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seetheworld Aug 11th, 2004 12:47 PM

It's sort of like the snow shovels during a snow storm - I envision garages filled with multiple shovels - are the same people going out to buy them each and every storm? :)

Suzie Aug 11th, 2004 12:47 PM

Not much is ever forcast for the central valley area. I live on a hill and all the water flows away from me so even when part of the town flooded enough for Pres Clinton to visit, we were high and dry. My personal big fear is earthquakes, having been in many big ones. Unfortunately we can't really plan for those.

Do those reporters doing live shots ever actually go to the grocery store? Every cart has milk, eggs, water etc every day of the week rain or shine! LOL ;)

dcespedes Aug 11th, 2004 12:50 PM have a cat so I need to know what is a pigs ear? :@) Is it what the name implies?!? >) Are they toys...chewies...? Curious....

Please be safe and take necessary in-laws lost their home during Andrew :-( You are in my thoughts :-) Now, about that ear...

GoTravel Aug 11th, 2004 12:51 PM

SuzieQ, the evacuations are usually voluntary or mandatory and have nothing to do with residents. In voluntary evacuations vacationers may be advised to leave. Under mandatory evacuations, EVERYONE must leave.

When an area is under a Hurricane Watch it means that a hurricane may hit and conditions are favorable for the storm. Under a Hurricane Warning, it means it will most likely hit within a certain amount of hours.

dcespedes Aug 11th, 2004 12:52 PM

Icon issues!!! Where did the little green man come from, I don't know!

Mary2Go Aug 11th, 2004 12:55 PM

Here in So Calif when they tell us the big one is coming I get out my floaties so when we fall into the ocean I will be saved!

GoTravel Aug 11th, 2004 12:56 PM

Susie, I stand corrected. The evacuation for the keys is mandatory for non residents and visitors.

It must be to get everyone off US1 so the residents can get out.

Scarlett Aug 11th, 2004 12:57 PM

This is just Fabulous!! Thank you all for so much great information!
I know snow...lotsa snow...but that always finds me snuggled with a pup or a husband or both in front of a nice fire.
HERE, I will sit in front of all those big glass windows and doors and watch the tops of those pine trees :(
Luckily, we drink bottled water so there is plenty, Thanks GT for the bathtub full of water suggestion.
I have one of those huge garden tubs, we can all climb in and have a candle lit bubble bath too..should make the time go more pleasantly :D
I am also very happy to see that Peanut Butter is Emergency food and that it is OK for me to eat it..How do PB&J sandiches go with Pinot Noir?
Milk! Important in our house, I cannot drink coffee without it, I am cranky without coffee, you can imagine being stuck in a house in a storm with a cranky coffeeless Scarlett...(sort of in the general catagory of Worst Nightmares)
I think those reporters are photographed in one other spot, aside from the grocery store line.
Standing out in the storm, slicker hood over head, yelling into the microphone as huge waves break behind them. :)
I will keep an eye on the water though, big waves and we might head for Georgia, anyone in NYC want a nice couple with a pup for a week or so?
Bighugs everybody ((L))
does anyone really like to be called a Riviera Redneck ? :o

FainaAgain Aug 11th, 2004 12:57 PM

And nobody mentioned candles? Wine and candles, what can be more romantic? Use the situation!

And make sure you have everything GoTravel mentioned in the 1st post.

SuzieQ Aug 11th, 2004 01:00 PM

In this statement is seems to say it is mandatory for the non residents to leave the Keys. I understand what you are saying Go Travel but I think they have to think of the road traffic if they were to evacuate everyone at once.

Scarlett Aug 11th, 2004 01:00 PM

Faina, I printed this thread with lists! I will be prepared for anything!!

Pigs ears...yes, sigh, they are exactly that. Smoked .. they are Caviar to a Pup.
Cats are more refined, they like real Caviar :D

GoTravel Aug 11th, 2004 01:00 PM

I forgot to say get plenty of ice.

If you have a lot of expensive stuff in your freezer, buy duct tape and insulate your freezer in case you lose power.

Fill the other bathtub up with ice.

SuzieQ Aug 11th, 2004 01:01 PM

I forgot to post the link

seetheworld Aug 11th, 2004 01:02 PM

Be, cheese, candles... during the blackout of '77 that led to a baby boom!!

FainaAgain Aug 11th, 2004 01:02 PM

Scarlett, take this list to the supermarket and start shopping, LOL

razzledazzle Aug 11th, 2004 01:04 PM

Well, the upside might be that
you get a few days notice!

Here in Earthquake-ville you just
never know...SHAZAM and it's shakin'!!!
During the '89 quake I was on the 32nd floor of a building in SF and it gives a whole new meaning to the idea of "swing dance"...had I any notice I fer sure would have been elsewhere!

As Anonymous said, I was certainly glad to have washed my hair that morning-I didn't have power for 6 days
(had to relocate).But, there were certainly folks worse off than me.

So, as there is no point to rushing
out for milk after a major rumbling event, (I have had more than one moment of noting tiny tremblors while in the market purchasing the milk),
and we most likely would not have power
to keep it cold anyway, I would be better served to have fresh water and
old wine.
Yep, we do have a stocked Earthquake locker,'cause we just never know.

You all stay safe and if "they" say
go, GO!

stjohnbound Aug 11th, 2004 01:07 PM

Just picked up all the lawn furniture, etc. and raised the boat up as high as it'll go on the lift. Scarlett, trust me, PB&J goes great with Pinot Noir! In fact, everything goes great with wine during a storm. On a more serious note, you may want to invest in storm shutters for those big picture windows. We have the same here and believe me, those shutters make you feel much safer, especially with those pine trees swaying all around you (I have those too).

Scarlett Aug 11th, 2004 01:08 PM

I think I have been accused of posting

GoTravel Aug 11th, 2004 01:09 PM

Scarlett, Pinot Noir and Peanut butter would be too rich.

Funions! Now there's a food for a good bottle of vino!

Do you have good board games? Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, cards, Pictionary, scategories, etc.

You must have a selection of board games.

Squirt cheese and cheeze-its are good food. If you cannot find cheeze-its, Guac flavored Doretos.

While I still smoked cigarettes, one time I ran out. It was ugly.

Blacktie Aug 11th, 2004 01:09 PM

lol, sure they love it! And regrets, but that's an r, r and n ... reflecting small cap status.

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