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Deb Aug 25th, 2001 05:19 PM

I think I messed up
I agreed to a promotional tour on the Imperial Majesty cruise ond some time in Florida I just have to take a tour of there resort.comments please

Joan Aug 25th, 2001 05:30 PM

Don't sign anything or let yourself be talked into anything. You might want to take someone with you who will help you be firm. These people are very good at persuasion.

Kyle Aug 25th, 2001 08:15 PM

There are some interesting threads about this kind of thing in the archives here. <BR>Your common sense is telling you that something bad might might end up doing something you'll later regret due to strong persuasive influence. Your common sense is correct. Good advice above about taking a friend. <BR>Another is to practice your defensive strategy prior to going. Be prepared to tell them that you lost all your money in bad internet investments or something. Tell them that your mother is dying of cancer and that there are tremendous financial pressures bearing down right now, etc.

TellTheTruth Aug 25th, 2001 08:29 PM

I don't think you should lie about it. Be sure you find your backbone before you go, and then use it. State upfront, "I have no intentions on buying anything and have regretted this decision since making it. If you wish, I will leave now."

Jackie Aug 25th, 2001 08:39 PM

But be advised that every one of those salespeople has been carefully trained to have numerous strategies for breaking down the simple statement "I have no intention of buying". Some will appeal to your emotional side, try to make you angry or feel cheap or sorry for them, some will use gimmicks to take away your perspective. <BR>Just beware that many of these people are SLICK and forceful. <BR>Do not underestimate them.

Les Aug 25th, 2001 08:57 PM

Don't mess around with them. When they push you (and they will), tell them you're not interested. Don't try to tell them it's more than you can afford; they've already researched your financial status, and wouldn't have "invited" you if you really copuldn't afford it (been there, done that). The advice given above, to be straight with them from the start, is good. <BR>If you don't have the backbone to handle that briar patch, don't go!

KenCT Aug 26th, 2001 03:07 AM

All good advice. Never have gotten myself in that specific type of situation but when I must deal with agressive salespeople, and cannot walk away, I continually repeat, like a mantra, "I'm not interested" over and over.

cindy Aug 26th, 2001 04:29 AM

The above is all excellent advice. The more information you give these guys, whether it's true or not, the more they have to play with. Just saying "I'm not interested" tells the story and doesn't give them anything to manipulate you with.

susan Aug 26th, 2001 05:01 AM

Added to the above advice, I'd suggest you check with the Better Business Bureau about the group making this offer. There have been a number of lawsuits and complaints issued against promotions of this kind.

Other Deb Aug 26th, 2001 07:08 AM

You don't have to go on that cruise. Just because you agreed to it doesn't mean you have to go. What if you got sick? What if you had a funeral to go to? What if you just had second <BR>thoughts? <BR> <BR>Unless you won't be uncomfortable taking advantage of the food, etc. while being subjected to intense pressure to buy something out of guilt or because of fast-talkers, I'd stay home. Or go somewhere else.

thereuare Aug 26th, 2001 07:36 AM

This takes some guts but i imagine it worked great (as i read somebody else did it): <BR> <BR>If you agreed to a 1 hour presentation, go in with a timer, set it to 1 hour, then turn to the guy, "OK, you got 1 hour, start now." Then when the hour is up, thank the person but say "no thank you", and get up and leave. <BR> <BR>Another "trained" response is for them to make you feel guilty by saying, "If you had no intention of buying, you shouldn't have wasted both of our time." To which you should reply, this trip would have cost me (for example) $600, and i don't make $600/hour, so i don't feel i've wasted MY time." If they ever say that you've wasted THEIR time, just remind them that THEY CALLED YOU and begged you to come down, so you gave them a shot, listened to what they had to say, and you're still not interested, "thank you very much", and then leave. <BR> <BR>Have a fun trip and just be prepared to say "no."

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