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crosbie Jun 25th, 2003 06:13 AM

I dont know if this counts but here goes: As a kid on a family trip we were driving around Columbus, Ohio (I think) looking for a vacant hotel room. There was a drivein theater FACING the road that was showing a Linda Lovelace porn. The think was we couldnt find a place to stay and MUCH to my parents dismay we had to drive past that drive-in about 10 while we gawked out the window...

Lee4 Jun 25th, 2003 06:45 AM

All my "weird" sighthings happened between Arkansas and Louisiana when I was driving back to college. I usually drove back on a very rural highway where there lots of farms. One day, I noticed something in the road ahead and slowed down, realizing it was a whole herd of cattle! Most of them moved out of my way but one just stayed in the middle of the road. I had to come to a complete stop and honk at the cow for several minutes before it moved.

Along the same road (different trip), I had to slow down for pigs running around in the middle of the road. They did move out of the way pretty fast.

Last story--I was again driving back to college, but was using a more urban route that actually had a 4 lane highway. In the median between the roads, there was a dead black and white cow on its back, legs sticking straight up in the air--stiff as a board!

zootsi Jun 25th, 2003 06:48 AM

On a busy road in New Jersey, there was a real estate office that had a large sign out front that said ' EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SOLD'. Early one morning I saw that someone had changed the last three letters on the sign to 'HIT'.

Owen_ONeill Jun 25th, 2003 06:49 AM

Driving north on Interstate 81 in NY state between Cortland and Preble very late at night. Came over the crest of a small hill and there was a car sitting in the driving lane with the lights on, the driver's side door open and no one in it. Very creepy.

Honorable mention goes to the "help I've been kidnapped by men in a gray van" note scrawled in soap on a restroom mirror at a small truck stop in PA. Called the state police and was advised that they'd had a half dozen calls already but were still investigating.

mamajo Jun 25th, 2003 09:12 AM

This is a fun thread! Thanks to whoever brought it back up..

Not weird, but an eye opener
Last summer while driving through one of the Dakota's a semi passed of those 'lo-boys' that haul big equiptment, and it appeared empty, until it was about half way past me and I caught sight of a Tonka Toy sized truck/piece of machinery firmly tied down! I looked up and the driver was watching my hubby and I both gave him a thumbs up! Cute idea!

Another one happened about 3 years ago on our way from Florida to Ohio near Gainsville. A car passed us and I noticed the tied down trunk not shut as chair legs and 'stuff' was still sticking out. Then I noticed the back couldn't see anything but more stuff there, and as we passed the passenger side, all we saw was a person sitting hunched up against the window with no room at all as clothes and other stuff where just shoved in and filling the car to capacity. We think there was a driver, but couldn't see anywhere in the car. I wonder if they ever made it to where they were headed,or if the police finally stopped them. Very unsafe.

suzanne Jun 25th, 2003 09:46 AM

I've got a few:

* This winter in the deep NYC snow, I saw a couple of guys snowboarding across the Brooklyn Bridge. They were holding onto ropes attached to the back of a van. Saw them go across three times!

* My parents' recent experience: They were driving up a hill and saw a DRIVERLESS MOTORCYCLE coming towards them. It miraculously stayed on the correct side of the road. As they drove down the other side, they saw a guy running up the hill, screaming and flailing his arms. The bike had obviously gotten away from him. The bike eventually went off the road onto the grass and fell over. No one was hurt.

* Twice on the Taconic State Parkway in the middle of the night I have seen a car driving on the wrong side of the median. Luckily it has never been my side!

* Saw a car with its entire roof ON FIRE driving down the L.I.E. They must have been in a hurry.

jor Jun 25th, 2003 09:52 AM

I saw a herd of pigs (pork barrel variety) crossing Pennsylvania Ave. in DC!

irishdame Jun 25th, 2003 12:15 PM

As I slowly drove down a steep,snowy, slippery hill in PA I peered through the blowing snow to see a pack of HUGE dogs running across the road at the bottom. Worried that I would start to slide and hit them I slowed to barely a crawl. As I got closer I saw that the huge dogs weren't dogs at all..they were deer!! I came to a stop and watched as at least 300 deer ran from the woods on one side of the road to the woods on the other side. It was beautiful.

Tansy Jun 25th, 2003 12:54 PM

In Germany as a young child with my family, late night road trip under terrible conditions -- my Dad was driving and white-knuckling it -- we were driving up "Alligator Mountain" (I think that was the english translation), a two-lane mountain pass with steep drop-offs on either side, almost NO visibility, nowhere to pull over . . . there was a semi truck ahead of us, my Dad was using its taillights to help navigate. All of a sudden, like a dream sequence, the truck just started pulling to the right, and went over the side of the mountain. Right through the guardrail, it seemed like slow motion. We all just watched in horror, we could not stop and this was long before cell phones. It was one of the eeriest moments. We called the police as soon as we got over the pass and to a town, but I'm sure that driver was killed.

On another somber note -- those shoes are usually from car accidents. People lose shoes when they are thrown from the car, and shoes they've taken off while riding also get thrown out of the car during accidents. Clothing on the road is sometimes from accidents as well -- removed by paramedics at the scene.

travellyn Jun 25th, 2003 02:39 PM

Boy, these are some great stories, at least until the sad ones at the end.

One night, I was riding in a car at night with 3 other people. We were leaving a wildlife refuge, and there were no lights anywhere around us.

For some reason we were talking about a friend's pet frog. All of a sudden, a frog started hopping in very high arcs across the road. We hit it, despite attempts to avoid it. We were all a little upset.

A minute or two later, we saw a rabbit munching grass about 10 feet off of the shoulder, and (meanly) I suggested that the driver could go out of his way to hit it, too. Of course, then the rabbit ran into the road, and we ended up hitting it despite swerving to avoid it.

At that point, the softhearted girl in the back seat started crying and said "please, whatever you do, don't start talking about deer."

Scarlett Jun 25th, 2003 03:02 PM

I just had my Weird Road Moment today!!!

Ok, this isn't the weirdest thing that I have seen, but it made a difference in my day and there is this posting so here it is:)
Took Pup to the groomer. Driving home, went around a curve and there on the corner was a small bird and an even smaller bird, really tiny.
As we passed, I said, that must be a baby. I could not go on without knowing if that was a little tiny baby bird, on the edge of the sidewalk by the road, so I parked and ran back.
It was a tiny sparrow-just had feathers but could not fly yet. Apparently it flew out of the nest but had not gotten good enough instructions on getting BACK to the nest...
It's mama was flying around us fussing.
I picked it up with a tissue, reached over a metal fence and put it down next to a bush on the ground.
Hopefully, it will learn to fly quickly and mama bird can feed it in the meantime.
So, I felt very good about not leaving a little baby bird on the side of the road.
The End :D

enjoylife Jun 25th, 2003 05:16 PM

Driving on a road in Phoenix there was a cow crossing/warning sign on the right and a dead bloated cow upside down on the left. What a warning!

Dutch Jun 25th, 2003 06:09 PM

Last week as we were driving by a high mountain lake I saw something that looked like the Loch Ness monster in the middle of the lake. I turned the car around to get a closer look. Eventually the figure turned into a soaking wet deer which climbed onto the shore and scampered up the mountain. I guess she was too lazy to go around the lake.

goldenstatesman Jun 25th, 2003 06:36 PM

Couple of strange things on drive into Yellowstone. One was a sign advising travelers that they were entering grizzly bear territory and that the "special rules" applied. We would gladly have abided by the "special rules" indicated on the sign, had we only known what they were.

Second was a bright orange triangle on the side of the road. As we passed it by we wondered aloud what it could be for, then we hit a tremendous bump in the road that caused us to raise out of our seats!

Needless to say, signage in the Yellowstone area is a tad cryptic.

theladyjess Jun 25th, 2003 07:32 PM

While coming home from a friend's house late one night my husband almost hit a porcupine.
Going from Castine to Bangor Maine a sign showing that we were traveling North, South and West at the same time (3 highways coverge for awhile). We stopped and took a picture.
These posts have had me laughing...great fun!

joesorce Jun 25th, 2003 08:55 PM

Last week on Los Angeles radio, the traffic announcer said "traffic backed up for miles on the 5 freeway northbound due to elderly man in a bodybag in lane 3"

(no joke)

Maggi Jun 26th, 2003 03:36 AM

Several eerie things have happened to me in the middle of the night on long drives across the country. A huge horned owl flew in front of our windshield. For what seemed like an eternity we stared at it's startled face as it backpedaled trying to get away. Thankfully, we didn't hit it. Another time, I was driving one of those endless, long, straight, deserted highways out west, lit only by a full moon, when in the distance I made out what looked like a very tall, lanky man walking toward me in the middle of the road. I had been driving a long time and thought I might be hallucinating. The closer I got the weirder he looked. I finally rolled to a stop and found myself in the middle of a herd of wild horses. The "man" was a horse I had been seeing from the front. Finally, on a marathon drive back to Michigan from Denver I was slipstreaming a couple of eighteen wheelers, again in the middle of a dark night. The first went over a hill and disappeared, then the second disappeared. A few minutes later, as I reached the hill I found myself in a cloud of smoke, zero visability. I screeched to a stop. In the haze, I could make out one of the trucks on it's side, fire and smoke pouring out of it. No fatalities, thank God, but odd and scary nonetheless.

bashful Jun 26th, 2003 05:42 AM

true story that happened to my business colleague. She was in sales on a driving trip in Eastern Canada. It was early in the morning on a beautiful sunny day but she was going from one small town to another and in the middle of nowhere. There was no traffic. As she was driving she suddenly saw a man laying on the side of the road. She pulled off several yards down the highway but she was afraid to approach the man in case it was a set up. She backed up, drove up beside him with her doors locked and windows slightly down an called to him - nothing. She used her cell phone to call 911 but had no idea where she was. So here she was all alone, no traffic and there is a good possibility that there is a dead man on the road.
The police were great..took them some time for her to try and explain where she had been for breakfast and where she was going...she knew what road she was on but hadn't paid attention how far she had driven. Police came, man was in fact dead...police said she was wise not to have gotten out of car as the man had been killed (foul play) and it was possible that whoever had done it was in the bushes...unlikely but possible. A very frightening incident.

Retired_teacher Jun 26th, 2003 06:16 AM

Back in the early seventies, my husband and I were driving to Florida on I65 in the middle of the night. We had been following a classic VW van for sometime when suddenly we noticed a strange light coming from inside the van. Suddenly the van pulled over and several people in various states of undress came pouring out the back of the van. We never stopped to find out what they were smokin!

Heyfella25 Jun 26th, 2003 06:27 AM

We were driving back from King's Dominion on 95N back a few years ago when I was a kid and we saw a pick-up truck with a puppy tied to the bed. The liftgate was down to reduce drag and my cousin and I were thinking what would happen if the dog decided to jump. All of a sudden, the puppy leaped from the back of the pickup and fell to the ground while the truck was going about 70 mph. It was dragged about a quarter mile before the driver stopped as my dad was honking the horn to let him know his dog had jumped. It was awful, we saw the dog try to run but to no avail. Eventually it was just dragged on his belly, then his back, then his belly again. We pulled over to see if it was alright as the family was pretty distraught. The poor thing was all mangled but still alive. When I came to the truck, I realized that it was a cat and didn't feel so bad after all. :)

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