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jor Dec 25th, 2003 04:43 PM

Its FREAKY FRIDAY, the day after Christmas. How did it go? Rants and raves.
My rant. My brother faked a slip and fall and showed up on Christmas Eve complaining about a pulled muscle, and insisted on driving 180 miles back to his home because he would "feel better in my own bed" and left. Our parents bought his whole charade. aaarrg.

My rave. Daylight is getting longer. ya-hooo! \:D/

Budman Dec 25th, 2003 04:57 PM

Rant: Having to spend Christmas Eve with the outlaws.

Rave: jor's brother having a great excuse not to spend Christmas Eve with the outlaws. ((b))

Scarlett Dec 25th, 2003 05:40 PM

RANT: I ate too much.
RAVE: It was a Beautiful Day!

mona Dec 25th, 2003 06:39 PM

Rant: I also ate too much and didn't exercise enough.

Rave: My kids behaved all day, and the inlaws mostly did too!Just a great day, really. And, once the Xmas rush is done, I always begin planning spring break and summer vacations!

BarneyRubble Dec 25th, 2003 07:09 PM

Sad...very sad.

amp322 Dec 25th, 2003 07:47 PM

What's wrong Barney?

gail Dec 25th, 2003 09:11 PM

Even though at dinner table were 2 in-laws with Alzheimers, my brother who drank too much, my sister-in-law who is critical and depressed - husband, our 2 teenagers, mother and I all had a great day - food was good, conversations bizarre but hysterical - and our guests go home today!

And this AM I am off to buy supplies to try out my new espresso maker.

MzPossum Dec 25th, 2003 09:54 PM

Rave--lovely weather, nice Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner with friends; saw "Cold Mountain" with friends tonight, got a KitchenAid mixer.
Rant--"Cold Mountain" was excellent, but VERY harsh and depressing.
Rant--no matter what I do, I'll never be the aunt to my sister's kids that their other aunt is. Sigh.

arjay Dec 25th, 2003 10:18 PM

Sometimes, we don't know what "aunt" or other important relative we are to people for years to come....Stay in there, be there...and you may well be the one whom they treasure and remember!

Rant: "The Holidays" could well be enjoyable, sans the weeks-long battering of rampant commercialism and consumerism...How about a maximum 14-day period of anyting smacking REmotely of C'mas???

Rave: For at least the 2nd year in a row, my spouuse has gotten C. Eve
tear-y over how good we feel about our two kids' lives and the people they've chosen.

ccolor Dec 26th, 2003 03:01 AM

My indoor cat ran away and hasn't been seen since the 20th - it's cold, he has no front claws and we're missing him so much! NOT a good Christmas season at our house.......

Meesthare Dec 26th, 2003 03:39 AM

Oh, wow, ccolor, I'm so sorry about your kitty. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my two. I hope he turns up - it's certainly still possible that he will. Hopefully he's been found by someone who will return him to you.
As for my own raves: managed to get everything done yesterday for our belated Christmas celebration today. Baked, cooked, wrapped, cleaned up, and survived. Lots of "help" from the cats, but managed to do it all anyway. Now counting the days (4) until my sweetie gets home from the West Coast,and counting the hours (5) until I see my newest little grandson. The family will be descending shortly; why am I still sitting here at the computer? See you all later! :)

kodi Dec 26th, 2003 04:06 AM

Rant... I ate too much and so was "Christmas Dinner Full", a phrase we use all year. was a beautiful day spent with wonderful friends.

Scarlett Dec 26th, 2003 04:54 AM

arjay, we watch as little television as possible around this time of year, it is either commercial crap or depressing news.

ccolor, that happened to us years ago, a young very small black and white cat slipped out the door the week before Christmas..we were all so sad.
Christmas morning she came back, a little dirty, looking like she hadeither a really good time or not such a good time.
We found out soon enough, when she had a bunch of kittens!
I really hope your little cat will show up with all sorts of stories to tell about her adventures.

RobinBinNYC Dec 26th, 2003 05:47 AM

Happy Holidays!

Rant:So many businesses are closed! I went to 3 bagel stores yesterday before I could find one open AND stocked. I guess everyone deserves a vacation sometime :o)

Rave: Went to see the Return of the King, which was excellent!

MzPossum Dec 26th, 2003 06:32 AM

Thanks, rjay--you're right. And ccolor--prayers for your kitty.

SandyBrit Dec 26th, 2003 06:37 AM

Rant: All the unncessary tissue paper, cardboard, pins, tape etc. attached by the manufacturer to shirts, toys etc. What a waste!

Rave: Sons safely home to the Midwest from New York City and San Diego. Daughter, husband and the two precious little grand-sons came across the river home from St. Louis. Thankful for the telephone that allowed me to chat with my mum across the big pond in Felixstowe, England this morning. Mum just turned 84 so will try and plan another visit home to her early 2004. I am off work today.


PamSF Dec 26th, 2003 08:41 AM

Rave: only one drunken relative phoned on Christmas! We had good dim sum with loved friends, a walk along the SF Embarcadero followed by seeing "The Station Agent"..what a feel good movie it is! Despite forcasts of big storms, it was a crystal clear day here. Only 2 clients today and not until 11:30 which meant breakfast in bed and time enough to read both the NY Times and the SF Chronicle. Happy Morning After, folks.

arjay Dec 26th, 2003 08:41 AM

Returning for another rave: Slept in. Really late. Mmmmm. And curled up, warm and toasty under the covers, I thought - If you have this.... untroubled sleep in a safe and warm place, whatever else, of a material nature,could possibly count as much?

buttercup Dec 26th, 2003 09:17 AM

Rant: No snow
Rave: The kids are still young enough to believe in all the Christmas magic. And (to keep this travel related), we had a great time in Chicago the weekend before Christmas. Thanks to all who gave trip-planning advice.

winerycat Dec 26th, 2003 10:28 AM

Rant: As a dramatic finale to our lovely Christmas dinner, we all heard a loud "crack!" and felt an earth-shaking thump in the backyard. We jumped up, ran to the windows and saw one of our big, tall trees had been completely blown down by the high winds.

Rave: It fell exactly in the right place, somehow missing the house, outdoor furnishings and garden plants.

Rant: It's gonna take lots of work to get it out of there! Happy Freakin' Friday! :-)

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