like this. I am tried of rude people like you attacking those of us with questions - even though you think you know it all and wouldn't have asked this question I did and I appreciate the responses I have received.

OllieB Jul 3rd, 2002 02:23 PM

The 100° + temps are not that bad. Worse is sitting on the car seat (while you are wearing shorts) and touching the steering wheel. OUCH ! ! !

Jay Jul 3rd, 2002 08:05 PM

I used to live in PHX.<BR>If you had to park your car outside during the summer, it was often necessary to have a towel in the car to allow you to touch the steering wheel or metal knobs to avoid slightly burning your skin.<BR>How do people deal with it?<BR>Stay indoors during the 10AM-4PM hours during summer. Nights are beautiful during the summer.

Jim Rosenberg Jul 4th, 2002 04:57 AM

It's no coincidence that hotel rates and airfare deals to Vegas in the summer can be very cheap. It might be worth going, just so that henceforth, you will always a comeback when somebody starts complaining about the heat wherever you happen to be. "This is NOTHING! We were out in Vegas in the middle of July and DANG!!!....." :o)

Mr. Weather Jul 4th, 2002 05:18 AM

Ali,<BR><BR>If this site was started for questions like this, it would have suffocated from boredom in about a week.<BR><BR>This is for legitimate travel questions. If you can't figure out what the weather in Las Vegas is like in July, you must live in a vacumn.<BR><BR>Mr. Weather

Kim Jul 4th, 2002 05:49 AM

Wow, Kyle you have alot of time on your hands. The 113 at 9:30am was on the marguee at Cesars palace and I do have it on video tape, and the 140 was what the tour operation at the Hoover Dam told me..and since I didn't bring a termometer (spelling) I had to assume the info was right. I have no need to make up a story.......Please........<BR>As for a dry heat the saying is "so is a oven but I wouldn't want to stick my head in it"........LOL Have a great Day everyone.

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