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nelsonian May 22nd, 2012 04:44 PM

Ideas sightseeing Cape Cod/Boston in a very short time.
What to see and do in CapeCod area/Boston in less than three days. DD and SIL have a gig at the Grand Cru Hyannis Friday 9th Nov, we will be staying with them in NYC then. We are going with them to the gig Friday, need to be back in NYC Mon night 12th Nov as they have a gig at Paris Blues Harlem 8,30pm. Not much time to do a lot of sightseeing, I really wanted to see Boston, Any suggestions.

starrs May 22nd, 2012 07:54 PM

You're going to love Cape Cod. I'd spend most of my time there since you are going on to NYC. November will be chilly but it will be gorgeous. Do you have any interest in getting out on the water? On my next trip, I'd really like a boat ride along the coast of Hyannis (and to get a look at the Kennedy compound from the water). I've not done this yet but here's a link -

Are the "kids" interested in sightseeing too? If not, maybe you could borrow their van to get out and about to see things. I love Provincetown and would recommend spending the night there. Maybe Saturday the 10th there? That would give you Saturday to see things on the way to Ptown and then on the drive back off the cape on Sunday. I wish it were summer so you could go to the Wellfleet drive-in, but they open just in summer. I've been to Ptown many times and it's fun just walking down the two main streets, checking out galleries, stores, grabbing a bite to eat. I love the Lobster Pot. One thing I highly recommend is Art's Dune Tours. I can't believe it took me years to go on his tour. I also like biking the trail through the dunes. The fall dune foliage is low to the ground but colorful. If you can spend most of Saturday sight-seeing, you could head to Boston on Sunday and spend the evening there and do a bit of sightseeing before you head to NYC. Personally, I'd rather spend the time on the cape rather than going to Boston - sand and sea and one city, rather than two cities. Just my personal preference.

Rastaguytoday May 22nd, 2012 08:52 PM

Given that short of a period of time, I would stay in Boston.

There's a heck of a lot to see there, and not wasting a bunch of time driving back and forth would be your best bet.

Save the Cape for a future trip, when you can do it justice.

nelsonian May 22nd, 2012 09:30 PM

Rasta we live in New Zealand, this will probably be the only chance we get, unless the kids get a green card and stay there permanently.

Thanks Starrs, DD and SIL played the jazz festival in Provincetown last year and they loved the place too. I think we may go there Saturday, and head to Boston Sat night.

Ackislander May 23rd, 2012 03:12 AM

How are you getting to the Cape?
How are you getting to Boston?
How are you getting from Boston to NYC?

Starrs mentions a van, but I don't see it in your post.

5 hours from NYC to Hyannis.
1.5 hours, Hyannis to Provincetown by the scenic route, Highways 6A and 6
2.5 hours Provincetown to Boston
4.5 hours Boston to New York

Pretty much everything in Provincetown is likely to be closed at that time, and it is the life of PTown that is interesting, not the buildings.

I would skip it and spend my Saturday exploring the more picturesque parts of the Cape between Sandwich and Orleans along Route 6A (King's Highway), then along the Naational Seashore and down to Chatham, then back to US 6 to go towards Boston. It will be dark sometime around 5 PM at this time of year, maybe a bit earlier.

I am going to assume you will stay somewhere in the Waterfront or Back Bay area. Use Priceline to get a reasonable deal, though this time of year is as close as Boston every comes to a low season. A car is a huge liability in Boston. You can park yours in the Boston Common garage, which is likely to be a lot cheaper than any hotel parking, but I would not leave valuables in the vehicle overnight anywhere.

In Boston on Sunday, if the weather is good, explore Beacon Hill, walk the Freedom Trail from the Common, and have lunch at one of the Italian restaurants in the North End. In the afternoon, take the Red Line T subway to Harvard Square in Cambridge and explore the Harvard Campus and surrounding area. Walk along Memorial Drive to see the Charles River, then back to the T to return to Boston. If you want to eat dinner in Cambridge, Dolphin Seafood on Mass Ave is reliable, but there are many other places.

Monday morning, I would walk through the Public Garden to Newbury Street aand explor it as far as Mass Ave to see the trendy shops. Return on Commonwealth Avenue. At Clarendon Street, turn right for Copley Square. Visit Trinity Church and/or the Boston Public Library's historic sections. Get takeaway sandwiches at Parish Cafe on Boylston, return to your hotel, check out and leave for NYC.

socialworker May 23rd, 2012 05:27 AM

My niece went to NZ for her honeymoon and her photos showed some of the most magnificent scenery I have ever seen! That would be my reason for suggesting that you concentrate on Boston. As much as I love the Cape, as you say you may not get another chance to visit Boston and it is a singular city in the US. Weather in November is iffy anywhere in MA but crummy weather in the city would be much less of an issue than it would be on the Cape.

ggreen May 23rd, 2012 06:18 AM

As much as I love the Cape and area at any time of year, it's very true that November is at best cold and blustery (albeit bright with sunshine and sharp contrasts between land and sky), and at worst dreary with chilly downpours...

Agreed that it would be good to know how you are transiting from NYC to the Cape/Boston. Also what your timeframe on Friday will be.

If you have the flexibility, I would suggest driving up early on Friday, stopping for lunch in Connecticut and then have the afternoon to see a bit of what the Cape is about. Or take a little detour en route to perhaps Newport, RI.

Staying mid-Cape (where Hyannis is), you can still venture along scenic Route 6A or out to one of the beaches on Nantucket Sound on Friday, without committing to going all the way to P-town. Then come Saturday, depending on weather and inclination, spend some more time on the Cape or head right into Boston.

What are your specific interests in Boston?

gomiki May 23rd, 2012 06:31 AM

I think some of the posters are missing the fact that the OP WILL be in Hyannis on Friday, 11/9 with their DD and SIL. Telling them to skip the Cape won't work.

And nelsonian, I would love to meet you at the Grand Cru!

starrs May 23rd, 2012 06:37 AM

It is my understanding that they will all be together - traveling in a van. The son and DIL are performing in Hyannis on Friday night and performing in Harlem (NYC) on Monday night. They are trying to decide how to spend their time in between.

"We are going with them to the gig Friday, need to be back in NYC Mon night 12th Nov as they have a gig at Paris Blues Harlem 8,30pm."

gomiki, that will be wonderful if you get to go to Grand Cru. nelsonian, she's delightful - as I'm sure you are. :-)

socialworker May 23rd, 2012 07:29 AM

I got that, I just meant to leave the Cape early am and spend the rest of the time in Boston as opposed to sightseeing on the Cape......

starrs May 23rd, 2012 08:31 AM

I'm sorry. I got that backwards. Daughter and SIL

nytraveler May 23rd, 2012 09:23 AM

The OP and family HAVE to be in Hyannis on Fri for the gig. It's not a matter of will they see the Cape - it's a matter of can they fit in Boston too - since they have to be back in NYC for Sun evening.

To play it safe you wuold have to leave Boston - or the Cape by about noon on Monday - perhaps earlier if ther is bad weather. Assume you will all be together and have hte van for tansport.

At that time of year I would head to Boston Sat am and get a hotel there for Sat nd Sun nights and park the van. Boston is best seen on foot - driving and parking are a real bear. there is plenty to see and do in the city - don;t miss the Freedom trail and visit Lexington and Concord on the way into Boston (to see where the Minutemen faced down the British regulars - and started the revolution). If you've never been you might want to consider a whale watch - but you may get a lot of that at home.

nelsonian May 23rd, 2012 11:54 AM

Thanks for the advice and suggestions everyone. I think we will spend most of Saturday doing some of the Cape depending on the weather, and then head to Boston Sat night, spend Sunday and Monday morning there. However A & J want to be back in NYC by 4pm so thought as an option we could take the Bolt Bus back later in the afternoon and still get there in time for the gig.
I did see that it is Veterans Day on the Monday so it's a long weekend. Will that make a difference traffic wise. Probably a silly question really.

Gomiki love to see you at Grand Cru also.

Bowsprit May 23rd, 2012 12:17 PM

Monday traffic, and bus availability, will be something to contend with. Plan accordingly.

Bowsprit May 23rd, 2012 12:24 PM

btw: I love the Cape during most months of the year but November is Not gorgeous on the Cape. You might luck out and have crisp, clear days but you're just as likely to have dismal, dark, cold, rainy days. Daylight savings time adds to the gloom.

If the surf isn't wild, and you find someone to take you out on the water, layer up with hats, gloves, scarves, and thermals. It'll be frigid on the water in November.

The Cape starts to shut down after Labor Day but is really very sleepy in November. Boston, on the other hand, will be fabulous in November!

Enjoy your stay in Hyannis, there are a few wonderful restaurants on Main Street. Inaho, nearby, is great for sushi and is open year round. I always enjoy Hyannis. If you do get a warm day, set out early and drive up to the National Seashore in Eastham. Nobody will be there and with any luck, the roaring surf will put on a show.

starrs May 23rd, 2012 12:37 PM

I used to go the third week of October for several years and we had glorious weather. Perhaps we just lucked out, but the heaviest jacket I wore was a leather bomber jacket - and it remained unzipped most of the time. Maybe two weeks later (Nov 9th) would make a big difference or maybe we just lucked out. The first time I went to the cape was in March after a conference in Boston. It was cold but not as bitter as Boston has been during December and January meetings. A lot of the places in Ptown are closed, but it was the weekend and we had plenty galleries and restaurants to choose from. Ptown in March was like entering a frozen winterland - but I loved seeing a seaside town that way. The weather in Ptown in late October was delightful. Maybe that was just a birthday present from the weather gods. ;)

Bowsprit May 23rd, 2012 12:46 PM

You just lucked out.

Ackislander May 23rd, 2012 12:47 PM

Lexington and Concord are a long way out of the way coming from the Cape, esp since it getting dark early that time of year since Daylight Savings Time ends Nov 4.

A whale watch in November would not be my idea of a good time, and they have plenty of whales in NZ, or did before the Nantucketers went there in the 19th century and killed as many of them as they could.

Yes, it will be a holiday on the Monday, but that will have no effect on commerce: schools, banks, and government offices will be closed, and there may be the odd parade.

Bowsprit May 23rd, 2012 12:57 PM

I don't think the whale watches continue into November but I could be wrong. I meant to have written the 'end' of daylight savings time adds to the gloom.

All the parades on the Cape are odd..

Bowsprit May 23rd, 2012 01:00 PM

Dolphin Fleet out of Provincetown stops touring on October 28th, 2012.

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