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Lou Sep 2nd, 2002 04:01 AM

Is there anyplace that you love to visit but would just hate to live?
I am curious- are there places where people love to visit where they would love to move to (if they could afford the houses, get a job etc.)<BR><BR>Also, is thre anyplace (city/town) that you just love visiting but would hate to live?

x Sep 2nd, 2002 04:19 AM

I enjoy visiting small towns especially near beautiful places. I really don't want to live in small towns. I like the diversity, medical, cultural, & shopping of medium to large cities for my home.<BR><BR>I also like to visit overseas - Asia. Loved visiting but don't want to live there. <BR>

xxxxxxxx Sep 2nd, 2002 04:36 AM


Paul Rabe Sep 2nd, 2002 04:54 AM

Love to visit, and would love to live there: New York City.<BR><BR>Love to visit, but wouldn't want to live there: Grand Canyon.

dave Sep 2nd, 2002 05:20 AM

My guess is for most people who click on to a travel forum the answer is lots of places. They like seeing places, sometimes many times, but prefer living where they do. <BR><BR>I live in LA, and can't see living anywhere else, although I have been to so many cities, countries, and regions that I lost count. <BR><BR>Top list is as follows: Love visiting Hawaii, but too limited to live there. Love NY, but too hectic to live there. Love London, but weather sucks. Love lots of small towns and rural aread, but like living in a city.

NYer Sep 2nd, 2002 05:22 AM

Florida<BR>Las Vegas<BR>Maine<BR><BR>

don Sep 2nd, 2002 05:39 AM

I love the west coast (San Francisco, San Diego and Seattle), but being a federal employee, my quality of living is a lot better living here in the midwest.

Julie Sep 2nd, 2002 06:00 AM

I love visiting northern California and the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, Vancouver, Portland, etc.) but its too far from family. I also love New York City but its too expensive for me.

Greg Sep 2nd, 2002 06:59 AM

Love to visit, could never live there:<BR>Seattle<BR>Vancouver<BR>Coeur d'Alene<BR>Montana<BR>western Oregon<BR>San Francisco<BR>Lake Tahoe<BR>San Diego<BR>all of Hawaii<BR>Santa Fe<BR>Scottsdale<BR>Sedona<BR>Las Vegas<BR>Utah's National Parks<BR>Boulder/Denver<BR>San Antonio<BR>Austin<BR>Minneapolis<BR>Chicago<BR>Koh ler, Wisconsin<BR>Door County<BR>St. Louis<BR>New Orleans<BR>Atlanta<BR>Naples, FL<BR>South Beach Miami<BR>DC<BR>Smoky Mountains<BR>NYC<BR>Maine's coast<BR>Vermont in general<BR>parts of New Hampshire<BR>Montreal<BR>Adirondack Park NY<BR>Anguilla<BR>Grand Cayman<BR>Bermuda<BR>Barbados<BR>BVI's<BR>

x Sep 2nd, 2002 07:24 AM

Greg, "most of the planet" may have been easier...

Greg Sep 2nd, 2002 07:35 AM

You're very quick, "x".<BR>That was my point.<BR>Sorry you didn't get it.<BR><BR>There are very few other places I would want to live....if I really wanted to live somepleace else, I'd be there.

Susan Sep 2nd, 2002 08:40 AM

Without a doubt, New Orleans!

x Sep 2nd, 2002 08:46 AM

Where do you choose to live, Greg?

Belinda Sep 2nd, 2002 08:46 AM

Greg, where do you live?

Postal Sep 2nd, 2002 08:48 AM

Southern California.

Good Life Sep 2nd, 2002 12:01 PM

Greg, I suspect you are keeping the secret of the good life here in Houston to yourself. My list looks a lot like yours and I live in Houston.

ab Sep 2nd, 2002 12:19 PM

Boston, I love visiting but not sure I can endure the cold winter and raising kids in the city. I would like to try it for a while but not possible so I'll continue sweating in my south Florida humidity.<BR>

Jan Sep 2nd, 2002 12:42 PM

Las Vegas... Love to visit, but couldn't live there.

suzanne Sep 2nd, 2002 12:50 PM

Vegas, Chicago, Utah, and Florida (though I don't like visiting Fla for any other reason except that my parents live there and I don't get to see them often).

Greg Sep 2nd, 2002 01:56 PM

New Canaan, CT.

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